Wednesday, August 30, 2023

2023 Fall Goals

Thanks for popping into Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I'm going to share something on my mind and invite you to link up and share what you're thinking out loud about today.

Tomorrow is September!  What happened to summer?!?  Even though fall doesn't officially start until September 23, it seems like when we flip the calendar from August to September, fall is officially on the way.  (Queue all things pumpkin.)  Today I'm thinking about what some of my fall goals are and wanted to get them down on paper.  Here goes ~

Spend some time in the leaves
I love the changing of seasons.  When the leaves begin to transition to their wildly beautiful colors, I love being amongst them.  Hiking in the fall fills my cup.  This fall I'm hoping we can visit a few new hiking locations and revisit some of our favorites.

Clean out and purge my closet
A few years ago I spent quite a bit of time cleaning and reorganizing my closet.  For months it was in tip-top shape.  Now, it needs a little TLC.  It's time to do a purge to get rid of items I haven't worn in a while and throw away things that are beyond their best life.  In case you're at a point of organizing your closet, I'm linking a few of my favorite items I used in my closet.  That hanger organizer was a game-changer!

Research our next vacation
We are taking a cruise in a couple months and I want to familiarize myself with the places we are going.  I haven't been on a cruise for years and, to be honest, cruising wasn't one of my favorite things.  But my husband, son, and daughter-in-law have had wonderful experiences so I'm giving it another try!  

Plan a party at our house
Hosting events at our house is something I absolutely love!  I have this vision of a fall party outside and I'm going to work hard to make it happen!  

Make some notes about things I want to do next summer
This summer was a blur.  I had so many grandiose ideas and then my dad got sick.  Our summer vacation was cut short and many of the things I had hoped to do just simply did not happen.  To be better prepared for next summer, I want to make some notes on things we want to make sure happen next year.  Watch out summer of 2024 - I'm coming for you!

What's on your list of things you want to do this fall?  I would love to hear them!  

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about?  Link up and share!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Penny, I keep hearing everyone say they’re ready for fall but I’m hoping summer lasts a bit longer. The warm/hot temps are so good for my aches and pains :) Thanks so much for hosting. My entry numbers are 1 and 2.

  2. Who are you cruising through and where are you going? We are going to do one next summer for our 1st time and it's hard to decide!

  3. Oh I hope you have a wonderful cruise! I've only ever been on one and while I really enjoyed it we've never thought to try another--- though we are considering a Hawaiian cruise next year so we can see a tiny bit of ALL the islands. I'm not 100% sold on it yet. I can't wait to get out and hike more this fall too. I love hiking with the colorful leaves.

  4. Great idea to make a Fall list ! You have inspired me...we got up this morning and headed to the gym ( not a big deal, we live in an apartment and the fitness center is right next door!) and determined to eat better and exercise. Yes, need to get to my closet and get rid of the stuff I don't love. Heading to the shower now and breaking out the Apple Cider Donut shower gel! Happy September !!!

  5. I like the idea of a fall list. Thanks for sharing this.
