Wednesday, August 2, 2023

What I Read in July 2023

Hello friends!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I talk about something on my mind and invite you to link up and do the same.  On the first Thursday of the month I like to reflect on the books I read the previous month, so let's look at what I read in July ~

The month was heavy with reading the Sweeney House series by Cecelia Scott.  I read the first two books in the series last month and polished off the next three in July.  I'm currently reading book 6, then I'll have to wait until February when book 7 comes out.  They are just fun little stories that are easy, and quick to read.  They are also free if you have Kindle Unlimited.  I'm invested in the Sweeney family!  The characters have become like dear friends and I'm rooting for their triumphs. 
The Sweeney House Series

The Sweeney House is a landmark inn on the shores of Cocoa Beach, built and owned by the same family for decades. After the unexpected passing of their beloved patriarch, Jay, this family must come together like never before. They may have lost their leader, but the Sweeneys are made of strong stuff. Together on the island paradise where they grew up, this family meets every challenge with hope, humor, and heart, bathed in sunshine and the unconditional love they learned from their father.

The Paris Daughter was the book I listened to on my way to and from work last month.  This is the second book by Kristen Harmel I've read.  The first one was The Book of Lost Names.  My love for that one prompted me to grab The Paris Daughter as soon as it came out.  It did not disappoint!  I loved it too.  Here's the summary ~
Paris, 1939: Young mothers Elise and Juliette become fast friends the day they meet in the beautiful Bois de Boulogne. Though there is a shadow of war creeping across Europe, neither woman suspects that their lives are about to irrevocably change.

When Elise becomes a target of the German occupation, she entrusts Juliette with the most precious thing in her life—her young daughter, playmate to Juliette’s own little girl. But nowhere is safe in war, not even a quiet little bookshop like Juliette’s Librairie des Rêves, and, when a bomb falls on their neighborhood, Juliette’s world is destroyed along with it.

More than a year later, with the war finally ending, Elise returns to reunite with her daughter, only to find her friend’s bookstore reduced to rubble—and Juliette nowhere to be found. What happened to her daughter in those last, terrible moments? Juliette has seemingly vanished without a trace, taking all the answers with her. Elise’s desperate search leads her to New York—and to Juliette—one final, fateful time.

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!

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1 comment:

  1. I recently read The Paris Daughter and really enjoyed it as well; another good one by that same author is The Sweetness of Forgetting.
