Monday, November 20, 2023

Weekending - November 17, 2023

Last weekend was about as perfect as a weekend could be!  Here's the summary ~

We got back from our cruise on Wednesday and Thursday was my actual birthday.  Eric sent me the most beautiful flower arrangement to work!  It was absolutely stunning.  

Friday night our small group from church met.  We have been studying The Ping Life:  How to Pick Up the Signal When God Is Calling book, which is written by our pastor Shane Bishop.  So glad we had the opportunity to explore this book with a wonderful group of people!

Saturday morning we had some errands to do to get ready for the final birthday celebration we were hosting in the evening.  Eric had a great idea for breakfast - American Kolache!  I'm a lover of the savory ones.  It was a great way to start the day!

Saturday evening we celebrated my turning 60 with a group of special friends at Boarding House Bistro.  I'll be sharing all the details from the party in a future post.  Huge thank you to Eric, Ian, and Kayla for pulling this party together.  It was wonderful spending the evening with some of my favorite people!  Can't wait to share all the details with you!

After church on Sunday, we had lunch with friends.  Then the ladies headed off to see The Nutcracker performed with the Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra.  The costumes and sets were magnificent!  What a great way to kick off the holiday season!  

Now we just have a few days of work before Thanksgiving is here!   My goal for this holiday season is going to be present and enjoy every minute.  We have some great plans already in the works!  Hope you do too.

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