So today I'm thinking about the love/hate relationship I have with Facebook. Anyone else with me on this? I can't seem to go a day without checking it. One minute I'm loving what I'm seeing then -- BAM -- I see something in my feed that totally derails me.
Before I start with my hate and love reasons, let me breakdown a couple cold hard facts I discovered about our friend Facebook.
~ 890 million people log onto Facebook daily.
~ Every 60 seconds, 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated and 136,000 photos are uploaded.
~ Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes.
~ Five new profiles are created every second.
~ Highest traffic occurs midweek between 1 and 3 pm.
Now, my views on Facebook ~ let me start with my hate reasons. Do you sometimes start scrolling through your feed and the next thing you know you're stalking someone you went to grade school with and haven't heard from in years?!? (Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this.) Before you know it, you look at the clock and literally an hour has gone by. What!!! Now, I don't like to believe it was a total waste of my time because if one of my other friends asks me if I know what happened to so-in-so, I'll have many of the answers. But still, I probably could have used that hour in a much more productive way.
Second is the energy drain. Saturday, for instance, I was checking my feed and realized I haven't been invited to a party I really wanted to go to. I immediately felt myself moving towards that edge of no return. What did I do -- I immediately called my friend Sherri to talk me off the ledge. (Sorry Sherri -- it was your turn to take one of my frantic calls.) After a significant amount of time trying to make heads or tails out of WHY they wouldn't want me at their party and a great amount of Sherri stroking my damaged ego, I felt
Of course, there's also the LOVE side of Facebook. I absolutely ADORE watching my friend's kids as they grow. Just look at my friend Dorothy's daughter below. You're just not human if these pictures don't make you smile! I love it when they post pictures of her and it definitely brightens my day.

Also on the "love" side of Facebook is the ability to share great news with everyone like -- when Kayla and Ian got engaged way back when. Reading people's comments of congratulations was so fun!

And Facebook is always good for a laugh - like when people post amusing funnies like this:
Ahhhh Facebook -- how I love/hate you!! What about you -- do you have any love/hate relationships? Would love to hear about them!
Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at