Friday, July 16, 2021

Five on Friday - July 16, 2021

We've made it to Friday!  The week after vacation is always a crazy busy one for me with trying to get caught up at work and at home.  But we've made it through and now have a weekend to regroup!  Let's start with my five for today ~

1.  National Ice Cream Day
Get the ice cream ready for Sunday - it's National Ice Cream Day!  Not that we need much of a reason to get ice cream around here, but it will be a fun day to celebrate.  I'm planning on making a batch of homemade for us to enjoy.  Our Cuisinart ice cream maker makes whipping up a batch the easiest thing ever!  

2.  It's Better This Way
In case you're looking for your next good read, here's a suggestion.  Debbie Macomber's new book, It's Better This Way, came out this week and is ready for you to enjoy.  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
After her marriage ends, one woman’s struggle to pick up the pieces finally leads to a new beginning but is the past truly behind her? #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber explores the powerful intersections of love and family in this poignant novel.

It’s been nearly six years since Julia Jones had her heart broken. After her husband became involved with another woman, she did everything she could to save their marriage, to no avail. Their two daughters continue to stand by Julia in the wake of their father’s behavior—and they’ve had a tough time getting along with the “other woman” who became their stepmother. Distraught after selling the family home, Julia moves into a condominium complex that offers the warmth and charm of a fresh start. Now, having settled into her new community and sold her successful interior design business, she’s embraced a fulfilling new life, one that doesn’t seem to need a man in it. Her beloved father’s trusty saying is ringing truer than ever: It’s better this way.

But when Julia meets a handsome new resident in the building’s exercise room, she can’t help but be drawn to him. Heath Johnson is a welcome change from the men she’s encountered on the occasional—mostly disastrous—dates her sister has eagerly planned for her over the years. As she and Heath, a divorcé himself, begin to grow close, their friendship blossoms into an unexpected love. However, they soon realize that combining families proves to be a challenge, even though their four children are adults.

When a dramatic revelation threatens the happiness they’ve found, Julia and Heath must reconcile their love for their children with their love for each other. If they can’t, their bright future together may be nothing but a dream.

3.  Sob Rock
The wait for new music from John Mayer is over!  His new album, Sob Rock, is out today.  What's John been up to?  I read in Rolling Stone that since 2015, he has been performing as part of the Grateful Dead supergroup Dead & Company.  You might have seen him at this year's Grammy Awards playing guitar for Maren Morri's song "The Bones".  Can't wait to take a listen to his new album!

4.  Ginny & Georgia
Last weekend I accidentally binge-watched the entire season of Ginny & Georgia.  I feel I'm late to the game on this one.  Have you seen it?  We got sucked in and just didn't want to stop watching.  Netflix describes it as, "Free-spirited Georgia and her two kids, Ginny and Austin, move north in search of a fresh start but find that the road to new beginnings can be bumpy."  If you're looking for something new to watch, give it a try.  Then let me know what you think of it!

5.  I'm getting old...

Tonight we're going to a real, live concert and I'm downright giddy about it!  We're seeing the Rolling Stones tribute band Streetfighter.  It's in a new outdoor venue and I'm counting the minutes until the lights go down and the concert starts.  Hope you have something you're looking forward to doing this weekend!

Linking up with:


  1. Can't wait to read that book! I binged watch that show and it was interesting, can't wait for season 2. I plan on binge watching virgin river season 3 this weekend!

  2. I have that book on hold through our library; it sounds so good!

  3. Hope your concert was delightful. Thanks for the heads up about ice cream day. I am wanting to try rolled ice cream and this Sunday sounds like the day!!
