Monday, July 19, 2021

Weekending - July 16, 2021

Weekends go by so fast, and this past one is no exception.  I love that things are starting to feel more back to normal.  We were out and about quite a bit this weekend.  Here's the breakdown ~

Friday night we met up with our friends and attended a live music event.  We started the evening by doing a little tailgating.  Then we saw a Rolling Stones tribute band, Street Fighting Band, play the inaugural concert at a new music venue in St. Louis.  The lead singer had Mick Jaguar's struts perfected and they were so fun to see!

On Saturday one of my friends busted out her blow-up pool and we spent the day staying cool lounging in the water catching up.  It was glorious!  Who knew for two years running a blow-up pool would bring so much joy into my life.  

We had our son and daughter-in-law over for breakfast on Sunday.  It gave me a great perfect reason to set a pretty table and pull out the waffle iron.  

After breakfast, we decided to go see the sunflowers at Eckert's.  While we were there, we picked a few peaches too.  It was a fun, spontaneous outing.

The sunflower field was beautiful!  There's something about having that many sunflowers in one place that's spectacular.  

We wandered into their new area serving cider.  Trying a flight was the perfect Sunday Funday thing to do!

Later in the day, Eric and I stopped by the location one of our favorite food trucks was hanging out and grabbed dinner.  Truckeria Del Valle serves up the best street tacos!  

Weekends are so fun!  I'm already looking forward to the next one.


  1. Fb reminded me of us running into each other at that exact same field a few years ago. Fun!

  2. That is the cutest blow-up pool. Even has built in seats? Great price, too!
    Sounds like you guys really did have a nice weekend. I have never had a waffle iron but have been thinking of getting a small one for when company visits. Your table is lovely. And what a great photo of the sunflowers!!

  3. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! We just went blueberry picking today and the orchard said their peaches should be ready for picking in another couple weeks.
