Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekending - December 12, 2014

Boy -- the weekends remaining in 2014 are getting pretty slim.  And so are the weekends before Christmas!  I pretty much dedicated this weekend to getting ready for the holiday, with a little fun thrown in.

On Friday night, Ian and Kayla came over for dinner.  Like many of you with grown children, you know how happy it makes you when the kids come home!  Dinner was fun and it was great sitting down to chat and catch up.  Ian finished finals last week and now he's officially half finished with law school.  We are so proud of both of them!

Saturday morning we got an early start -- lots of shopping to complete.  If you read my Five on Friday blog, you know I was getting a pickle to hide in my tree.  We had to check a couple stores, but Eric eye spied a winner pickle ornament at Target.  We're ready for someone to come over and find it hiding in the branches of our tree.  Speaking of tree, on Tuesday I'll be joining some other bloggers for the Christmas Holiday Link Up party.  Come back to see what the trees in my house look like.

I really "need" a new work bag to carry my computer and files to and from work.  For all my life I've carried a conservative black briefcase-style bag.  I'm thinking about changing it up a bit and adding this Fossil bag to my wish list.  What do you think?

After a hard day of shopping, we settled down to pizza and watching Frozen.  We hadn't seen it yet (I know, you're doing that "You haven't seen Frozen" thing).  No, we hadn't seen it -- but now we have.  Very cute movie!

There was a message during our church service on Sunday that I think is worth sharing here -- it came when the advent candle was lit.  This candle represented joy.  It was a reminder to be a vessel filled with joy!  But how often do we let our preparations - or our memories - push joy to the side?  Joy is like an underground spring that wells up within us; but joy is also a choice, an attitude.  Like a muscle, it needs to be exercised.  Be joyful guys!!  It's just the right thing to do. :)

I needed to finish up some Christmas orders so I could get them in the mail on Monday.  If you placed an order -- it's officially in the mail.  You should see it shortly.  Here's what the cute snowman candy bars look like that took up a chunk of time on Sunday to finish.

Sunday we grabbed Kayla and Ian and headed to see Pippin at the Peabody.  If you don't care for musicals, this play still has something to offer you -- all the circus-style acting.  People were flying in the air and swinging from trapezes.  Lots of stimulation.  Fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

And just like that the weekend is over.  Oh, what I would give for a couple more days off work!  Tomorrow marks my 6-month blogiversary.  Stop back by -- I'm doing my very first blog hop. Hey, one more thing -- don't forget to spread some JOY!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. I love hiding the pickle in the Christmas tree! I actually only heard of that tradition a few years ago and my family has been doing it ever since! So jealous you saw Pippin (it's on my Broadway to see list) but it reminded me that I'm seeing Cinderella on broadway this Friday <3

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I've never heard of hiding a pickle in the Christmas tree before, why do you do that? That Fossil bag looks stunning, definitely invest! :)

  3. What a great weekend, I can't believe the year is almost over.. The snowman candy bar, that's so cute! I love it! The pickle ornament, they really have an ornament for everything these days.

  4. Looks like you had so much fun and activities here! :) I love the bag you had! Love the color, it looks chic and so fab! :)

  5. It sounds like a great weekend, my parents will be having us kids back home this christmas i know they are excited as i have not been home for almost 2 months now. Glad you watched frozen lol

  6. Sounds like a fun weekend! The Fossil Bag is adorable -- treat yourself.

  7. I finally watched Frozen as well. Very cute movie! I love the message at your church service. So true we get all busy and lose the joy in the season.

  8. You packed a lot of fun into your weekend! I know exactly what you mean about the kids being home -- best feeling ever!

  9. The past few days has really been toxic because of the incoming holidays. It looks like you had a great time organizing your schedule.

  10. What an amazing tree! That bag is also pretty beautiful! Sounds like a great weekend!

  11. It sounds like you had an amazing weekend indeed. I love the bag for the laptop. Thanks for sharing.

  12. wow what a fun weekend! Love your tree and really love the bag!

  13. What great fun! I love the front of the playbill :)

  14. There's so much things you have accomplished. The snowman is so cute! I can't believe it's made out of candy bars. Like how long did it take for it to finish?

  15. Your tree is absolutely gorgeous! That bag is beautiful too!

  16. Your tree is gorgeous! I am jealous that you got to see Pippin!

  17. Sounds like an awesome weekend! That bag is really cute!

  18. Such fun and productive weekend you had! <3
