Monday, December 15, 2014

December Giveaway -- Enter Now!

Hey everybody -- I'm participating in a Christmas giveaway.  Join in the fun and enter below!  Not only could you win some cash, but look at the ADORABLE additional items.

I'm not exactly sure what could be better than a big ol' giveaway to start off the week.
Especially right before Christmas.

Not only do you have the chance to win $170 via paypal,
{aka, super speedy payday}
but you can also win a darling 5x7 print:

AND as if that's not already enough... there's more.
Size 6-12 month Hello Moccs.
Best giveaway ever?
I think so.
It might just be your best Christmas yet.

Aren't those gals up above all lovely?
Show them some serious love.
And don't wait any longer.
Get entered in this awesome giveaway now!

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