Thursday, January 8, 2015

Five on Friday - January 9, 2015

Boy -- this was a tough week to make it through!!  The first week back to work after the holidays is almost always a challenge.  How about for you -- tough or easy?  The good news is the weekend is in sight!!  YAY!!!

I received so many exceptionally cool gifts this Christmas!  I finally got the blanket scarf I've been seeing everywhere.  Also, I'm super excited about getting a pedicure with my friends thanks to Sherri's gift certificate to our favorite salon.  Today I'm going to highlight a few of my other gifts on my Five for Friday.

1.  Brix 4-Piece Tasting Party Gift Set with Cutting Board and Knife
Would you check this baby out!!  There are 4 bricks of chocolate and the packaging lets you know what kind of wine it goes best with.  So excited to have a little wine, cheese and CHOCOLATE party!!  Very cool gift.

2.  Acure Organics Day Cream Gotu Kola Stem Cell + 1% CGF
This stuff -- AMAZING!!  As described on Birchbox, "chlorella growth factor which protects collagen and elastic fibers for stronger, more elastic skin.  Guto kola stem cells stimulate cell turnover, help fight free radical damage, and firm skin tone, restoring and evening complexion."  Besides all that stuff, the soft scent of orange is the most amazing thing in the morning when I'm getting ready.  I might even rush through washing my face a little just to get to the putting on the lotion part.  Love it!!

                                 Acure Organics Day Cream Gotu Kola Stem Cell + 1% CGF
3.  Deodorant Removing Sponge
We've all been there -- completely ready to step out the door, we look at ourselves in the mirror and what do we see?  We see those ugly deodorant marks all over our super cute outfit.  Well, now I have the fix for that!  To use, briskly rub residue from your clothing with Hollywood Deodorant Removing Sponge.  No need to use water.  Safe on most fabrics.


4.  The Bachelor
I'm such a sucker for The Bachelor show (and Eric might also be a little hooked on it).  So what do you think -- do you think they pay the bachelor extra to literally pick out the craziest contestant to stay around a few weeks?!?  Who in their right mind would keep the drunk, teetering girl over some of those others?  Do you think the chick that wouldn't leave will set him straight?  Tune in next week for all the answers.


5.  Anybody still keeping their New Year's resolutions?

We are looking forward to having lunch with some friends on Saturday.  We also have to take down our Christmas decorations -- don't judge, yes we still have our decorations up.  I just love them so much I drag my feet in taking them down.  Stay warm friends!  Thanks for stopping in and hope you come back soon.

Linking up with:



  1. Need those deodorant removing things. I am ever so guilty. ha. Love the Bachelor also. I am linking following for Jennie's link up over at The Diary of a Real Housewife.

  2. Wait, a deodorant removing sponge? How have I never known such a thing existed. I need to get my hands one one.

  3. I'd love to see the blanket scarf that you received! Also, for deodorant marks, if you are in a pinch and don't have your sponge- take a pair of light colored jeans and rub them across the mark. The jeans will catch about 90% of the deodorant!

  4. ohh I have taken chlorella tablets, but have never seen it in a cream. I absolutely love the benefits so now I need to check that out and I need to checkout birch box to expand my beauty anyhow!!

  5. Haha this is such a cool post. I never stick to New Years resolutions so I stopped making them. I definitely have some goals I want to work with in 2015 regarding my blog.

  6. I'm absolutely loving that last quote, because it's so true. I'm working towards achieving them, though. This year it'll happen ;-) Have a lovely weekend.

  7. This has definitely been a hectic "after holiday" week around here. My grandson had to go to the hospital for a night and I kept his twin sister overnight. It's been a long, long time when I pulled an all nighter with a newborn! I went to sleep at 6 last night and didn't wake up until 6 this morning. I am also looking forward to the weekend especially since tomorrow is my birthday and I am look forward to doing something special!

  8. A great five! I've never seen those tablets in cream form - and a deodorant remover? I wish I had known about that for, like, the past twenty years!

  9. This a great list for items that I need to look into! Hello, deodorant removing sponge! Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Deodorant removing sponge? That's interesting... I reallty should think of getting one. Enjoy your weekend :D

  11. We recently took down our Christmas decorations and now the house looks so empty! That Deodorant Removing Sponge sounds very interesting (and convenient) <3

  12. I found it hard to get back to normal after the holidays too. That chocolate tasting kit looks like something I would definitely love!

  13. It is always hard after the holidays to get back into things! Thanks for sharing and linking up with me today!

  14. That cutting board with the chocolates looks so cool! What a great gift. Thanks so much for linking up with us for That Friday Blog Hop!

  15. It 's always hard getting back into swing of things after the holidays. Those deodorant removal pads are something I need to look into.

  16. I need to look into the deodorant removal pads. I've never heard of them before. I would love the chocolate tasting kit! Thank you so much for linking up to High Five for Friday!!!

    Della@Della Devoted

  17. Wow what? Was that chocolate I saw? How amazing would that be.. and the deodorant removal pads, that sounds like it would come in handy!

  18. These are all awesome things indeed. I would love to have the Brix 4-Piece Tasting Party Gift Set and the Deodorant Removing Sponge which I never know existed. Awesome things to look into. Thanks for sharing.

  19. OOO the chocolate tasting set! How cool is that? And woohoo! The Bachelor! I'm always convinced that they purposefully pick the crazy ones just to keep a few extra weeks. Otherwise the show would be boring!

    Thank you SO MUCH for linking up with H54F! Hope to see you next week!!
    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  20. That chocolate tasting set looks awesome!! Totally checking that out! And The Bachelor...oh how I loved Chris on Andi's season. but I just could not bring myself to watch for three hours. I will be reading Sheaffer's recaps on Pinterest Told Me To until it gets down to like the final or or ten!! LOL Have a fun weekend!

  21. This is such a great idea for a post, I'll have to start doing something similar. I could use that deodorant removing sponge, it ALWAYS happens to me! :)

  22. I don't drink wine, but I wanna come to your wine, cheese, and chocolate party! :) Sounds fun. There are few things in life better than a chunk of chocolate and a chunck of cheese!

  23. I have the same obsession with The Bachelor!! I can't believe they actually created a deodorant removal sponge so many times in my life I could have used this!

  24. That someecard is 100% correct! There are still things on my resolution list from when I was a teenager that I've yet to do!

  25. I love the cutting board with chocolates! It is stylish and cute. I am very intrigued by the deodorant removing sponge. That sounds like something my teenager needs in his life.

  26. I need that deodorant removal sponge! If there's a black shirt nearby, you can bet I'll get white steaks on the outside of It looks like you got some awesome gifts!!! Hope this week at work has been better:)

    Thanks for linking up with us for H54F!!!!


  27. I seriously need one of those deodorant removing sponges! Best invention. ever.

    thanks for linking up for H54F and hope to have you again tomorrow :)

    Caitlin @ Coffee with Caitlin
