Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekending - January 9, 2015

Wow -- weekends go by so super fast.  I needed to get the Christmas decorations put away and that's a chore I truly dread every year.

Eric was off work on Saturday (which doesn't happen often enough) so I hated wasting our time together by doing a task neither of us really like.  So we went out and about instead.  I know, not all that responsible, but a lot more fun than staying home working on taking down the Christmas stuff.

Saturday we met our friends Sharyn, Eric and their daughter, Audrey, for lunch at PF Chang's.  We hadn't had an opportunity to exchange Christmas presents with them so Saturday was our day.  I love what they gave us - a tea sampler from Harry & David and some dip.  We gave Audrey some new covers for her cell phone.  Audrey is a fun little girl that keeps us entertained.  We just love her!

Hey, speaking of the gift we gave Audrey.  Super fun idea.  I got her some clear phone case covers and made several paper backings to go inside.  She can change out the covers to go with her mood, holiday or activity.  Super easy, fun gift that was very well received!  I'll have to show you pictures in a future post.

We did a little shopping and picked up some items I've been looking at to enhance my photos for my blog.  I see other blogs with these gorgeous photos and it makes me cringe when I think of some of mine.  Hopefully you'll be able to see an improvement in the future.  Not promising all my photos will be improved -- sometimes you just have to share a quick click from your cell phone, right?!?

Sunday morning I drank some hot tea from my new collection and soaked in one last morning reading by the Christmas tree in our bedroom.  I can not recommend enough having a tree in your bedroom.  The lights are so peaceful.  Anyone else love having a tree in their bedroom?

Favorite new ornament this year?  This sweet gem my friend, Tracy, gave me for my birthday in honor of my blog.  Funny thing about my blog -- I have friends who have been so supportive by sharing my posts on Facebook, commenting, sending me cute notes about my posts.  Then I have a group of friends who are half in.  They read sometimes, rarely comment and hardly ever bring it up to me.  The last group likes to pretend it just doesn't exist.

I saw this fact on Facebook and thought I might need it on Sunday if the weather predictions were accurate for the day.  Turns out we got rain, but not a lot of "freezing" rain so I didn't mix up a batch.  I'm definitely saving it for next time though.


I truly had every intention of getting the trees down Sunday afternoon, but I might have gotten sucked in to doing a little binge watching of Homeland.  We're not expecting company at the house this week, so no one will really realize our trees are still up.  Right???

Then Sunday night we had to watch the Golden Globes!  I just LOVE award season.  I felt a little behind this year -- there were several TV shows and movies I had not seen.  There will be some catching up to do before the Oscars!!


Now Monday is breathing down my neck.  I'm still thinking we should work two days and be off five.  This is the week leading up to Haley's 21st birthday.  If you missed my post to her on Thursday, you can read it here.  I'll be finishing up my 21 thoughts to her this Thursday.  Hope you stop in to read them.  Until then -- have a great week!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Hey. I don't know what group of friends I'm classified in but I wanted to let you know that I read every blog post even though I don't comment, LOL!

  2. Ooh, homeland- what a great show to catch up on! I feel you with the friends and blog thing- some of my friends read my blog, others like to pretend it doesn't exist. Such a touchy thing!

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend you had. I've never had a Christmas tree in my bedroom but I know what you mean about the lights being so peaceful.

  4. Love that idea of the phone case gift, I'm storing that one away for future reference! And there's a lot better things you can do than take the Christmas tree down... You'll get there eventually ;) that ornament is way cute too! :)

  5. I have gotten so bad at taking pictures with my real camera...and kind of taking pictures in general. I really need to get back at it! Sounds like y'all had a really fun weekend. I like that cellphone case idea.

  6. I have never thought about having a little tree in our room, but what the heck? Why not? And to date I don't think I've ever watch the Golden Globes. Not sure why...

  7. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I have never eaten at PF Changs, but would like to someday! That blog ornament is super cute! I love it!

  8. Wow I love your blogging tree ornament, it looks so cool! Wish we had such a variety here in SA. Next year I'm getting a little tree for my room! Such a fab idea.

  9. Sounds like you had a really great weekend! I really love your blogging tree ornament!

  10. That blog ornament is SUPER CUTE! I have a similar thing with my friends though only about 2% really 'read' and support my blog and the only 98% act like it doesn't exist. All well though <3

  11. I love the blog ornament that is adorable!! I love going to PF Changs that is a rare treat for us and one that I enjoy! I have never thought of having a tree in our bedroom before, I do think that would be so relaxing with lights! Sounds like you have had a fun couple of weeks after the holidays!

  12. Sounds like you had another great and busy weekend. The decorations will all wait to be put away. It's much more important to enjoy life!

  13. Love that adorable ornament!! Its perfect...
    Found you on the Link up
    Chelsea @

  14. What a cute ornament! Sounds like you had a busy week! Enjoy your week!

  15. You had a really busy weekend with friends. I guess when time goes so fast, it just says your having a good time. Good luck too on your plans of enhancing photos for your site.

  16. I love your ornament too! It's adorable. It looks like you had a great weekend with your friends!

  17. I really like ornaments, very great and nice. This weekends I'm planning to go in place that's very nice.

  18. I love homeland but not watched it recently and I missed the awards too, I so need remove the small christmas tree from my room lol

  19. I need that ornament in my life! It is so cute. I am sad that Christmas is over. time to count down til the next one!

  20. That ornament is awesomesauce, it needs to be in my life! And oh my that tree is GORGEOUS.

  21. Sounds like you have been so busy. not a fan of January is a bit of a gloomy month.

  22. You have such great friends. I like that gift your friend gave you. have a great week!
