Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - February 26, 2015

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Today I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have so many great friends.  Three of my friends (pictured below) spent hours at my house last Saturday helping me get ready for the Oscars party.  Then showed up on Sunday early and helped immensely before, during and after the party by doing everything from answering the door to bartending to cleaning up. That's right -- even cleaning up!  When they left my house Sunday night after the party my house was almost completely back to normal.  Best.Friends.Ever!

In addition to these great friends, I also have my Kansas City bunch of friends.   For years I was the only one not living in the KC area.   Recently another bird flew from that nest  (TW) and is living up north in Wisconsin.  TW and I have been been friends for years and I just love him.  The week of my son and daughter-in-law's wedding, TW came to my house and spent the entire week doing anything and everything asked of him.  Even more than doing wedding preparations, he helped keep me calm, cool and collected as sane as possible.

He also keeps me laughing most of the time.  I'd like to share with you an excerpt from our email conversation he started with the KC crew and you will be able to see what I'm talking about.

TW:  So, we should totally plan the Girls weekend. I know, in my boldness and experiencing how much fun it was to do something different with the guys this past year, I mentioned that we should put together a float trip for the girls. I think some of you were definitely interested, some of you were in the middle of the road and maybe some of you were like "this crazy mofo needs to lay off the sauce". I think it would be great fun and I will happily make the preparations if we do want to turn this into an official outing for Girls Weekend. I assure you there will be no sleeping outside, unless you get drunk and feel like that's where you need to be. Who am I to dictate how you spend your sleeping time! There are an abundance of canoe/rafting facilities in KS and MO that have cabins for us so that we can have a home away from home experience. 

For those of us who still think I am a crazy mofo, I am willing to make your sacrifice as easy on you as possible. You don't have to cook, or paddle, or do anything except have a good time and booze it up as much as you want. I personally hate rafting and would much rather be in a canoe, however, if lounging in the middle of a raft and sipping your pina colada is how you want to spend your GW Rafting experience, I will gladly raft for you.

Me:  I'm in - with conditions.  First - I'm only a rafter.  Canoes scare me and pair that with my fear of water, well it's not pretty.  If everyone else wants to canoe, I will run alongside on the bank of the river.

TW:  I just cracked up when I visualized Penny in her nice hair, nice clothes, scarf, long necklace and a martini glass trompsing through the river banks shouting conversations to us as she keeps pace with us on the river.

Janet:  LOL, you know Penny would get a Moped or something, she wouldn't ACTUALLY be running along the bank!  LOL -- can you drive one of those things and drink?
Something like this comes to my mind.
Me:  I've thought about this more and maybe I'll rent a horse and gallop alongside the river.  Mopeds kind of scare me too.

This looks like fun!
TW:  I would be way more scared of the horse.  It has a mind of its own.  What if it decided to throw you off and your boot got stuck in the stirrup?  You would be drug through the brambles by the river bank instead of casually cruising through them on your moped.  You would get cockle-burs in your hair.  Ask any dog, those are HARD to get out.

Me:  Before I rent a moped, is anyone else interested in a raft?

TW:  I vote raft.  I don't think I would survive the fallout if I ever saw Penny with cockle-burs in her hair.....

Janet:  I'm good with that.  Wonder how THE hairspray and cockle-burs would go together??

TW:  I think they would have to be removed with fire but then she would have flaming burs of cockle in her hair.  Probably wouldn't end well.

Can't wait for the float trip!!  And that's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  Please link up and share with me and Vanessa from X-tremely V what you're Thinking Out Loud about -- we'd love to hear from you.
                                               X-tremely V

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. To have good friends like that! The best!

  2. So, girlfriends are the spice of life for sure---I don't know what I'd do without mine. And I've said a million times in my head that I'm going to do a blog post showing some of the crazy texts that we send each other. And love your Oscar party---I'm not even into the Oscars but have decided that now I want to have a party to celebrate them (anything for a chance to entertain). Happy Thursday!

  3. There's nothing like having a group of friends that always have your back! My BFF lives in a different state, but we are constantly calling and texting and we're always there for each other. Have fun on your float trip and take lots of pics.

  4. Wouldn't life be so droll without our friends? I'm glad you have a solid group.

  5. There's nothing like having that solid group of friends! They really make life so much more fun and exciting <3

  6. I've always wanted to ride horses on the beach! Hubs says the same thing - that he's more afraid of the horse!

  7. Having great friends is one of the best things in life. I can count on my friends to do anything for me! It sounds like you'll have fun on the float trip!!

  8. Yuo have a lovely group of friends. My mom passes in 07 and she was my best friend.

  9. What a fun post! I dropped by during the Thursday blog hop and am glad I did.

  10. It is important to have true friends. They cheer you up and you feel loved

  11. This is great! You are truly blessed with your "circles" of people. Family, friends...we need that support...all of us do

  12. the worst part of hosting is the cleanup part.. and it's so nice they helped clean up! :) i had a fun girls weekend this week too.. a couple of my gfs flew in for my birthday and made me realize all over again how lucky i am to have such great gfs that make sacrifices to be there for me.

  13. Friends definitely prevent life from ever becoming boring! I'm told that friends who help clean up after a party are technically family, and therefore deserve extra dessert :)

  14. This is too funny! Having great friends and a great girl's night/day is super important!

  15. Having good friends is just the best feeling :)

  16. I agree! Friends are the best! I have good friends who are always there for me.. and I try to do my very best for them too. Nice post!

  17. I bet you and your friends had a blast! It is important to have good friends to let off steam with. They sound very helpful as well.

  18. Wow, you and your friends looks so happy and had a lot of fun! I agree friends are the best!!

  19. Having girlfriends like that is super important to keep being sane:)

  20. Having friends' help makes life so much easier. I'd love to have that kind if help with my house.

  21. Having friends' help makes life so much easier. I'd love to have that kind if help with my house.

  22. Ha! Mopeds and horses both scare me. I would be sitting on the beach sipping some fruity drink.

  23. Friends like that are a blessing. Thank you for linking up at Thursday Favorite Things and hope to see you again!

  24. Friends like this are wonderful to have. I am glad to have seen a post like this. I love positive things dealing with friends. :)
