Thursday, February 26, 2015

Five on Friday - February 27, 2015

Can you believe February is almost over!?!  This month seemed to fly by!  But I'm not sad that we're getting closer to Spring.  What's the saying - if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb.  Well, if the forecast is correct there's a 70% chance of snow for us on Sunday.  I'll be looking for some "lamb-like" weather towards the end of the month.

Here's what I've been loving this week.

1.  St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur
Ok, have you tried this?  Well, we stumbled across it last weekend and I'm here to say -- IT'S GOOD!!  I little pricey for my budget ($55 per bottle), but tastes fantastic!  My friend, Tracy, is ready to go work for them.  Apparently the elderflowers are collected by bicyclists in the French Alps.   Each bottles is numbered and reflects the year the flowers were picked.  Yes, it does sound like a pretty awesome job.  We've been drinking it straight over ice.  Anyone else tried it?  Have any good drink recipes that use it?


2.  Mailbox Wraps
The Valentine's decorations came down when I was decorating for the Oscars party.  When the Oscar decorations came down this week, St Patrick's Day decorations went straight up.  I just love this St. Patrick's Mail Box Wrap!  I have these wraps for about every holiday/season and they last for several years.  This is the exact one I have and I would have shown you a picture of it on my mailbox, but it was spitting snow and cold outside so I copied this picture from Amazon instead.  I also have the matching garden flag.  Put these out, slap a wreath on the door, and BAM - your exterior is ready for St. Patrick's Day.  If you order with Amazon Prime, your mailbox could be looking pretty Irish by next week.


3.  Downton Abbey
Anyone else excited about the two-hour season finale of Downton Abbey on Sunday?  There's some questions I'm just burning to know the answers to:  Can we ever put the Mr. Green situation to rest so Anna and Bates can have some peace?  Is everyone really too stupid to figure out that Marigold is the love child of Michael Gregson and Lady Edith?  Will Lady Edith finally have enough of Lady Mary's insults and just slap her face?  You know where I'll be Sunday night.


4.  Giveaway
I'm participating in a giveaway this week -- $80 in cold, hard cash!  Who couldn't use that?!?!  I can think of so many things I'd buy.  You can't win if you don't enter, so enter today.

Check out these beauties, and then get entered below!

5.  Words of Wisdom from Countess Violet Grantham


Have a great weekend everyone!  I'm helping a friend with her wedding invitations Saturday morning and going to a party Saturday evening.  Sunday I'm hoping to spend the day catching up on all the shows I have recorded on the DVR, going to book club and scoping out some recipes to try next week.  Don't you just love weekends!!  


  1. Downton Abbey a little slow this season and last week could have been the finale for me, but interesting to see what will happen in 2 hours. Yes, Anna and Mr. Bates, well, anything can happen! Have a good weekend too!

  2. I'm SO behind on Downton Abbey (like a season behind!) I'll be watching House of Cards all weekend (basically al Friday) but I plan on catching up on Downton ASAP. I LOVE that mailbox wrap, so cute <3

  3. That is a cute an original idea to wrap your mailbox according to holidays! I don't think I have ever seen that before. As for that Elderflower Liquor-nope never heard of it --if I see it I might try it-but I am allergic to flowers so maybe I shouldn't.

  4. My mailbox is a hot mess. It's been knocked off by the snow plows so many times (and the town won't pay to replace it since I Have no "proof"), so it is all duck taped on the post. A mailbox wrap would make it much prettier looking :)

  5. I love Downtown Abbey and I am right there with you on the face slap. Wouldn't that be hilarious to watch. I have heard of Elderflower but I've never tried it. I am intrigued!

  6. I really need to check out this Downton Abbey series! I've been hearing so much about it but have no idea what it's even about. Is it on Netflix?

  7. I'm loving that mailbox cover! We bought a new house last March and it came with this atrocious looking mailbox out front. It hasn't been the priority to replace it, but covers like that St Patrick's Day one would be perfect!

  8. Those wraps are cute. I don't own my house & my mailbox is a wreck...some idiot knocked it off a few months back.

  9. That mailbox is so cute! I wish I had a cute mailbox like that. Have a fab weekend.

  10. I have not watched Downtown Abbey before! Everyone tells me I would love it, but I haven't checked it out yet!

  11. I can't believe that March is just a day and a half away! Love your favorites! Have a great weekend :)

  12. I got a bottle of that liqueur last summer but didn't realize it was that pricey, ouch! I received it as a "sample" from a PR company haha. Still haven't opened it yet though......shows how much we drink!

  13. I never thought to wrap my mail box. This is so creative. Thank you for the giveaway.

  14. I have never seen Downton Abbey! Everyone talks about it, but I have never seen it. I have never tried that liquor either, but I don't think I could spend $55 for a bottle of it either!

  15. I love watching Downton Abbey!! Such a great show.

  16. Mailbox idea is awesome! I have never watched Downtown Abbey.. I'm going watch a show to see if I like it. Oh, that liquor bottle is interesting!

  17. I might have to try that St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur. What type of liqueur is it? is it really sweet? We've been getting into whiskeys lately. :)

  18. I've not heard of St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur, but I'm intrigued now for sure. And I still haven't pulled myself together enough to watch Downtown Abbey, but I gotta get with the program

  19. I am eager to see the season finale. I like this season though it might be a little slow. Fingers crossed for Anna and Mr Bates.

  20. I love that mail box cover!! I can't believe tomorrow is March already the month seemed to just disappear!

  21. That Elderflower liqueur sounds amazing! I still have never seen an episode of Downton Abbey, but so many people I know love it.

  22. I'm like you, looking for the end of March to be much quieter. I was actually thinking about it earlier today. Great minds think alike!

    I love that mailbox wrap. I've never saw those before. I think I need some

    Hope your weekend is going excellent

  23. Awesome giveaway!! I love it all haha lol, I hope I could enter.

  24. Visiting from Missouri Women Bloggers! Loved your Friday Five. Mailbox wraps are awesome. We get our mail in a mailroom, no mailbox wraps for me.

  25. Too Bad I missed that giveaway - darn it! I never heard of mailbox wraps thats too cute!

  26. That was such a neat giveaway I wish I should have seen it earlier as well!

  27. I keep saying I will catch up with Downton Abbey! It's totally the type of show if love, but it never remember to the seasons already started and then I don't know what's going on! One of these days.
    Thanks for linking up again!
