Thursday, March 12, 2015

Five on Friday - March 13, 2015

Welcome to Friday the thirteenth!  We've almost made it through the first week after the time change -- the adjustment period is almost over.  We can do this!!

I'm not going to lie - this week I have spent every single extra moment watching Scandal.  I'm up to Season 4.  That show has me hooked!  I know some a lot of you are watching it -- isn't it the best?!?  Love it!

Let's get on with this week's Five on Friday~

1.   3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
Need an excuse to eat a piece of pie tomorrow?  Well, here's your reason -- it's Pi Day!!  Pi is a name given to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter.  That means, for any circle, you can divide the circumference (the distance around the circle) by the diameter and always get exactly the same number.  BTW -- I've copied definition from WikiHow.  Oh and here's some trivia.  Pi Day also happens to be the birthday of Albert Einstein.

2.  Healthy Apple Crisps
A few day's ago, I saw a recipe for apple crisps on Wish Puff Mom.  Trying them was a must for me because they sounded delicious.  Made them and they ARE delicious!!  They take a bit of time (like two episodes of Scandal), but are worth it.  Click over to HERE for the recipe.  YUM!!

3.  Cinderella
It opens today!!  Who doesn't love a Cinderella story?  I love this fairy tale and I'm excited to see Lily James in this rendition.  I remember watching the Rodgers & Hammerstein's 1965 Cinderella when I was a little girl and dreamt of wearing the glass slippers.  As an added bonus, we will also get to see seven minutes of Frozen Fever.  Welcome back to the big screen Anna and Elsa.


4.  Magic Erasers
Have you even used these?  They truly are magical.  We have white cabinets and these things work wonders on them.  Finger prints and other forms of kitchen dirt -- gone in a swipe.  I also use them in our showers -- great.  They also get candle wax out of glass containers.  The list goes on and on.  I hear they even remove crayon from walls.  Luckily, I haven't had to test that use yet.  Definitely worth keeping a stash around.                                                                                                                                                                
5.  In Honor of Cinderella....

                                                Cinderella is proof that a pair of shoes can change your life

Have a great weekend everyone!  I'm going to a friend's bridal shower on Saturday and looking forward to hanging out with Eric on Sunday.  Hope to see you back here on Monday to hear all about it and see some St. Patrick's Day goodies.

Linking up with:


  1. I love the pie day pie! I've never tried apple crips.. sounds quite healthy! My 10 year old is waiting to go watch Cinderella and I love magic erasers.. :) enjoyed reading your passions today!

  2. I remember the Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella.still my favorite today. I use to sing in the mirror to all the songs. A classic. Magic erasers, have boxes of them. I use them everywhere. Have fun at your shower.

  3. I love pi day... in my town it is when kids who applied to M.I.T anxiously await the results. I love Mr Clean too-- but I use it for art making... who knew, right?

  4. Two episodes of Scandal--that's how they should teach folks how to tell time! Love it! And I'm not sure I ever need a reason to eat pie but at least today I have an excuse! Happy Friday!

  5. I need to check out Scandal! Everyone I know has been watching it and they all love it. Those apple crisps look delicious, too- maybe I'll grab the recipe and watch the first two episodes :) Have a great weekend!

  6. Hehehe so my princess stole one of my hubby's work pens from his pocket the other day.... And let's just say my living room now has a new piece of artwork on one of the walls -_- I need to get myself a magic eraser!!!

  7. Wooo, it's almost Pi Day! Always exciting. We'll be getting some pizza pies to celebrate since our local shop is selling them for only 3.14 ;)

  8. I cannot wait to see Cinderella - it's on my list for if I ever get an evening out - so I'll probably see it on the TV when it's released in a year :/ Boooo

  9. Hoping to see Cinderella with my Carly bug asap!

  10. Thank you so much, Penny. I am so glad you were inspired by our Apple Crisps over at WishPuffMoms. I am one of the Moms ( the Nana). They are easy and good. Without the mandoline slicer, it does take a while and baking takes a long time. But worth it. You are so very nice to feature us.

  11. I almost forgot about pi day! That's a must-celebrate day! I can't wait to see Cinderella, though none of my boys want to see it.

  12. Pies... Mmmmm yummy, I love pies but they are soooo not a healthy choice! I almost had a pie for lunch today but decided to go with rice instead :)

  13. Totally love this five Penny!! YAY for is the BEST!! And I am so looking forward to Cinderella!! Have a great weekend!!

  14. Yes I have totally used Magic erasers before and love them. I can't believe I don't have any currently. Reminds me to go buy more!

  15. I love the pie looks yummy and yes I also used Magic Erasers my wife loves it.

  16. My daughters birthday is tomorrow on Pi Day!! We cant' wait to see Cinderella as well!

  17. Love pie! So delicious! But those apple crisp look might good. I've used Magic Eraser in my home as well. They work awesome!

  18. OMG that Cinderella movie - that is a total must watch for me. I can't wait myself!

  19. Love everything Cinderella! Love magic erasers! We have white cabinets, too! Pi Day is fun, too, I took a picture on 3-14-15 at 9:26.53/secs. It was fun!

  20. Love pie. Never had apple crisps and those I'd like to try. I cannot wait until I see Cinderella. I have I Max by me, and I wouldn't be without my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It's the only thing I can get my refrigerator handle door cleaned without scrubbing 24/7... Love the sign about Cinderella's shoes LOL Thanks for sharing.

  21. Those apple chips look amazing! I am always on the hunt for something for snacks that is easy and healthy, plus it looks like it would be easy to take to work!

    Thanks for linking up again!

  22. Those apple crisps look so delicious. I need to try them. I also really want to go see Cinderella.

    Thanks for linking up to H54F!
    Della @ Della Devoted
