Sunday, March 15, 2015

Weekending - March 13, 2015

Happy Monday!  Here in the St. Louis area, we got such a welcome break from winter.  Both days of the weekend we could walk around outside without coats and, man, did that feel good!  It makes me smile thinking that soon (hopefully very soon) we can shut the door on winter and leave the house on a daily basis without coats to keep us warm.  I'm ready for Spring -- how about you?

Do you know what my biggest accomplishment was this weekend?  I'm totally caught up on Scandal. Sad, I know, that this was my biggest accomplishment.  Hello, my name is Penny and I'm a binge watcher.  Eric has been a real trooper during my last week-and-a-half of binge watching.  He's brought me food and drinks, tissues when something sad happened in my life with Olivia Pope and helped me figure out exactly how to keep the episodes streaming.  Yes - Best.Husband.Ever!


Surprisingly, I did do a few other things.  Saturday was my friend Lauren's bridal shower.  Her soon-to-be aunts hosted the event and you could see how excited they are to be welcoming her into their family.  The shower was held at One 19 North Tapas and Wine Bar in Kirkwood.  Adorable place.  The food was wonderful and we had sangria.  Great little desserts.  Adorable nail polish favor.  All this equals GREAT shower.

Lauren with her wonderful annts-to-be who hosted the shower.

Friends from work
I gave Lauren something off her registry plus a little something I etched.  If you missed my posts that talked about how very much I love my Silhouette Cameo machine, let me just say it one more time.  I love my Silhouette Cameo!  It makes etching glass a breeze.  Check out the dish I etched for her -- it's fun to give people personalized gifts.  I'll be doing a little 411 post on how to do this soon.

Saturday night I did manage to pull myself away from the television long enough to make dinner for Eric, Ian and Kayla and watch the St. Louis Blues Hockey game.  Check out these shoes we gave Kayla for Christmas.  How great are these?!?  A friend of a friend paints on shoes and she came up with this design for my St. Louis Blues loving daughter-in-law.  I'll have more information on them on my Five on Friday this week.

My crockpot saved me on Sunday.  Our meal cooked all day while I was -- you know, watching Scandal.  See what a fantastic multitasker I am!  Check out this sandwich -- Pepperoncini Beef.  Recipe coming on Tuesday.  I know that's St. Patrick's Day and most people will be talking about green stuff and corned beef.  Maybe that will be me next year, but this year I'll be sharing my Pepperoncini Pork recipe.

We decided to cap off the weekend and celebrate the warm weather with getting ice cream from one of our favorite ice cream stands -- Dairy Haven.  It's one of those places that have plethora of wonderful novelties on their menu, but I get the same thing every single time we go there - a medium black raspberry shake.  YUM!  This establishment is closed during the winter, so the fact they are open is a sure sign that summer is coming.

I'm signing off so I can pull together some stuff for the day ahead.  I have several posts planned for this week on the blog.  Hope you stop back by and check them out.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. You sound like you had a relaxing weekend! We all need that once in a while. I did very little either--I did read a lot--now I just have to write up the reviews--I just felt like reading. It rained Saturday when I took my Mom shopping but at least it has been warmer out--the snow is beginning to disappear!!!!!!!

  2. Penny, your activities always make me smile. To have wonderful family and friends to share your days with. I love the way you etched BAKER into that glass. Looking forward to how you do that on "the machine." I didn't know we could do that ourselves. I may have to look into that. You are right, makes nice personalized gifts.

  3. Looks like my kind of weekend! The Silhouette has been on my to-buy list for way too long, I think it's definitely time to take the plunge! I will definitely be looking out for your pepperocini beef, sounds like an awesome recipe :)

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend. I've never watched Scandal, and I regret it, becasue it looks like my type of show. At some point I might have to catch it online or something...

  5. Looks like you had a pretty fabulous weekend!!!! That crockpot beef sandwich looks like it was pretty delicious :)

  6. Hello fellow STL-er - found you on Meg's blog - going to start following more :)

    Looks like you had a great weekend with the gorgeous weather. That tapas bar in Kirkwood is on our list of places to go, hopefully we get there soon!

  7. I love the etched glass. It made your gift extra special because its personalized and handmade by you.

  8. My husband and I got caught up on Scandal, too, this weekend!

  9. A friend of mine told me Scandal is a good show to watch. I might look into that when I get extra time.

  10. Good times fo sho! We've had nothing but shorts type weather for the better part of six weeks now. I'd love a cold day in Phoenix where I could stay indoors and marathon something.

  11. I haven't watched Scandel yet but it looks like a really great series from what I heard. It also look like you had a really great and busy weekend.

  12. This sounds like a great weekend. I love using my crock pot when the weekends get busy!!

  13. What a great weekend. I love the pictures from the shower. I love the shoes. What hockey fan wouldn't.

  14. Sounds like a great weekend! We got a reprieve from winter up here too! It was so nice. That pepperoncini beef reminds me of drip beef! So yummy! I can't wait to see the recipe.

  15. Sounds like a great and relaxing weekend to me! That shoes looks great and comfy!

  16. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. I love the etching on the dish for your friends bridal gift. I would love to do something like that as a hobby. The Pepperoncini Pork sounds interesting indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Looks like you really had a good time. And thank you for sharing us those photos. The food looks delicious to me!

  18. Oh gosh! I love Scandal and Olivia Pope! Looks like you had such a great weekend

  19. I just can't get my eyes on those food. I have always love the weekend just like this.

  20. This looked like you had a great week-end. The food looked really good too. Especially the beef sandwiches. Thanks for sharing.

  21. What a fun weekend! :) That food looks amazing. It's horrible to me that out of this entire post the food caught my attention. Can you tell I'm hungry? Haha! :)
