Thursday, March 26, 2015

Five on Friday - March 27, 2015

We've made it to Friday!  I'm still recovering from my weekend away last week so I'm super excited to have a few days off work.  As you will be able to tell from my Five on Friday this week, I was able to catch up on some of my magazine reading last week on the plane and I want to share a few fun things with you.

1.  Spring Cleaning
With Spring officially here, I'm feeling the bug to do some cleaning around my house.  Hopefully I'll actually get some cleaning done before this feeling leaves me.  I ran across this handy chart for a 30-Day Cleaning Challenge and am going to try it.  Starting tomorrow (why start today when I can start tomorrow).  We'll see where I am in 30 days.  Want to join me?

Lisa loves John

2.  Give Me A Hug
Anyone who knows me well, knows I'm just not a hugger.  Don't know why, but I'm just not.  Well, in my Family Circle magazine this month it talks about the benefit of a hug.  Now I'm rethinking the whole hugging thing.  Here's what it said, "Embrace this fun, easy way to avoid a cold!  Research from Carnegie Mellon University found that study participants who received daily hugs had a lower risk of stress-related infection.  And for those who did get sick, frequent snugging was associated with milder symptoms.  People benefit from knowing they have social support in times of need, and hugging is a simple and effective way to show this, says Denise Janicki Deverts, PhD, co-author of the study."  So, want a hug?


3.  Hard-Boiled Eggs
With Easter fast approaching, many of us will be boiling eggs for dying and decorating next week.  Here's the recipe for the perfect hard-boiled egg.  Place eggs in a pot and top with 2 inches of cold water.  Cover pot and bring to a boil.  Once boiling, turn off heat and keep covered for 10 minutes.  Drain and immediately run eggs under cold water until completely cool.  Decorate into beautiful Easter eggs.  (This info also came from my Family Circle magazine.)


4.  Coloring Those Eggs
Want to come up with some fun colors for your Easter egg dying?  Well, here's a handy little guide that will get you some fun colors.  
  • Mix 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 10 to 20 drops food color in a cup to achieve desired colors. Repeat for each color. Dip hard-cooked eggs in dye for about 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon, wire egg holder or tongs to add and remove eggs from dye. Allow eggs to dry. 

5.  Makes You Think, Doesn't It?

Have a great weekend!  I'm off to celebrate my friend Carol's birthday night with the girls and we're playing trivia tomorrow night.  I'll be back on Monday to tell you all about it.  Oh -- If you missed my post yesterday, you should check it out HERE.  You can enter to win a $120 Sephora gift card.  Fun, right?!?

Linking up with:


  1. I'm so happy it's friday! For the past few weeks (and weekends,) I've been working/on the go nonstop! I fully plan to do nothing but SLEEP and relax this weekend. I can't wait to decorate eggs for Easter though. It's so much fun <3

  2. Happy Birthday to your friend! And good luck on meeting all of the objectives on your list!

  3. I love these kinds of monthly challenges to clean the home. I am currently not working, so I don't think my husband and I have ever had a cleaner house hahaha

  4. Those monthly challenges are my favorite!! They give me the kickstart I need to get moving. Have a great weekend!

  5. I totally need to do a spring cleaning challenge. This place could SURE use it!

    I love that quote. Definitely makes you think

  6. Pretty Easter egg colors. I am glad you had so much fun on your weekend. Catching up on magazines is a favorite to do of mine too. Except there seems to be less and less time for even catching up moments. Have fun with your friends.

  7. Thank you for the Easter Egg coloring tip, that was very helpful. I kind of gave up on Easter Eggs because I never got anything painted extra nice, but y'know that was just watercolor. I will follow your tips for this year.

  8. The 30-day cleaning challenge looks great, helps us organize the home cleaning tasks especially for moms. And the hugging! have at least 5 hugs a day! :)

  9. I love that spring cleaning chart! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I have mixed emotions over finding this post...I love the neat Easter egg colors (I have bookmarked them & will be using), and I kind of hate the hate the 30 Spring Clean Challenge. I hate it because the way it is set up, it is actually doable! Well, maybe I like it a little. At the very least it has motivated me to try, thank you!

  11. Oh that is a lot of cleaning! Mummy would SO rather be doing anything else!! Have a lovely night out x

  12. OOH thanks for the fun egg coloring options. We will be dying eggs this weekend!

  13. Love the egg dying recipes. I'm shocked to see the green + pink to make apricot. How interesting! And I'm not a hugger either. I'm trying to be better, because so many are! Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks, as always, for linking up at H54F!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  14. I so need to do this! Spring cleaning is on my list big time in all the rooms of my home!

  15. I'm weird about hugging. As a general rule I'm not a hugger. I hug my immediate family & anyone I'm in a relationship with. I WILL hug other family members & friends goodbye but if I don't it doesn't bother me one bit.

  16. That's a really interesting hugging study! Also the hard-boiled eggs... my son asks me how to do them every single year! lol

  17. Eep, it is time to start spring cleaning, isn't it? I like that the chart breaks it down into something more manageable. I can't wait to start coloring eggs, though. One of my favorite traditions since childhood!! :)

  18. There is absolutely no way I could do 30 days of cleaning. I almost started hyperventilating just thinking about it. Ha!

  19. Love the tips on egg coloring! We hard boil our with red onion skins and then etch out designs :) I'll have to try some new combinations this year :)

  20. That is such a great list of cleaning to-do's!

  21. #1 spoke to me loudly. I have to get some spring cleaning done around here as well as organization. I've printed this out as a checklist.

  22. I like the quote on the stairways to heaven and highway to hell and it makes sense. Easter would be much livelier with the colored Easter Eggs.

  23. My mom loves to hug us every time she sees us. I'm also not a hugger but it sure gives me comfort when she does that.

  24. I always get so excited for Spring cleaning! It's how I welcome spring! I love that list and I can't wait to start the challenge! - Seri from

  25. That spring cleaning challenge doesn't seem too terribly difficult. Surely I can handle that. Tomorrow sounds like a good day to start....or Monday :)

  26. I LOVE spring cleaning. It feels SO good! I love those deeper colors for the Easter eggs. My kids love coloring eggs!

  27. Thank you for sharing your Spring Cleaning check list.. it's just what I need. Pus the color combination for the egg dyes too!

  28. hm, I like the idea that I have what I need to do looking at me and that way I will not forget. But I am sure it will not be done in that order. I like those color combination on the eggs but am not sure I will have time but will try:)
