Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekending - March 27, 2015

Guys -- who doesn't love a weekend?!?  Can't really say I had a super productive weekend, but had so much fun that I won't mind having to put in some extra effort this week to get us ready for Easter next weekend.

Friday night we celebrated Carol's birthday.  By "we" I mean me, Sherri, Carol and Tracy.  We have been a foursome for years and if you've been reading my blog for any period of time, you know I chat about these friends often.  We started the evening at Social Gastropub in Edwardsville, Illinois.  Fun place that we hadn't been to together before.  It came to our attention quickly that they serve our new favorite liquor - St. Germain - so we ordered up some cocktails!

We had a great time sharing appetizers from their "Share" menu.  Then there were presents and dessert.

We moved over to Wang Gang's for another cocktail and more chatting before calling it a night.  Of course, we had to end the evening with a selfie and hugs all around.  Happy birthday, Carol!

Eric was off on Saturday so we managed to get some errands done during the day.  Saturday evening we played trivia with our neighborhood friends.  The theme was Superheros and Villains and it benefited our local school.  I made a banner to string across our table and cupcake toppers for our Superhero themed evening.  The organizers did a fabulous job putting this event together and the categories were fun.  One of the toughest categories for our table was one where they would read the first and last line from a book and you had to identify which book it came from.  We used our mulligan on this one quite a bit!

On Sunday, I FINALLY finished reading The Language of Flowers. I had seen it on several other bloggers posts and thought I'd give it a try.  Interesting read.  Can't say I totally fell in love with it, but is was a decent book.  Have you read it?  What did you think?


Here's the Amazon summary:
The Victorian language of flowers was used to convey romantic expressions: honeysuckle for devotion, asters for patience, and red roses for love. But for Victoria Jones, it’s been more useful in communicating mistrust and solitude. After a childhood spent in the foster-care system, she is unable to get close to anybody, and her only connection to the world is through flowers and their meanings. Now eighteen and emancipated from the system with nowhere to go, Victoria realizes she has a gift for helping others through the flowers she chooses for them. But an unexpected encounter with a mysterious stranger has her questioning what’s been missing in her life. And when she’s forced to confront a painful secret from her past, she must decide whether it’s worth risking everything for a second chance at happiness.

Just as I was finishing making dinner on Sunday night, Ian and Kayla called to see if we wanted to meet them for dinner.  Well heck yes we wanted to meet them!  So the dinner I had prepared will be eaten on another day and we headed out to meet them at Bailey's Range located in downtown St. Louis.  Great place for burgers if you're in the area.  Their burger menu has a multitude of unique burgers, great sauces to dip your fries into and wonderful shakes to have for dessert.  I love being married to a man that is okay with being as spontaneous as I am!  We had a great time with our dinner companions and were so happy they called us to come with them!

                                     Image result for baileys range restaurant st louis

This will be a short work week for me because the company I work for is closed on Good Friday.  Only four days until we get to have another weekend -- can't wait!!  And here's a little something to help cure everyone's Monday blues -- me and some blog friends have a little something special for you all.
How about $125?
And how about from a group of super gorgeous gals?

Win. Win.

No, seriously… check out these gals. 
And then enter to win some cashola.
I think I just turned your Monday around.
You're welcome.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Nothing's better than a weekend filled with cocktails and good friends! I'm glad you had a great time celebrating your friends birthday. A little girls night out is always a good idea <3

  2. Cocktails, good friends and desserts - what could be better?! Those cupcakes look amazing too, superheroes and villains is such a great theme :)

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! What really caught my eye though was that chocolate cake, that looked delicious!!

  4. I love weekends with friends I have read that book and it wasn't one of my favorites but I enjoyed it. Learned a lot about flowers for sure. If I remember correctly (I read a book a week) it was a beach read.

  5. Weekends with friends are the best! That chocolate cake looks so good.

  6. Don't you just love girlfriend time?!? Looks like y'all had a blast! Happy Monday!

  7. Superheroes and Villains trivia sounds like fun! It's really cool that they were able to have an event like that benefit the local schools!

  8. Cocktails and girlfriends equals a great night every time guaranteed. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend, I chilled out for most of mine.

  9. What an awesome weekend! Drinks, food, and laughter shared are some of the best things we can ask for :) Enjoy your short work week!

  10. Your weekend sounds great! Productivity isn't as good as food for the soul and time with friends and gal pals is just that. Love that phone booth photo prop pictured. Very cute!

  11. Fun parties!! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend!!

  12. I like the superhero themed cupcakes. It looks like a fun themed party and I'm also a fan of superhero items.

  13. You had a tons of fun!! What a great fun event and I really like the theme of the party.

  14. Sounds like you had a great weekend!! The chocolate dessert sounds amazing and would have been my favorite part.

  15. Belated happy birthday to Carol. LOoks like y'all had a great time. NOthing compares to the feeling of togetherness with friends.

  16. It looks like another successful weekend. I need to find that book! Great giveaway.

  17. You guys had a great weekend indeed! A fun filled and memorable weekend like no other.! And oh, I will definitely join your giveaway! Will try my luck with this one.

  18. Sounds like you had another super fun weekend! I read the Language of Flowers a while back and enjoyed it. It made for good discussion over drinks.

  19. You had a busy, fun, and fabulous weekend! Awesome giveaway too!
