Monday, March 30, 2015

Lemon Tartlets

Easter is fast approaching and I've been thinking about what desserts I'm going to serve.  Since it will be April, I'd love to have a "springy" looking dessert for this holiday.  We are typically so full from dinner that the desserts sometimes go uneaten.  This year I'm thinking about having several mini-desserts so my guests can eat one even if they are full.

One of my favorite mini-dessert is Lemon Tartlets with homemade lemon curd.  I blogged about these little gems back in June on this post, but I thought they were so good they deserved another shout out.  What says Spring more than the taste of lemon!  These are so easy to whip up that they won't take you away from your egg hunting for very long at all.

Here's what you do:

Here's the ingredients:
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
1 tablespoon grated lemon peel

In the top of a double boiler, beat eggs and sugar.  Stir in lemon juice, butter and lemon peel.  Cook over simmering water for 15 minutes or until thickened.
This recipe is found on and it's by Margaret Balakowski

Heat the fillo shells in the oven at 350 degrees for 3-5 minutes.  When the shells are cooled completely, fill with the lemon curd.  Garnish with a bit of grated lemon peel.

These tartlets have a wonderfully fresh taste.  Perfect for a light dessert after a big meal.  And just look at them -- don't you think they just scream Spring?!?


Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen
Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
Green Fashionista and Martinis & Bikinis: Recipe Swap
Eat Drink & Be Mary: Delicious Dish Tuesday
Love From The Kitchen: Tuesday's Table
The Diary of a Real Housewife
Andrea at Momfessionals


  1. These are so cute and look tasty!

    1. Those look amazing! Nice and light and refreshing, the perfect Spring treat!

  2. Lemon, your right, screams spring! Love the mint garnish. Adds a nice touch. I wish everyone in my family liked lemon desserts. I eat all lemon anything, them not so much. Okay Penny, the plate they are on, yes, I have one in cream like it - again Pier 1. We should do posts just on our identical plates. LOL.

  3. i was really looking a recipie about lemon tartlets. thanx for sharing its really easy and quick so gonna try it defnatly.thanx for sharing

  4. These looks simple and fast to prepare. It looks tasty and I like it since it's bite size.

  5. They look super cute, i do love baking and they look easy and quick to make. Will have to make some.

  6. YUM! These are adorable and look delish! Perfect for Easter weekend :)

  7. Those sound really nice right now. I'm in the mood for lemon! They are so cute too.

  8. i have been loving lemon this year!! I never had been a fan till recently. These sound amazing!

  9. Those Lemon Tartlets looks super yummy! I LOVE lemon treats, they're so good <3

  10. These look so good and perfect for Easter entertaining. I just tried lemon squares yesterday for the first time and loved them!

  11. They come out so freaking cute! I love lemon but I suck at cooking so i'm coming over for dessert. Wait for me ;)

  12. Those lemon tarts look delicious. I love how they came out. It is my mom's favorite dessert

  13. these look so cute and delicious! i love lemony desserts this time of year. :)

  14. I love the taste of lemons! these tarts looks so yummy! Our little lemon tree in the backyard has plenty of lemons, and I'm going to try your recipe this weekend :)

  15. Yum! Lemon is my favorite flavor to create treats with in the Spring. I love the tart and sweet flavor.

  16. Those are really cute! They look like they would be perfect for a tea party. Yum!

  17. oh wow penny these are absolutely divine and look so delicious, i want to make something like this soon

  18. These look sooo yummy! I love lemon tarts so will have to definitely try this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Your dessert looks so yummy and I love that they are bite-size and not the big tarts. I'm not a fan of citrus flavor (though I love it as a fragrance, haha) so mini tarts are perfect for me.
