Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - April 2, 2015

Here we are on April 2.  Did any of you play wonderful April Fool's jokes on anyone?  Did anyone get you?!?  I managed to get through the day unscathed.  Hope you did too!

Welcome to another Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa .  The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa and link your Thursday post below.  Super easy!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

X-tremely V

So today I'm thinking about Easter and all I have to do to get ready.  My parents are visiting for the weekend and Ian and Kayla are coming over on Sunday.  I can't wait to have everyone here!  I want to show you some of my Easter decorations.

This is my outside wreath made by my good friend Carol.  She is so darn talented!  I love the bunny sitting there waiting to welcome you into the house.

I'm in love with the magnetic mailbox wraps!  For Easter, I added a matching garden flag.

It was a goal of mine to decorate the mantle for each holiday this year.  Here's how the Easter mantle shaped up.

The "Spring" banner was a breeze to make using the fabulous Silhouette Cameo Cutting System.  It die cut all the pieces for this banner so easily.  I just love it!  This is also the machine I use to cut the vinyl when I etch on glass.  My next project is to cut fabric -- can't wait to try this!

I'm hoping to have time to fold my napkins like bunny ears.  Hopefully I can do them as well as Martha Stewart did.  (Keep your fingers crossed for me!)  Instructions on how to fold them can be found HERE.


Now it's your turn -- what you are Thinking Out Loud about today?

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. Those Easter decorations are just the thing I needed to see this morning! Living abroad is mostly a wonderful experience, but I really miss the way people do holidays back home. Seeing your photos made me smile... that's the Easter I know :)

  2. Your Easter decorations are gorgeous. I cant wait to own a home some day and do this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Okay let's try this head is in such a flu fog still. Love the banner you made. That machine is amazing. What I could do with it for school! Wishing you a Happy Easter. Enjoy your family time.

  5. I need to get my Easter menu finalized because the entire family will be here. I love all your spring/Easter decor! I would love to be able to fold my napkins into bunnies. I don't know if I've got the skills for that one. Happy Easter!

  6. That mailbox is so cute omg. Easter snuck up on me this year and I am not ready at all. My kids tried to prank me for April Fools and my son did get me but other than that I managed to be in the all clear. Happy Easter!

  7. Love all the fun Easter colors and decor!! (And the bunny folded napkin is SO CUTE!!!)

  8. Oh wow! Oh cute. Your wreath on your door and mailbox are absolutely too cute! Such great ideas too! I've never decorated for Easter. Now I feel like I'm definitely slacking!

  9. This is wonderful with all the bright colors, I really want to do more for Spring, and you have some great ideas. I love the bunny

  10. Oh!! I just love your Easter decorations!! I love spring and all the bright colors! (Not so much the allergies, though. I could do without those).

  11. What beautiful decorations. That wreath is absolutely amazing. What a festive house!

  12. Those Easter decorations are super cute! I especially love how creative the bunny eared napkin is!

  13. I actually did April Fool's my husband I surprisingly got him! Two years ago today, I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd child and I was always so mad that I didn't find out on April Fool's because it would have been hilarious to tell my husband and him thinking I was joking. So sure enough, last night, I decided it would be hilarious to tell him I was pregnant again. LOL. HE BELIEVED ME. Greatest moment!

  14. That magnetic box is so cute. Have a great Easter weekend with the family. We will be spending it with our in laws

  15. I love the mail box and the magnetic box too, you gave me a brilliant idea thank you for sharing.

  16. Martha Stewart thinks of it all, doesn't she? Those napkins folded up like bunny ears... freakin adorable.

  17. I love all of your Easter decor! It's all so cute!!

  18. I love your spring banner and the beautiful wreath on your door!! :) :)

  19. I made it through the day with out any pranks this year too. These are the cutest ideas for Easter indeed. I love the wreath and the mailbox. The one thing that is to cute is the napkin. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I love all your decorations! Makes me wish I was in my place already so i could decorate! I'm in love with the mailbox!!

  21. I love your bright and beautiful Easter decor! It's so cheerful :)

  22. oh wow this is so cool, I hope to decorate my apartment for the special seasons once i move in and yes I got 'fooled' on April 1st and still fuming lol.

  23. You're quite ready for Easter Sunday. I love the decorations you have.

    I didn't do any prank that day and I wasn't played. So April 1 went out just fine. :)
