Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Parmesan Baked Pork Chops

I came across this recipe on Facebook the other day and thought it sounded good so Monday night I whipped it up for dinner.  Eric loved it, so I deemed it blog worthy.

Parmesan Baked Pork Chops
4 boneless pork chops
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup parmesan cheese
1 cup Italian bread crumbs
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder

In a pie plate combine the last 4 ingredients.  Rub the pork chops with olive oil and then coat each one in the cheese mixture.  Press the mixture over the pork chops to make sure they are well covered in it.

 Line a jelly roll pan with foil and spray with cooking spray.  Place the pork chops on the pan and bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

And just like that you have dinner.

A good thing about this recipe was I walked in the door, turned on the oven and started working on the recipe.  It was quick to get them in the oven.  Then I had 45 minutes to change clothes, look through the mail and relax from the day.  We added roasted cauliflower and the meal was complete.  Enjoy!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen
Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
Green Fashionista and Martinis & Bikinis: Recipe Swap
Eat Drink & Be Mary: Delicious Dish Tuesday
Love From The Kitchen: Tuesday's Table
The Diary of a Real Housewife


  1. Quick and easy (and delicious) week night meals are a must for me. This one looks like something my family would enjoy. Thanks.

  2. These look so good! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Looks delicious! I will have to try making these! I have nominated you for a Liebster award. If you want to participate you can find the information on my blog: http://peacefulsimplelife.blogspot.ca/2015/03/liebster-award.html

  4. I was just thinking today of buying some pork chops to do something like this — but tonkatsu stye with Japanese bread crumbs. Which, now that I've read your recipe, I might try with parmesan cheese! Yum!

  5. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE a good pork chops. These look super delicious!!!

  6. I have never tried baking pork chops before so thank you so much for this! I may try it next time I have pork chops for a change.

  7. I've tried this one too and we liked it a lot! I am a big pork chop person. They always taste great with little effort. The side dish looks good too. I am actually making roasted cauliflower (with gnocchi) this week for the first time!

  8. That sounds like a pretty good tasting dish and one I would enjoy eating. I never thought to through some Parmesan cheese into the meat coating-what a great idea.

  9. This looks delicious, especially with Parmesan cheese. Don't you just love stumbling on great recipes online?

  10. I don't eat pork but Im sure this would be good on chicken too. I almost always have all these ingredients already too.

  11. I'm not a huge pork chop fan, but these look so good!! Definitely will be pinning them for the next time my hubby wants chops!!

  12. Yum I've made these a few times and they are super delicious! My kids usually gobble them up right quickly!

  13. Ohhh yum. We just picked up pork at the store today but didn't have any plans for it. Looks like we do now!

  14. OK, so if I felt like cooking and not getting take out tonight, I would totally be making this ;) I'll definitely put it in my recipe box. Thanks for sharing!

  15. YUM! I'm always looking for a fun new way to make pork chops :)

  16. Oh my, I know that my mother in law will LOVE these. She loves anything with cheese, especially parm and she loves a good pork chop!

  17. I love pork chops and these look absolutely delicious! I am going to have to save this recipe for when I can eat breading again!

  18. I would've never thought to put two of those ingredients together. I bet it's tasty! I have nothing out for supper (except for a bitta chicken that I bought today). I might end up making this .... but with chicken.

  19. I love quick and easy dinner with the kids busy week nights!! These look delicious and like food they would like.

  20. oh wow looks so delicious, I love port but do not have many go to recipes so I will definitely be trying this.

  21. You had me when I saw the world parmesan! Those look delicious, my husband would be in heaven!

  22. I love quick and easy dinner ideas like this. Cheese makes everything better! I'm sure my family would love these pork chops.

  23. Well, I know what I'm making for supper. Yum That sounds so good that I pinned it too and I'm now following you. I hope you can get a chance and stop by me and follow me too under linky followers. I'm trying to reach a 1,000 before the end of the month. Woo Hoo Won't you help?

  24. I wish was stomach allowed me to eat Pork i love it but it never settles right in my stomach lol. This recipe looks so yummy ♥

  25. This recipe looks good. I'll ask mom to make them for me. Haha! Or better yet, I better start learning how to make this for myself! :)
