Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekending -- Welcome March

Hello March!  Well, the weather over the weekend seriously altered our plans.  We were going to attend a surprise birthday party Saturday night, but the falling snow and low temperatures kept us home.  We just didn't think it wise to venture out on the 30 mile trip when the roads were snow-covered and slick.  Then my book club was cancelled on Sunday.  So, pretty quiet weekend for us.

Before snowpalooza began on Saturday, I was able to help my friend, Lauren, with getting her wedding invitations ready to mail.  I just LOVE weddings and was so honored that she asked me to help get the invitations ready to mail.  She wanted to add a band and tag around the invitation, RSVP card and information card.  It's amazing what adding that small addition did to enhance the overall look of her already beautiful invitations.

Lauren showed up with mimosa ingredients and I made scones.  Perfect way to start the day!

It was a fun couple of hours finishing up the project.  Can't wait for the wedding!!  Eric and I will be going to New Orleans for the big event and we are SOOOOO excited!  

Saturday afternoon Eric and I did a little shopping to cash in some coupons I had.  Check out this load - I got a pair of pajama pants, a pair of Victoria Secret underwear, Clinique primer and foundation samples all for $2.16.  SCORE!

Sunday was a fun day watching the neighborhood kids playing in the snow.  Check out the snowman snowgiant our neighbor constructed.  Very impressive!

I enjoyed emptying our DVR of all the shows I had recorded and hadn't had time to watch on Sunday after shoveling the snow off the driveway.  Honestly, some of the shows I records are such guilty pleasures.  Do you have shows like that -- ones you are surprised you get sucked in to?  My latest embarrassing shows are Marriage at First Site and Sister Wives.  

Well, I'm off to watch Downton Abbey.  I just love that show!  Have a happy Monday!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Love quiet weekends! Can you believe on Downton Abbey the two who got together at the end? (Don't want to spoil it for those that may have not watched it yet.) Another year to have to wait now.

  2. It sounds like you had a very fun weekend, Penny! That is quite the snow giant! WOW :D haha! I've watched both of your embarrassing shows :D quite addicting and intriguing, right?!

  3. That band takes those invites over the top. Beautiful! The Good Wife is my guilty pleasure TV watching. Oh, that and recording several ID shows. I now know how to kill anyone. :)

  4. Snow--the bane pf our lives this winter--I just hope that this summer doesn't get too hot. I don't know which is worse!! At any rate-I was able to get put on Saturday for a while but stayed in on Sunday--then it started to snow again. I have to look out the window to see if I can get to a client today!

  5. Looks like you had a ton of fun!

  6. Wow, talk about a haul! All that for under $3? As far as the embarrassing TV shows go, I will go ahead and admit along with you that I watched the first two seasons of Sister Wives in rapid succession when they came out on Netflix. No shame ;)

  7. Sounds like it was a great weekend. Those invitations are beautiful.

  8. Mimosa and scones?! Your right, there's no better way to start the day! That snowman your neighbors build is amazing! I've never got the hang of getting my snowmen to stay up for very long <3

  9. That's a really huge snowman and it's not the typical snowman that is rounded. It's nice you were able to do a lot of things before the snow came in.

  10. Score on the shopping finds! Those invitations are so cute!

  11. I love wedding invitation parties!! And that snow-giant IS impressive!

  12. Those invitations are really pretty. I think we have watch "guilty pleasure" shows, I love most anything on TLC.

  13. I'm guilty of watching some bad reality TV in the past. I really need to start the first season of Downton Abbey though!

  14. I am a lover of quite weekends and always need me more of them, those invites look awesome.

  15. Saying hi from Biana's linkup! Those invitations are so pretty! And I love weekends (or any day!) that I can empty my DVR! Pure bliss!

  16. Sounds like you had the perfect weekend. I love your friends wedding invitations - they are very classy looking.

  17. It is best that you stayed home and those invitations look awesome. We had a snow storm a few weeks ago and didn't cancel our party. Two of the guests could not get out of our driveway! lol

    I'll be over for the scones tomorrow! Love scones! :)

  18. Sounds quite similar to my weekend. We were supposed to go out of town but the roads were too icy so we ended up staying home and I worked on some wedding planning for my daughter's wedding.

  19. I always use new months as a way to just start (or finish) projects. There's something about the 1st week of the month that brings inspiration in. Great to see you doing your invitations :)

  20. I need a quite weekend! Invitation looks great, and I miss the snow!! I used to live in Rochester NY!

  21. I’m looking forward to this month! Traveling to a new country by the end of March! Really excited!

  22. What a fun packed weekend. Mine was filled with trying to get over a stomach bug, not fun at all.

  23. I think I have a million "guilty pleasure" shows that I could never list them all! ;) I like Sister Wives, too.

  24. Looks like you had a fun weekend even though it was snowing. The invitation look so cute.
