Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Peanut Butter Scotchies

If you saw my Weekending post, you already had a preview of the cookies I whipped up when I got home on Sunday.  This is my mother-in-law's recipe and one of Eric's favorites.

These Peanut Butter Scotchies were a perfect surprise for Eric -- so simple to make that even I could do it after a fun weekend away with friends. Check out how simple they are:

1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 packages butterscotch chips
6 cups cornflakes

Pour the butterscotch chips in a microwave safe bowl.  Put in the microwave with a small cup of water beside the bowl of chips and heat for 2 minutes.  Stir.  Heat for another 2 minutes.  Stir again.  The chips should be completely melted, but if they are not heat again in 30 second increments until they are completely melted.  Stir in 1 cup peanut butter.

Add in the 6 cups of cornflakes.  Mix until all the cornflakes are well coated with the melted mixture.

Drop by spoonfuls onto a tray covered with wax paper.  Place in the refrigerator to cool until set.

Love the crunch the cornflakes give these sweet little treats!  One batch makes about 40 cookies.  From start to finish, this recipe took about 15 minutes to complete.  Can't beat that for a quick dessert.  Enjoy!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen
Let's Be Friends Blog Hop with The Dwelling Tree
Green Fashionista and Martinis & Bikinis: Recipe Swap
Eat Drink & Be Mary: Delicious Dish Tuesday
Love From The Kitchen: Tuesday's Table
The Diary of a Real Housewife
Andrea at Momfessionals


  1. Yes! I've been waiting for you to share this recipe. These peanut butter scotchies seriously looks AMAZING. I can't wait to whip this up for myself this weekend <3

  2. This post made my day indeed. My grandmother used to make this but used Rice Krispes. I will have to make these for sure because I haven't had these in years. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Beautiful plate it is on! Now where have I seen that before . . . LOL! This recipe my husband would love. Anything peanut butter and I like that it is quick and easy. Cooking with PB is always a challenge for me due to my nut allergy, thank goodness for gloves.

  4. oh I am DROOLING these look amazing!

    Found this on DDT - thanks for sharing!

  5. Awww, this recipe reminds me of my childhood. We used to make these a lot.Thanks for making me smile :)!

  6. Stop the presses because these look delicious!!!

  7. These look really good and very simple to make. Thank you for sharing them with us. I now have a new snack to try.

  8. I can see why they are his favorites. They look really tasty. What a fun and easy snack to make!

  9. Love anything with peanut butter. Never thought to try peanut butter with corn flakes. They look delicious!

  10. Peanut butter is one of my most favorite ingredients in dessert. I love how quick and easy these are (and no bake)! Thank you for sharing with us at Delicious Dish Tuesday!

  11. Oh my gosh I am a huge peanut butter fanatic!! These look and sound amazing going to have to try this out!

  12. ah so yummy, I am so hungry right now so probably bad idea me reading this post whilst hungry but lovely recipe one I intend to try after work.

  13. bookmarking this. i'm sure i would love these!! they look so simple to make. i love recipes with very minimal ingredients.. and i love the crispiness of cornflakes. :)

  14. Wow this looks so easy to make! I haven't ate peanut butter with anything else before.

  15. I love recipes like this! Easy and simple! Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love the taste of peanut butter. I am sure it would go well with Corn Flakes.

  17. These are my dad's favorite, he would DIE if I made these for him!

  18. Those look so good. My daughter would love to help me make this scotchies and EAT them

  19. Omg these look pretty amazing!!!! I just had dinner and haves major sweet tooth right now and these look like the best desert ever ;-) wish I had one!!!

  20. This looks like an awesome recipe. I am sure my children would love to eat this or even make it. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Now that sounds really different, and I bet really good. My son is the peanut butter king. Going to have to make these for him the next time he comes over or I can mail him some for his birthday in a surprise. I surely would be his NO. 1 Mom in the whole wide world as he use to say when he was little. hehehe

  22. Oh wow, these sound like they taste so good!

  23. Yummmm these look delish and so easy to make!

  24. YES! My husband will love these! He is obsessed with everything peanut butter. Xo

  25. I make something like this but chocolate covers the cornflakes instead of peanutbutter! I'm totally making this next time.

  26. Oh wow, does that look amazing. I never would have thought those were cornflakes in there. Have to remember this recipe for another time!

  27. These look amazing for game day!!!

  28. I've tasted these at potlucks-- and I'm looking forward to making some now!

  29. I made these, adding 2-3 cups of cornflakes (I used generic ones). I had a hard time getting the chips to melt, so I added the peanut butter and then finished melting. They are sooooo delicious!
