Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekending - March 20, 2015

Oh my goodness guys -- this weekend was SO.MUCH.FUN!!  Me and two of my friends (Debbie and Jane) busted out of town Thursday afternoon and headed to Florida for some Cardinals Spring Training action.  We flew into Orlando and drove south.  Warning:  this post is going to have an overload of baseball and beach pictures.

On Friday morning, we woke up to this view ~

It was a calculated plan for us to find a hotel on the beach.  We were seeing a Cards game in Port St. Lucie at Tradition Field on Friday and Jupiter at Roger Dean Stadium on Saturday, so we found a hotel in between the two cities.  Winner plan!!  The Hutchinson Island Marriott Beach Resort & Marina was just what we were hoping for.  The ocean view from our room was fabulous and the beach was literally steps away from our hotel door.

We were pumped to see our first Spring Training game on Friday!  Here's some scenes from our our day.

We had left a chilly 50ish St. Louis.  Here's the temp right before game time -- a lovely 84 degrees!  

We may or may not have totally lost the car in the parking lot.  Oh well, the traffic was so bad getting out of the stadium even if we HAD known where the car was we wouldn't have been able to get out of there any faster.  Honestly, we were just so excited when we got to the game we didn't even pay attention to where we parked.

For dinner Friday night we stopped by the grocery store on the way back to the hotel and picked up some picnic food.  As soon as we were back at the hotel, we headed to the beach with some shrimp, cheese, grapes, and a bottle of wine to enjoy the sights and sounds of the beach.  There is nothing better than picnicking on the beach!  What a great way to recharge and relax!!

Saturday we were ready to see our Cardinals take on the Braves in Jupiter.  Great game!  This one was a winner.  Our ace pitcher, Adam Wainwright, was on the mound for the first time since returning from an injury.  We got so lucky to see the line up of players on the field!  Special shout out to my new friend, Christine, that I made while standing in line to get in the game.

We hung around after the game to catch some of the Cardinal players leaving.  We'd like to believe this was Yadi.  Yes, we're pretty sure it was him.

I have a confession -- I'm a lot little directionally challenged.  For whatever reason, left and right just doesn't come naturally to me.  Thank goodness I had a great couple of navigators to help get us to our destinations.  Sorry, Debbie and Jane for all the u-turns we had to make.  Poor Siri was so sick of me by the end of the weekend.  I really thought at one point she was just going to start cursing at me!

We headed to the airport Sunday morning. It was so hard to leave this view.

When I got home on Sunday, I made Eric one of his favorite snacks - Peanut Butter Scotchies.  I thought he deserved it because he was so wonderful about me going on my girls weekend.  Recipe will be coming on Tuesday.

I can't even come up with words for how wonderful it was to be in warm weather for a fun few days.  Sitting on the beach and feeling the sand on my feet was just what I needed to re-energize.  After the long winter, this was such a wonderful way to start Spring.

So now I'll try to be patient for the Cardinals to start playing ball in St. Louis.  In the meantime, I need to see where I am on my March Madness bracket.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. What a GORGEOUS view to wake up to! I love Florida. It's basically my second home thanks to my family's yearly Disney World trips. I was so happy I got to explore Miami, Tampa and St.Pete during my last summer visit to Florida. I can't WAIT for that Peanut Butter Scotchies recipe, so yummy <3

  2. Ah, you're in my old stomping grounds. :) I used to take the kids to Blowing Rocks in Jupiter and it was always a gorgeous sunrise or sunset. I laughed when you noted you were directionally challenged... welcome to the club, I've been there for years. ;)

  3. Looks like you had a lot of fun. I have to plan a weekend trip like that with my girlfriends too.

  4. Gorgeous sunrise! Out of town trips with girlfriends are fun! My crew and I took a road trip last December — we got a little lost too, but non-stop laughing all the way.

  5. I could so use a vacation right now!!! This looks so amazing!

    Sandy a la Mode

  6. Looks like you and your two friends had the most perfect weekend getaway with just the girls. My bestie is coming from Canada in May and I'm excited to see her!!!

  7. What fun you all had! The views of the ocean are beautiful and I can feel those ocean senses coming alive. The plate your treats are on, I have the EXACT plate too. It is on MY BLOG today too for Monday Muffins. Too, too funny! Mine was from Pier 1, yours?

  8. Those views are amazing. There is never such a thing as too many baseball or beach pictures. Someday I need to get my butt to Fort Myers for Twins spring training.

  9. What a great weekend away! Those views are AMAZING!

  10. Looks like such a fun time! I think Spring Training would be so fun to go to -- and I mean you get to go to the beach so what could be better?1

  11. That sunset looks beautiful and the water so clear! Spring training is always so much fun too. What a nice weekend!

  12. Glad you had a great trip - I did a weather flip this weekend too, while it was 70s here in STL, we were playing around in 45 degree weather.

  13. That view is just incredible. I'd love to wake up to that sunrise. What a great vacation for you guys!

  14. This looks like you had a blast of a good time. I am eager to see that recipe on Tuesday.
    I love the gorgeous pictures of the beach and the beautiful sky background.You're pictures made me feel like I was there with you almost.

  15. What a fun and beautiful weekend! Love the beach pics!

  16. What a fun weekend!! I have lost my car before in a parking lot before in a similar situation!

  17. Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! I just got into baseball and would love to see a Spring training game.

  18. That hotel view is such a beauty, what a way to spend your spring. I am acking for some beach time to relax and de-stress.

  19. You had a fun experience weekend! I'm so jealous and I really love all your pictures.

  20. I'm also directionally challenge. Good thing I have a watch on my left so I know which is left. => The view from the beach is awesome.

  21. Wow, what a gorgeous view to wake up too! I wouldn't mind that at all! Sounds and looks like you had a great weekend!

  22. What a view!
    And what an adventure! I"m glad you had a good time!
    I want a vacation too :)
    Thanks for sharing.

  23. I've heard about Florida beaches and how pretty they are.. I can see that in the photos you have shared here. I want to visit beaches and Orlando this summer.. BTW, the peanut snack looks yummy.

  24. There's not many things better than a good beach and the ocean. Looks like a fun little get away. :)

  25. Wow! Florida looks great! What an awesome weekend getaway! Thanks for linking up with me on Monday.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  26. Yum!! Those snacks look delish! Thanks for stopping by MeetUp Monday! Stop by again this week!
