Thursday, March 19, 2015

Five on Friday - March 20, 2015

Coming to you from sunny Florida today!  We made it to the hotel and are so excited to see our first Spring Training game.  So let me share my Five on Friday before we head to the stadium ~

1.  Welcome Spring!
Today's the first day of Spring and I'm celebrating by attending my first ever Spring Training baseball game!  I can't think of a better way to usher in this season!  Coming to Florida for a Cardinals game has been on my bucket list for years and now here I am with two friends ready to hear the crack of the bat.  Today we're in Port St. Lucie to see the Cardinals take on the Mets (Wacha pitching) and tomorrow we'll head to Jupiter to see the Birds against the Braves (Wainwright pitching).  I'm seeing two great games with two great friends -- it just doesn't get much better than this!  Hey Yadi, want to do dinner?  GO CARDS!


2.  Painted Shoes
Did you see these adorable St. Louis Blues shoes on my Weekending post?  We had them painted for our daughter-in-law for Christmas.  Every time she wears them, she gets tons of compliments (no surprise -- just look how unique they are!).  The artist, Jennifer Rericha, paints loads of designs.  She puts tons of love into each pair she paints and was a joy to work with.  If you would like her to customize a pair for you, she can be contacted through her Etsy page (Rericha Designs).  I'm seriously thinking about getting a pair with St. Louis Cardinals painted on them.

3.  Kraft's Food & Family Magazine
I'm obsessed with magazines -- all kinds of magazines.  Well, if you haven't seen this one you don't know what you're missing.  It's published four times a year and is stocked full of great recipes the whole family will love plus wonderful tips that help you out around the kitchen and entertaining.  I can honestly say that I've found recipes to make out of each and every publications.  If you're interested in a subscription, you can get one HERE.


4.  Bacon-Flavored Cream Cheese
Guess what new product I read about in my latest Kraft Food & Family ~ Bacon-Flavored Cream Cheese.  You know everything's better with a little bacon!!  I'm going to be on the lookout for this in my local grocery store.


5.  Travel Observation
                                 " Did you ever notice that the first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone?" #travel (20 Of The Best Travel Quotes Of All Time)

Enjoy your weekend!  I'll be back on Monday with highlights from my trip.  Hope to see you then.

Linking up with:


  1. LOL #5 That's the one piece that keeps going around and around. Yes, let's find out who it belongs too.

  2. Those painted shoes are awesome. I have never seen anything like those. I need a New England Patriots pair :)

  3. Those painted shoes are so cool! I am definitely going to head over and check her out on Etsy. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip in FL :)

  4. Happy First Day of Spring! As a Chicagoan, I am totally disgusted by our sports rivals so I am not a fan of your Cardinals or Blues love, but at least you are showing your support very stylishly! ;) Have a great Spring!


  5. Thanks for sharing your five on Friday. I'd love to do this as well. I have not tried the Bacon-Flavored Cream Cheese, but their veggie cream cheese is the best. I'll have to try the bacon soon. Those shoes are so cute BTW!!

  6. I really love those painted shoes! I didn't know they had bacon flavored cream cheese! I will be on the look out for it.

    Michelle F.

  7. I was just going through my recipe notebook yesterday where I keep magazine clippings. About a third of the recipes were from the Food and Family magazine. Do you remember when it was free? I used to get it then, but hadn't thought of paying to subscribe. They definitely have some good recipes!

  8. What an awesome way to kick of the season. I hope you have great time at the games. Wow those shoes are so cool!

  9. Ha! I will look for that bacon-flavored cream cheese when I go to the store. Love the shoes too!

  10. I picked up chocolate cream cheese this morning, I considered the bacon one. Those shoes are adorable that you are wearing!

  11. hahaha love the quote on #5, it is so true I am yet to remember a time when I was travelling and someone claimed the first bag that came through. Have an awesome weekend

  12. Those painted shoes look funky! We heading into autumn and I actually cant wait for winter. It's been too hot here in South Africa, I'm ready to hibernate.

  13. Ahhhhhhhh it's spring?!? You wouldn't guess looking out my window -_- lol ... But those painted shoes are definitely unique!!!

  14. I want to try that Bacon-Flavored Cream Cheese!

    Your painted shoes look great. My eldest daughter like to try doing it with hers.

  15. Those shoes look amazing!!! I really need to make some custom shoes like that for all of the sports teams that I love!

  16. Those painted shoes look cool and comfortable! Also, I didn't know they had bacon cream cheese :).

  17. I can see why she gets the compliments on the shoes. What a fun idea!

  18. Take care and enjoy your trip! I love the painted shoes! It's also a popular thing here in my country!

  19. I hope your trip went well! And those shoes are too cute!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  20. They have bacon cream cheese now?!! Holy crap! That's awesome! I've not eaten as much in the past few months but, uh, I think I would make the exception there :P
    I'm loving those shoes too- they're fantastic! The team isn't my cup of tea but, hey, I'm sure there are other (more talented ;) LOL) designs out there :P
    Mind you, I'm Canadian... it's not as if I can really retain any bragging rights right about now :/
