Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - April 30, 2015

Welcome to another Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa .  I'm so glad you stopped by!  The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and linkup your favorite post below.  Super easy!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

X-tremely V

So today I'm thinking about the love/hate relationship I have with Facebook.  Anyone else with me on this?  I can't seem to go a day without checking it.  One minute I'm loving what I'm seeing then -- BAM -- I see something in my feed that totally derails me.

Before I start with my hate and love reasons, let me breakdown a couple cold hard facts I discovered about our friend Facebook.

     ~ 890 million people log onto Facebook daily.

     ~ Every 60 seconds, 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated and 136,000 photos are        uploaded.

     ~ Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes.

     ~ Five new profiles are created every second.

     ~ Highest traffic occurs midweek between 1 and 3 pm.

Now, my views on Facebook ~ let me start with my hate reasons.  Do you sometimes start scrolling through your feed and the next thing you know you're stalking someone you went to grade school with and haven't heard from in years?!?  (Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this.)  Before you know it, you look at the clock and literally an hour has gone by.  What!!!  Now, I don't like to believe it was a total waste of my time because if one of my other friends asks me if I know what happened to so-in-so, I'll have many of the answers.  But still, I probably could have used that hour in a much more productive way.

Second is the energy drain.  Saturday, for instance, I was checking my feed and realized I haven't been invited to a party I really wanted to go to.  I immediately felt myself moving towards that edge of no return.  What did I do -- I immediately called my friend Sherri to talk me off the ledge.  (Sorry Sherri -- it was your turn to take one of my frantic calls.)  After a significant amount of time trying to make heads or tails out of WHY they wouldn't want me at their party and a great amount of Sherri stroking my damaged ego, I felt somewhat much better.  Side note -- Sherri, being the great friend that she is, immediately called Eric to warn him of the situation he would be facing when he walked in the house from work.  Hence, Eric cautiously entered after working all day bearing flowers.  Smart man.  But checking Facebook had been a total energy drain on my day!!  Again, please tell me I'm not the only one who has lived through this scenario!

Of course, there's also the LOVE side of Facebook.  I absolutely ADORE watching my friend's kids as they grow.  Just look at my friend Dorothy's daughter below.  You're just not human if these pictures don't make you smile!  I love it when they post pictures of her and it definitely brightens my day.

Also on the "love" side of Facebook is the ability to share great news with everyone like -- when Kayla and Ian got engaged way back when.  Reading people's comments of congratulations was so fun!

And Facebook is always good for a laugh - like when people post amusing funnies like this:

Ahhhh Facebook -- how I love/hate you!!  What about you -- do you have any love/hate relationships?  Would love to hear about them!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with all social media! Social media can be great when used properly. I really dislike when people use it to complain about things/argue with people. Your friends daughter is ADORABLE <3

  2. Yep. I have started doing a lot of VA work and that makes Facebook a lot less fun. It is all about social shares now and working.

  3. That happens to me on Facebook, too. I hate Facebook with a passion, but I NEED it because of my site. I would be lost without all these groups :)

  4. I don't have facebook, never had and hopefully never "have" to. I know a blogger without facebook, but I'm pretty strong on it. I do not handle rejection well, and like your example of the party invite...well, I would have felt the same way, it would have kept me up at night. There is enough of that without facebook, so I don't want to add anymore than I have to. There is enough social media out there so I know for me so far it works without it in my life. You are not alone my friend how you felt.

  5. Thank you as your blog post made me smile today and you are not alone!
    Facebook is draining in the most remarkable ways!

  6. I am totally with you on this one! One week my views are way up and the next way down. It is totally a self-esteem thing, which is insane! Why should page views affect me so much lol. Perspective is needed here lol.

  7. Oh I have a love/hate with FB too - I love that it keeps me caught up with people, places, etc but I hate that it takes up my time and eats my (supposedly unlimited) data :)

  8. So with you on the Love/Hate for Facebook! I love that it's a way to keep in touch with family & friends from all over, but I hate how one sided it is and how it creates an atmosphere of everyone trying to one up each other. Most days I check it once or twice a day and limit myself to 10-15 minutes.

  9. I love facebook because honestly? I don't take it too seriously. Real life is in front of me. Not on scrolling feed. So when I get annoyed I click out.

  10. Totally have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I love seeing pictures of my friends as the plan their weddings, deal with pregnancy and of course baby pictures. But, it's annoying when people become soooo immersed in stats. I had an exfriend tell me she noticed how many statuses I DIDN'T like and that says something about our friendship!!! Are you kidding me!??! NBD that I talk to you every day about everything but gosh I didn't like the stupid post on facebook. That was the last straw for me, I walked away asap!

  11. Facebook, this week, broke my heart and it has been difficult to share anything of beauty - or just kids playing - with the world in turmoil, cities buried in rubble or cities burning. Last night I wrote a poem, trying to wrap words around my thoughts on race in America, and it turned out beautiful, I think.

  12. I am saving your linkup for next week. I cannot wait to join it!
    Oh Facebook.. I share your thoughts about it. I have been using it for so many years that it is hard to quit. Also, my mom has become an avid poster as well and it is an awesome way to interact with her (me living in Belgium and she, in Brazil). But they are making our lives miserable, aren't they? I wonder when their logarithms will be on our side again...

  13. lol! I too have a love/hate relationship with FB! Drives me crazy!

  14. Oh my goodness, look at those sweet baby faces. :) I like Facebook for a business page. I don't use one for a personal page. Too much drama from people I love that I'd much rather be in the dark about. ;)

  15. I think my biggest hate about social media is the level of hateful and hurtful comments that people post. They think just because they're hiding behind a computer that it's okay to be awful. Other than that, I love being able to talk to people all over the world!

  16. Facebook can be draining. When you're doing bloggy things and wake up with 20 notifications...I just want to go back to sleep!

  17. I don't stalk my old classmates but I do check the latest posts of my current friends. BUT, most of the time, I am on Facebook because of work. ^_^

  18. i personally have a hate/hate relationship with fb but i have to use it for blogging. there really isn't anything else like it. for me, pinterest is my biggest time suck. i stay on there for hours.

  19. Oh my gosh I have such a love hate for Facebook it’s not even funny!!! I love that I can stay in touch with family but watching the family drama sometimes on Facebook is crazy!!! I totally do the stalking thing to its fun to see were people end up.

  20. Facebook is important to me because I need it for my site and blog, but I hate relationship with fb.

  21. I think everyone has a love hate attitude for facebook and I didn't no this information about fb which I find amazing. My sister just had my handsome nephew about 8 months ago and fb is how I am watching him grow. She post videos for the family which are so adorable with his milestones. Thanks for sharing.

  22. I think many of us have a love hate relationship with the book. It can be a time suck, but is a great way to keep tabs with friends & family.

  23. Yes, definitely a love/hate relationship with Facebook too. If it weren't for my blog, I probably wouldn't be on there. Although I too, love to watch my friends' kids change and grow.

    Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  24. I'm not suuuper into personal sharing on Facebook, so I think I avoid taking things personal on it. I share a little here and there, but I'm mostly on it to see what friends and family are up to (and for blogging, of course). Ironic since I don't update what we're up to on a regular basis. :P
