Friday, May 1, 2015

Five on Friday -- May 1, 2015

Happy May Day!  Oh boy, am I glad Friday is here!  I was out of town on business until Thursday evening and it feel so great to be home.  I have some catching up to do around here, but before I get to that let me share with you my Five on Friday.

1.  Easy Peeling Technique
Have you guys seen this video?  It was on my Facebook feed this week and I can't wait to try it.  The technique definitely looks quick and easy.

2.  Travel Set
My friend Tracy always has the best gift ideas.  When we celebrated Carol's birthday a while back, Tracy gifted her this awesome Samantha Brown 6-piece Travel Survival Kit.  Tracy had gotten a set for herself, used it on a trip and LOVED it!!  So, since Carol has an upcoming big adventure Tracy gave her a set for her birthday.  This set includes a crossbody bag, clear pouch, double-sided laundry cube, removable mesh bag, and set of two laundry stow away bags -- great for keeping you organized on your trip.  I'm thinking it would make an excellent Mother's Day or graduation gift.

3.  Spring Baking Championship
If you read my Weekending post, you know I'm rooting for my favorite baker, Simone, to win the Spring Baking Championship on the Food Network.  Simone is the pastry chef at La Patisserie Chouquette here in St. Louis.  If you missed it last week, Simone sailed through to this week's competition.  It airs on Sunday nights and is a lot of fun to watch.  Did you see it last week?  Set the DVR!  (Simone is the one in the orange apron.)

Food Network Spring Baking Championship, Simone Faure, SK0100_bakers_s4x3.jpg.rend.snigalleryslide.jpeg

4.  TableTopics
Eric and I are getting ready to go on a road trip - New Orleans here we come!  You can ask anyone who's traveled with me - I'm definitely not good in the car.   We're going to have HOURS together so I'm packing up this little gem - TableTopics.   Each card in the set has an engaging question that inspires great conversation.  This is also a wonderful deck to have on hand when hosting a dinner party.  It's amazing what you can learn from a great conversation!
conversation cards, questions to start great conversations
5.  Friday Funny
joke, Friday funny

If you haven't entered the Summer Must Haves for Mom giveaway that I'm participating in, you should check it out HERE.  There's some fabulous things to win!

Enjoy the weekend!  I have girls night out tonight -- we're using the gift certificates Sherri got us for Christmas to get pedicures.  Can.Not.Wait!!  The place we go has a separate room with four stations (perfect for the four of us).  We can catch up in the privacy of our own space while sipping a nice glass of wine.  Can't beat it.  Then on Sunday I'm hosting a little family gathering at my house.  Hope you stop back by on Monday to hear all about it.  Have a great weekend!!

Linking up with:


  1. That Table Topics thing looks awesome! I'm going to have to get one.

  2. I wish we had the Spring Baking championship in Food Network in the Philippines. We have a lot of shows from the food network but its all reruns.

  3. Pinned that game to my road trip board. My cousin & I are taking one in June & it sounds awesome!

  4. I'm so excited to see the Spring Baking Championship too! Sandy, the one with the blue hair, is my cousin! So proud of her. :)

  5. The travel set looks amazing and handy. I so need one like this as I travel a lot and I AM ALWAYS a mess.

  6. That's really cool. I haven't heard of the Table Topics cards. I think that would be a lot of fun to try out.

  7. I've got to get the Table Topics. When the hubs and I take a road trip, we do crossword puzzles together, but I'd like to switch it up a little. Looks like lots of fun!

  8. I set my DVR to tape the Spring Baking Championship and something happened! It didn't record. Now I'm behind a week :(

    I hope you can stop by:


  9. That video tutorial on peeling fruit is pure genius! I've got to give that a try. Thanks!

  10. I need the Table Topics. What a smart idea! I'm not great in the car either. I'd love to be one of those people who just sleeps through it!

  11. I had not seen that video about peeling fruit before!! What a fun game that Table Topics sounds like!

  12. Great post. I love the luggage set and Table Topics idea. Safe travels on your trip to New Orleans. Stay away from people with blurry faces while you're there. LOL

  13. Okay, your Cops meme cracked me up. Totally didn't expect that after your first four things :D

  14. Hah to the people with blurry faces meme. I'm liking the sound of table topics.

  15. I needed the laugh! Thanks for warning me about blurry people! I had no idea they were so bad!

  16. Awesome post! I'm excited for the Spring Baking Championship. The "blurry faces" though! Hahaha.

  17. I need those travel set to organize my things when I travel! Thanks for sharing, will look it up.

  18. Haha the Funny Friday jokes literally made me laugh out loud! Hope you're having a great weekend <3

  19. I saw that video and I thought it was pretty neat, loving that travel set since I am in Korea right now I see how handy that can be right now

  20. Love the table topic thingy... that's totally cool.. Funny Friday jokes was a hoot. I like the the part about stay away from people with blurred faces... bwahahaha That was really really clever and too funny. Thanks for sharing all.

  21. I wish that somebody will gift me a Travel Set. I need one this June. ^_^
