Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekending - April 10, 2015

Monday is basically a holiday in St. Louis.  It's the Cardinals home opener!!  I'm so excited to be able to see the game with my son, Ian.  We have been so fortunate to see several home openers together over the years and it never gets old.  It will be a sea of red downtown tomorrow and the enthusiast energy will be off the charts.  St. Louis is just a baseball town and I'm so darn excited to be able to be in the middle of it!  Go Cards!!

This weekend was a fairly quiet one at our house.  Friday night and Saturday morning Eric and I helped with a rummage sale at our church.  When we left there a little after noon on Saturday, we decided we'd have ice cream for lunch.  We're adults so we can have whatever we want, right?!?  

On the way to the ice cream stand, we whipped into a car dealership to check out some cars.  I'm going to be in the market probably this summer and we have no idea what we want.  We checked out the Buick Verano.  Anyone have one?  Do you like it?  

After our ice cream lunch, we headed over to Kayla and Ian's to watch the St. Louis Blues final regular season game.  (Great win Blues!)  Kayla had spotted an amazing interior design store downtown that was selling their inventory at remarkable prices.  She was able to snag a very stylish bookshelf at a fantastic price.  Yes, that's Kayla and Eric carrying it from the store to their downtown loft.  I was busy carrying a bag full of pillows.  We might have looked a little funny walking the three city blocks to their house taking home our purchases.  

We stopped by the mall on the way home so I could make my Clinique purchase and pick up my Bonus Days goodies.  Is anyone else a sucker for the Bonus Days?!?  But just look at how cute that bag is -- who can live without that?

 Dinner was pretty simple -- we decided to go through the drive through at Panda Express.  We've had a Panda Express by us for about a year now and this is the second time we've ever eaten there in the last two weeks.  I have no idea why it took us that long to start getting food from there.

While enjoying our Chinese in front of the TV, we decided to watch Fault In Our Stars.  Neither of us had seen it.  I started crying about five minutes into the movie and literally did not stop until twenty minutes after the movie was over.  Tear jerker!

Sunday I had book club in the morning.  After book club, Kayla, her mom and I headed to FINALLY see Cinderella.  What an adorable movie!  We all three thought it was very cute.  Great movie to see on a Sunday afternoon.  I had a few tears still in my system from the night before that leaked out.  I couldn't help it -- the movie was REALLY cute!

I decided on Sunday we would honor National Grilled Cheese Day and have these cheesy sandwiches for dinner.  If you saw my blog on Friday, I mentioned Sunday being the day to have a grilled cheese.  One of my readers, Julie from Two Blues Fans, commented asking if I had ever mixed Parmesan cheese into the butter that you spread on the bread.  I hadn't -- but tried it and will never make a grilled cheese again without it.  Oh.My.Goodness -- the sandwich was fabulous!  Definitely recommend doing this if you don't already.

That about sums up our weekend.  Was your wonderful? Hope so!  Thanks for stopping by -- hope you stop back by soon!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. I'm kicking myself for missing National Grilled Cheese Day, but will definitely be holding my own belated celebration this week :) I was totally weepy throughout The Fault in Our Stars too...even though I read the book first, I was still unprepared for all the tears!

  2. I rented that movie I can't wait to watch it. I read the book and I know it is sad :( Hope you had a good weekend

  3. How did I not know it was National Grilled Cheese Day?? I love grilled cheese! I lived by a Panda Express for 2 years & never went. I'm told all the time I really need to go. Glad you had a good weekend.

  4. Busy weekend! Being Red Sox fans, I know what you mean about the start of the baseball season being like a holiday. And I will admit, that we have seen the Fault in our Stars, and I concur it is a tear jerker, yes gentlemen, you can cry.

  5. A convenient Panda Express drive-thru would be nice. I loved The Fault in Our Stars and I keep hearing good things about Cinderella. Color me excited!

  6. I hope you had wonderful fun at the openers.

    What adventures you have! Those are good things.

    I've not yet seen any of these movies. I might get to rent them sometime.

  7. What an awesome shot of them carrying that furniture!! Sounds like you guys had a great weekend, I love laid back weekends like that.

  8. That Parmesan trick is my secret to the best grilled cheese. And really if you are feeling lazy, you don't even have to mix it, you can spread the butter, then put the parm on top (assuming your not using freshly grated, but the stuff in the can). I so want to see the Cinderella movie. I just haven't found the of these days! I read the Fault in our Stars, such a good book, and good movie too. So what did you get at Panda? I'll live vicariously through you since I can't eat it any more, sniff, sniff.

  9. Thanks for linking up again today! You always seem to have the best weekends. Isn't Panda Express the best?! I read The Fault in Our Stars and really look forward to seeing the movie. My husband and I went and saw Cinderella on Easter Sunday. Love it, it was great for all ages!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  10. I don't follow baseball too closely. But I heard on the radio this morning that the San Francisco Giants opener is also today!

  11. I bought my daughter The Fault In Our Stars for Christmas. She said I could borrow it but hasn't given it to me yet. I'm really looking forward to watching it.

  12. I really love the fault in our stars last year I've watched it, it's really romantic movie and inspiring too. BTW love the first photo too.

  13. What a fun weekend. Cinderella definitely was a super cute film! I LOVE grilled cheese and definitely celebrated National Grilled Cheese Day last weekend <3

  14. I remember my mom used to get the Clinique goody bags ;) and I would usually be given the bag. So much fun. Sounds like you had an enjoyable week!

  15. This sounds like such an amazingly fun time indeed. I love the shopping experience you all had. That bag is adorable. I am glad you mentioned the Fault In Our Stars because I have wanted to see that for a while. Thanks so much for sharing.

  16. I really want to watch Cinderella and the short film of Frozen. It seems like you had a hectic but great weekend.

  17. I was at the last Blues game and boy was it a blast! Cannot wait for playoffs to start Thursday!

    Cinderella was pretty awesome, I would agree - and now they are making a Beauty and the Beast. I'm super excited!

    And finally, yay on the parm cheese - told you it would be amazing. I never forget to add it when I make them now!

  18. You had an awesome week. I didn't know that there is a National Grilled Cheese Day. It must have been fun for you guys to celebrate it. ^_^

  19. I don't really get into sports. However, my best friend has always wanted me to attend a Cardinals baseball game with him. Maybe someday!

  20. That Clinique bag is so pretty! Enjoy your new goodies. I really want to see Cinderella soon, it looks amazing.

  21. How funny to carry the furniture, lolol!! Hey, whatever works, right. And new furniture is awesome in the house, no matter what transportation mode it took to get there. ;)

  22. SO FUN to be able to go to the Home Opener Game! I would love to do something like that one day for my team!

  23. These days seem to have a national day for everything, I am not a big cheese fan but looks delicious. I am yet to watch fault in our stars and cinderella maybe this weekend I might.

  24. OMG i had Panda express this week too after like 4 years of not having it. I am not gonna lie the Ku Pao chicken disappointed me. You also reminded me I need to still see The Fault in Our Stars heard so many great reviews!

  25. Looks like another fun weekend! Gosh, I really have to have some Panda in my life now soon haha. Thanks for linking up at MeetUp Monday - Hope to see you there again this week!

  26. Sounds like you had a fun weekend! I like the bookshelf you got and those grilled cheese looks salivating. :)
