Thursday, April 9, 2015

Five on Friday -- April 10, 2015

We are at Friday already!  This week did seem to fly by for me.  Did it for you also?  Looking back it doesn't seem like I got a ton accomplished though.  Hopefully I can make up for it over the weekend.  We don't have a booked agenda for the next few days, so I'm looking forward to some reading and relaxing.

Speaking of getting stuff accomplished, did you realize that today is the 100th day of the year?  How was your first 100 days?  It just doesn't seem like we should be that far into 2015!  So before day 100 is finished, I want to share my Five on Friday with you:

Do you have stacks of book you would like to get rid of?  And make some cash?  If so, check out BookScouter. helps you sell your books for the highest price.  They compare prices from 60 book-buying websites so you can quickly and easily find who is paying the most for your books.  You decide who you want to sell your books to, print the free shipping label and send them on their way.  Most vendors pay within 1-3 days of verifying and receiving your shipment.  Not a bad way to clean off some shelves AND make some cash.

BookScouter | Sell your books for the best price

2.  National Grilled Cheese Day
Guess what Sunday is?!?  National Grilled Cheese Day!  I absolutely LOVE a good grilled cheese.  According to Adam Kuban, here's the directions for making perfect grilled cheese sandwich:

Spread just enough butter to cover both sides of each slide of bread.  (Yes, both.)  Heat a large nonstick pan or griddle over medium.  Add bread slices and cook, sliding them around the pan as they cook until an even golden brown on first side, about 2 minutes.  Flip the slices over and top one of the two slices with two pieces of cheese.  (The cheese should go directly on the cooked side.)  Place the other slice of bread on top, forming the sandwich with the cheese and browned sides in the middle, and the still-uncooked sides on the outside.

Cook sandwich, gently swirling around the pan occasionally until the bottom is golden brown, about 2 minutes.  Flip and cook remaining side, gently swirling around the pan occasionally until the remaining side is golden brown, about two minutes longer.

3.  Ceiling Fan Rotation
With warmer weather coming, it's time to think about the direction your ceiling fan blades are turning.  Most fans go both directions and there's a switch on the side of your fan to change the direction.  In the summer, you want the air blowing down.  On most fans, that would be counterclockwise or left.  If you have the blades turning in the right direction, you should feel a cool breeze when you're standing beneath it.

4.  The Longest Ride
The list of movies I want to see is still growing.  This week I'm adding another one that's coming out today -- The Longest Ride.  I'm such a sucker for anything Nicholas Sparks.  Here's the synopsis:
  1. Former bull-riding champion Luke (Scott Eastwood) and college student Sophia (Britt Robertson) are in love, but conflicting paths and ideals threaten to tear them apart: Luke hopes to make a comeback on the rodeo circuit, and Sophia is about to embark on her dream job in New York's art world. As the couple ponder their romantic future, they find inspiration in Ira (Alan Alda), an elderly man whose decades-long romance with his beloved wife withstood the test of time.

5.  Happy Birthday, Kelsey!
Special shout out today to Kelsey -- her 16th birthday is tomorrow!!  Kelsey is my friend Linda's youngest daughter.  You might remember Linda's other daughter, Haley, turned 21 this year and I wrote THIS POST and THIS POST to her.  Kelsey said something to me when she was 7 that has stuck with me and I'll never forget it.  Linda and I had taken her with us to see The Devil Wears Prada (yes, she was young to see that movie but she begged and we said okay).  We figured she wouldn't love the movie, but there wouldn't be anything really horrible in it that would scar her for life.   As I watched the movie, I remember thinking that my boss wasn't quite as demanding as Miranda Priestly, but my days were pretty fast paced and sometimes the hoops I had to jump through were very similar to those Andrea was playing out on the screen.  Kelsey was sitting between Linda and me and about half way through the movie she tugged on my arm.  I bent down and she whispered in my ear, "Is this movie ever going to be about something?".  Man, was that a wake up call!  I whispered back, "I sure hope so.".  Ever since that day, I've tried to make each day "be about something".  Thanks, Kelsey, for making my life a little bit better each day.  Happy 16th birthday!  Make each and every day be about something!

Have a great weekend everyone!  Eric is off work on Saturday and I'm hoping to do something fun with him and I'm finally seeing Cinderella on Sunday with my daughter-in-law.  Stop back by on Monday to hear all the details.

Linking up with:


  1. Happy Birthday Kelsey!

    And Grilled Cheese on Sunday? I better get to the grocery store to make sure I have some fresh bread and cheese.

  2. Um grilled cheese day? Hooray! Thanks makes my Sunday dinner plans pretty easy ;)
    Have a great wknd!

  3. I never knew about Bookscouter, but what a great concept! Thanks for the heads up, and thanks for linking up with us!

  4. I love how everyone is commenting about Grilled Cheese Day - that was my first thought as well! Who knew there was such a thing? I'm excited for it though!

  5. Did I miss the grilled cheese day? I love Grilled cheese. It is so easy to make and delicious

  6. You just made my day....National Grilled Cheese Day?!? I make a great one with a few different cheeses, pears, and prosciutto. Yum.


  7. National Grilled Cheese Day! How did I miss that?! My son would have loved a reason to have grilled cheese sandwiches.

  8. I know everyone is jumping on this too in the comments but I also want to pipe in. Had no idea there was a National Grilled Cheese Day. It's been ages since I made one in our sandwich maker thingie! SO know what I"m having for lunch on Sunday :)

  9. I wish I would have known about BookScouter before I moved abroad. I had so many books to sell. I did manage to sell a few on Amazon but mainly old text books.

    Now I'm waiting for Sunday! I needed a reason to have grilled cheese and finally...

    Happy Birthday Kelsey.

  10. I want to see that movie The Longest Ride so bad!! Happy Birthday to Kelsey. I had no idea there was a national grilled cheese day.

  11. Really? Grilled cheese day? I love it! Happy birthday to Kelsey and I'm gonna go sell some books!

  12. Oh, please don't tell my hubby about bookscouter! I says I have way too many books. I let go of some awhile back and totally regret it! I love love love my books.

  13. I will have to check out for sure. I think the first 100 days went by to fast it seems anyway. I didn't know it was grilled cheese day Sunday so thanks for sharing this info. I butter all sides of the bread too when making grilled cheese because it just taste better. lol Thanks for sharing.

  14. Try adding Parmesan cheese to your butter - yummy!

  15. Happy birthday to Kelsey! I am totally making grilled cheese wrong, and can't wait to try the way you suggested. YUM!

  16. I love this post, I will have to check bookscout looks really interesting, and your grilled cheese looks yummy, I'll try it.

  17. Ha! I'm trying to think back now and see if it was about something. I thought it was good but I don't remember a lot of substance. ;)

  18. I'm looking forward to seeing The Longest Ride around my birthday in a couple of weeks. I'm a big Nicholas Sparks fan, too! :)

  19. Oh yum National Grilled Cheese Day! Who comes up with these themes? This one sounds good to me!

  20. I can't believe I missed National Grilled Cheese Day!! Ahh, I'm going to have to make up for that!!

  21. I didn't know there's a National Grilled Cheese day. I should've made different kinds of grilled cheese on this day.

  22. Oh no! I should have visited sooner! Totally bummed we missed National Grilled Cheese Day! I need to find a master list of these kinds of days and add them to my calendar haha! Hope you're having a wonderful week!! And thanks as always for linking up with us at H54F!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  23. Happy birthday to her! And we have a restaurant in town called Tom + Chee that's all about tomato soup and assorted grilled cheese sandwiches. They get pretty creative, and even do grilled cheese sandwiches using donuts!

