Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Who Is Shonda Rhimes?

Here we are at Thursday already!  Where has this week gone?!?  Glad you joined me and Vanessa at X-tremely V for another Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Hope you link up below -- it's really easy and we don't have many rules.  Just link your favorite post and, if you like, please follow me and Vanessa.

X-tremely V

So here's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  Thursday nights have been my favorite night to watch television for years.  Remember the days of Cheers (I know this is WAY before some of you can remember)?  Then Friends fulled my family room on Thursday night.  It just seems like Thursday always has some great TV.

I'm currently fixated on Scandal and Grey's Anatomy -- both made possible by Shonda Rhimes.  It hit me the other day that I had no clue what this woman, who has made my Thursday nights so wonderful, even looked like.  Heck, I could have been sitting next to her at Subway and not even known who she was!!  Ok, that's not extremely likely, but I'm just sayin'.

So in case you're in the same boat as me, here she is -- Shonda Rhimes!  Born on January 13, 1970, in the suburban University Park area of Illinois, Shonda is the youngest of six siblings.


One of the things I love most about Scandal and Grey's Anatomy is the strong women in the shows.  You can just feel the power when Olivia Pope gets on a roll with one of her rants!

LISTEN UP MEN @ABC's Scandal @kerry washington GREAT line, brilliant delivery

And what about Meredith Grey?!?

Grey's Anatomy Quote: not a die hard Grey's fan but this hits the nail on the head

Rumor has it that Rhime's mom is supposedly the role model for Miranda Bailey.  Her mom must be a pretty cool lady.

Can't wait to see the episodes tonight and hear more fabulous thoughts and quotes from the strong characters on this shows.  What's your favorite shows?  Do you have quotes from them that stay with you?


  1. Penny, I have a favorite for everyday of the week. I'm in a season of laughter so anything funny these days. The Goldbergs are my first pick. I love the mom and it takes me back to the era I was raising my kids. Some find her overbearing in her mothering, not me, I find her a mom who is not afraid to me a parent and loves her kids so much she does the craziest things on their behalf. Like you, Downton Abbey was my hit show...did you know the next season is the last one?

  2. Love those quotes. I don't tend to remember quotes all that well. But one of my favorites, from Burn Notice: "your life doesn't belong to you. the decisions you make affect other people"

  3. I LOVE Grey's and miss Christina! Other than Grey's I am addicted to Once Upon a Time- those writers are amazing with how they tie everyone together.

  4. Love both those shows and as a fellow Illini I enjoy watching my home people. Great quotes

  5. I have to admit I don't watch any of these shows. The only quote I really remember from anything was Peyton in One Tree Hill saying "At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one".

  6. I never knew what she looked like either!! Wow! and yes, I couldn't agree more that Thursday has been a good night for TV!! FRIEND...the best EVER!

  7. II have never watched Grey's Anatomy before! It sounds like a show I need to get into.

  8. I LOVE those shows. My husband and I have been watching Grey's from the very beginning...and just love Scandal. Keep them coming Shonda! Every week we say, Shonda you did it again! I seriously cry every Gray's episode. Please tell me I'm not alone in this...anyone?

  9. Shonda Rhimes always reminds me of Grey's Anatomy, I used to watch the show all the time. Miranda Bailey is my favorite character.

  10. I used to love watching Grey's anatomy and then I stopped when they switched out most of the cast. Is it getting interesting again? :) We're all caught up on Scandal.. but I can't quite form an opinion about it. It definitely gets me hooked, but I also get really annoyed when the different characters each get on their soap box and go on their long rants. :P

  11. I LOVE Greys, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. Shonda is FANTASTIC!

  12. I LOVE Greys, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. Shonda is FANTASTIC!

  13. I love that last quote. I have been there where I was adamant about something...and then found out I was dead wrong. Nothing you can do but laugh. :)

  14. She's a master storyteller when it comes to her series. I follow Greys and is always amazed by the story lines. She also adds some life lessons on her shows.

  15. Shona R. is such a talented writer. She has captivated so many with her series. I loved seasons 1 and 2 of Scandal.

  16. I like putting a face to names. I have always what she looked like. I love this show.

  17. I do have a favorite show and it is Dr.Phil. I love when he says "You don"t know what you can't acknowledge." Thanks for sharing.

  18. I do have a favorite show and it is Dr.Phil. I love when he says "You don"t know what you can't acknowledge." Thanks for sharing.

  19. I do have a favorite show and it is Dr.Phil. I love when he says "You can't acknowledge what you don't know." Thanks for sharing.

  20. We don't have actual channels (we watch online or stream) but my husband and I love watching The Amazing Race :) We also like trying out new, obscure shows on Netflix or Hulu Plus- most are terrible but sometimes we find a winner!

  21. I am not following Grey's Anatomy but it looks like a good show. I like Once Upon a Time though and a lot of Korean Dramas. ^_^

  22. I have yet to catch Scandal (though I hear nothing but good things), but I used to watch Grey's religiously! Shonda is such a great writer/creator. I'm sure she has a lot more up her sleeve for the future.

  23. Unfortunately, I can't relate as I don't watch those shows but am glad you shared your review with Thursday Favorite Things! XO

  24. As I'm writing this comment, I'm watching Scandal haha!! I love Shonda Rhimes!! She rocks!

  25. I have watched every single one of Shonda's shows, even Private Practice. My husband and I (Yes, my hubs actually likes these shows!) make sure to catch every new episode. Our favorite of Shonda's right now is How to Get Away with Murder.

  26. Omg I feel so out of place because I'm the only one who doesn't watch and has no idea what y'all are talking about.... Sounds like a good show though ;-)

  27. I love Shonda Rhimes shows! I've been watching Grey's for years!
