Thursday, May 28, 2015

Five on Friday - May 29, 2015

Hello Friday!  This week flew by for me and honestly Friday kind of sneaked right up on me.  But I'll take it!!  Weekends are always welcome around here.  But before we start the weekend happy dance, here's my Five on Friday.

1.  Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker
With Memorial Day in our rear view mirror, my mind is thinking it's summer.  And if it's summer, it's time to start making homemade ice cream.  Several years ago we got a Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt-Ice Cream and Sorbet Maker.  One of the best purchases of my life!!  This little baby makes homemade ice cream in a flash.  After you freeze the bowl, you just pour in your mix and turn it on.  In 20 minutes you are ready to enjoy your frozen treat.  Man I love summer!
Click HERE to purchase

2.  Popsicle Molds
Speaking of summer treats, who doesn't love a refreshing popsicle on a hot afternoon?  Well, these Zoku Classic Pop Molds are just what you need to make your popsicle dreams come true.  This baby is much more sturdy than other molds.  It's a breeze to make your mixture, pour it in the molds and pop this thing in your freezer.
Click HERE to purchase
3.  What!  Say It's Not So!!
Only two months after the Bachelor Finale, Chris Soules and Whitney Bischoff have called off the engagement.  What a week this has been for reality TV - First the Duggars took a big hit and now Chris and Whitney are no longer engaged.  Oh my goodness.  Raise your hand it you're surprised.  Anybody?  Guess when she showed up at the farm and the barn was back to normal she just couldn't take it.  What about that big ole ring you ask.  Well, according to some articles I read, they have to return the ring if they break up before two years.  Better luck next time Chris and Whitney.

4.  National Mint Julep Day
Guess what tomorrow is -- National Mint Julep Day!!  In case you're wondering how to actually make a Mint Julep, here's my pal Martha Stewart's version:

2 tablespoons superfine sugar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
24 mint leaves, plus 4 sprigs for garnish
2 cups finely crushed ice
1 cup bourbon

Combine sugar, lemon juice, and mint leaves in a pitcher.
Crush well with a wooden spoon.
Add ice and bourbon, and mix well.
Pour into silver tumblers, garnish with mint sprigs, and serve.

5.  Something To Think About...

Enjoy the weekend everyone!  I've got Girls Night Out tonight to celebrate my friend Tracy's birthday.  Good times!  I'm also helping my friend and her daughter work on wedding invitations.  I'll be back on Monday to recap all about my weekend.  Hope to see you back then!

Linking up with:


  1. I had no idea Chris and Whitney split up! That's so sad!

  2. Maybe his dancing on DWTS had something to do with it? Yes, no, maybe???? Have a fun time tonight.

  3. I heard that Chris and Whitney broke up. Wow so crazy lol! I am so jealous of that ice cream maker you have! I bet Summers at your house is just so much fun ♥ Thanks for sharing

    Felice Raina //

  4. Geez, this week just went by and so does this month. It's almost unbelievable that it's already June in a few days - half of the year has went by. I want to have my own ice cream maker at home. It would be very convenient to make ice cream any time you want and not have to go to the supermarket for it.

  5. An ice cream maker is something I've been itchin' for, but I have no where to store it! I might have to make some room in my cabinets.

  6. I don't even watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette, but I read Pinterest Told Me To's recaps so I was sad that Chris and Whitney split! But absolutely not surprised.

  7. I was not surprised about the split at all! I think Becca was the better choice because she was so realistic about the situation.

  8. You sound like you have a full but fun weekend ahead of you. I can't wait to hear how it all went. I am thinking about getting those Popsicle molds.

  9. I'm sad about the Chris/Whitney break-up but honestly I knew it would happen - there's not many couples that have made it off that show, except for Trista & Ryan who are two of my faves!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  10. I love my ice cream maker. We use it all the time.

    As for Chris and Whitney, is anyone really surprised?

  11. I love that quote, it's very true. I wouldn't mind having an ice cream maker of my own. It would be fun to make recipes with.

  12. I'm so disappointed about Chris and Whitney! I think I figured it wouldn't work when he didn't look overly in love or thrilled when he proposed! Guess we'll need some of that homemade ice cream to console ourselves ;) Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  13. Not surprised re: Chris and Whitney. Love summer treats so I'm going to have to check out that Ice Cream Maker.

  14. Ooooo that I've cream maker is something I need!! Hubby and my daughter are ice cream obsessed! They would be so happy if I could make it at home for them!

  15. I would love to have a homemade ice cream maker. Growing up I remember my grandparents always made their own homemade ice cream. It was the best. I miss those special times. :)

  16. I've never tried making homemade ice cream! I think it's definitely time for me to start !

  17. I need to try to make homemade ice cream. I know my grandmother made it once and it was amazing.

  18. someone on a reality show broke up, quelle surprise!! Making homemade ice cream seems like a lot of work but I bet its much healthier than store bought.

  19. I want to buy ice cream maker at home. Husband loves ice cream and for a change I want to try different flavors and I wanted to make home made ice cream.

  20. This sounds like an amazingly delicious drink indeed and I will be making this next week after my sons Grad party is over so I can finally relax. lol Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing.

  21. Hahaaa I love these random posts. Yes, I THOUGHT it was summer, but rainy & cold here in WI this morning. Brrrr I don't watch the Bachelor but I do read Yahoo at work each morning ... between that & the Duggars yes, it's been an interesting "reality" week. Have a super weekend!

  22. I love that quote! It's so true and relevant that it's definitely making me think. A lot of what happens in our lives is based on how we react (or how proactive we are/aren't) to certain circumstances. I love that and will definitely be printing and adding to my wall.

  23. That mint julep looks just what I need for hot days here. Also the ice cream maker!

  24. I would love to have an ice cream maker someday! I've never tried a Mint Julep before. Sounds like a yummy drink.

  25. I have never made homemade ice cream before. However, I have been toying with the idea of getting the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker sometime.

  26. I hope you had a fun time at your Girls Night Out evening. What fun! I need to plan those more often. And I've always wanted one of those ice cream makers, especially now that I know it only takes about 20 minutes to make the ice cream!! Awesome! Hop you had a wonderful weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  27. The popsicle molds would be perfect here because of our tropical weather. The Mint Julep also looks so tasty.
