Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - May 28, 2015

Happy Thursday!!  You know what today is -- it's Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  You know what I'm thinking out loud about today?  I'm thinking about all the TV shows on my DVR that I haven't had a chance to watch.  We were gone on vacation for 10 days, then I went to Kansas City for 3 days and now I've been staying at a hotel downtown St. Louis for a work thing all this week.  All that time away from home means our DVR is lighting up with all the shows it's capturing.

X-tremely V

How many shows do you record?  We have about 15 shows that we regularly record.  I thought it was genius when Eric started recording our 10 o'clock news.  We missed it more than we caught it, but now we can watch it whatever time we happen to be getting into bed.  And all those really negative stories they throw in - we just press that little arrow to fast forward right through them.  Don't know why we didn't think about recording this years ago.

Then we have the semi-crazy shows.  

The Bachelorette.  Yes we (and I do mean "we") are total suckers for this big bunch of crazy drama.  Britt or Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn or Britt.  Geez!  We were sitting on the edge of our seats to see who's love life we would see unfold right before our eyes!  In case you're wondering, we're pulling for "The Healer" from St. Louis.  I mean, come on -- how can you not root for your home town man?!? 

Married at First Sight.  Yep - that's right.  These couples sign up to marry someone they have never even seen before.  A group of "experts" interviews the contestants (if you call them that) and decides who should marry who.  The bride goes to buy a dress, shows up and BAM, marries the guy at the end of the aisle.  Kind of crazy, don't you think?!?  Could you do that -- just marry whoever the experts think would be right for you?

We also tape a couple daily shows.

Ellen.  Love me some Ellen.  She is usually so funny with her interviews and guests.  I would absolutely LOVE to be at the taping of her show. 

Jimmy Fallon.  I can always count on a laugh when watching Jimmy, but can't always count on being able to stay awake long enough to watch his entire show. Thank you, DVR, for always letting me see the entire show.  Again, would love to be sitting in his audience.  

Jimmy Fallon
One thing I haven't gotten into recording are movies.  I have no idea why we don't tape the ones we would like to see.  Sure would make all the money we're paying for every movie channel known to man more worth it.  Maybe I'll make that one of my goals for June -- tape three movies.  That should be a pretty easy goal to accomplish.  We'll see if I actually remember to do it!

So what are some things you tape?  Would love to hear from you -- pretty sure we have a little bit more storage I could suck up by taping more stuff.

Now the fun part -- link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and linkup your favorite post below.  Super easy!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. We don't own a DVR. My daughter is forever telling me to get one. I see no need as we are home all the time. Anyways, I could never marry someone I didn't know first, I'm to much of a control freak!! And the Ellen show, I say the same thing Penny. It is her show and Dr. Oz's I would love to be on. She cracks me right up. And him, well I have a crush on him big time. Everyone gives me grief over it too. I just wave them all off. Have a great day!

  2. I don't know how we lived without a DVR. We record a few shows, but not as many as you ;) I can barely stand to watch live tv anymore.

  3. I love Ellen, I mean who wouldn't tape that? Lol. I miss living in the US because sometimes things in the US are just easier like having a DVR. Husband and I, follow a lotttt of shows and we live with VPN so we can watch it outside the US.

  4. I keep saying that I want to see married at first sight (mainly because it seems insane), right now my DVR is full of bubble guppies and toddler shows - theyve taken over!

  5. I always look forward to seeing your Thinking Out Loud posts! I always learn something new and they always brighten my day!

  6. We watch everything either On Demand or on Hulu+ and we're total suckers for The Bachelorette and Married At First Sight. I love the drama!

  7. I love the idea of fast forwarding through all of those negative news stories (: I don't have a DVR or really watch any shoes religiously! But I did watch the first season of Young and Hungry through Netflix. It was cute!

  8. We have a DVR but no cable so I stick to local stuff so bachelorette (and Keith will watch with me on occasion), Mistresses (summer starting soon), Extreme Weight Loss and a few others. Now during the regular season its another story!

  9. Our DVR stays full! I'm not into reality type shows, but I have a few HGTV and Food Network shows I record and my husband has all of his who-done-it shows and sports, of course. The Good Wife is my fave, but it's over for the season.

  10. Oh my goodness, I'm such a sucker for reality shows just like you! What is it about someone's personal life that we all find so fascinating?? I guess the truth is that I love the drama, but I'm so glad it's not happening to me, ha ha!

  11. That is so me recording like 15 shows at the same time. I never thought to record the news. I am going to start doing that.

    Michelle F.

  12. I love Bachelorette (though I hate the format of this season--I was not a Britt fan but even I thought that was pretty cruel!)... but that healer is kind of crazy :) Though I understand wanting to root for your hometown guy. Also love Married at First Sight. Could NEVER do this (just wrote about that myself recently too) though I love the premise and truly love all the matches they make on the show. I'm really rooting for those couples! I love Fallon and Ellen, too--would love to be an audience member!

  13. I really only watch TV when I'm using Netflix in the evenings nowadays. I do keep recording some shows but sometimes I forget to watch them!

  14. Ellen & Jimmy Fallon both crack me up so much. Although I don't have cable nor watch NetFlix, their videos are always popping up online or on my FB page. So I get to see what they're all up to hehe

  15. I've watched Marriage at First Sight before! At first, I was in shock at how ridiculous of a scenario this is but after the first episode and I went back to find out what happened with the couples, lol!

  16. I'm like everyone else, with regards to watching commercials. I don't know how I survived without my DVR. I feel bad for advertisers since I never watch one! Thank you DVR!

  17. I can't believe some of the things they come out with on tv now! I had not heard of some of these shows

  18. Those are great lists. I absolutely adore Ellen. She is so funny and has amazing guests. I cannot get enough of her

  19. Ellen is one of my favorite daytime shows besides my soap the Bold and the Beautiful. Ellen always does such nice things for folks and she is also funny. Love her dance.

  20. I have to admit I don't watch any of those shows, I don't record any either. That married at first sight show looks bizarre!

  21. All of these shows look absolutely amazing, although I'm a huge fan of Ellen already, I'll have to check out the others! Thanks a bunch for sharing. :)
