Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday -- Total Randomness

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  So glad you joined me and Vanessa today for some Thinking Out Loud fun.
X-tremely V
I'm going to ramble about a big ole bunch of randomness today.  Lots on my mind and not enough time to really separate it into cohesive posts, so you're getting it all spilled into one big blog.

First -- did anyone get any great deals on the big Amazon Prime sale yesterday?  I got nothing - nada - zilch.  No early Christmas gifts. No birthday gifts.  Nothing for me.  NOTHING.  Kind of bummed.  Don't get me wrong, I still love Amazon Prime, just bummed I didn't grab some great deals yesterday.  If you don't have Amazon Prime and would like a 30-day free trial, click below.  You won't be sorry.

Next, we had an ant invasion this week.  I left an uncut cantaloupe on the counter.  Bad move.  Ants were coming from every direction.  Where do they come from?!?  Seriously, are they like hiding just below the window ledge
waiting for an opportunity to bust out and crawl all over the counter?!?  Well, we showed them.  Have you ever used Terro?  This stuff is amazing.  In just a matter of an hour, all ants gone.  
Click HERE to purchase
Tuesday was our fourteenth wedding anniversary and I would like to publicly say happy anniversary to Eric.  Ian was 10 when we got married and I had lived the life of a single parent for 8 years.  I think being a single parent had solidified a very close relationship with my son.  He was a great kid and making him a priority was something I wouldn't comprise on.  Eric came along and Ian and I both fell in love with him.  Lucky for us, he fell in love with Ian and me too.  Happy anniversary, Eric.

Can you tell Ian was pretty happy about the wedding?

Now the fun part -- link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and add your favorite post(s) below.  Super easy!  Tell all your friends to link up too.  The more the merrier.  We'd love for you to follow us too!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at
                                  This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Happy Anniversary Penny! Yes, your son looks very happy and a handsome fellow he is. You look beautiful in your wedding dress. I've missed seeing you on this internet. Summer can keep us busy can't it. Have a great day.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I was a single mom for a while there and it's definitely not easy. Glad you found your happily ever after.

  3. I didn't find anything on Amazon yesterday either. It seemed like nothing on my wish list was for sale! Sorry you didn't have any luck. And happy anniversary!

  4. I didn't even check Amazon out yesterday. Most people said the deals were not that great anyway. I think it was just a ploy to get people to their site, honestly.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Whoa - I've never seen liquid ant killer. Sounds like it works way better than anything else.

  6. I checked out the Amazon Prime sale, but all the offers were kind of meh for me and so I didn't buy anything.
    And of course - Happy Anniversary!

  7. I did not check out the Amazon Prime sale mainly because I am not a ember of Amazon Prime! But no worries I don't need anything any way. Those are beautiful wedding pictures and yes your son looks very very happy!!

  8. I am vacationing in Italy for the summer. We have a country home so you can imagine all the ants (plus spiders-EEW!) and other insects we come across every day!!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. Love your wedding pictures.

    I didn't get anything on Amazon Prime and I feel bummed that I missed it.

  10. I didn't see really any deals at all, with the Prime. I guess I only checked one though.

    And Happy Anniversary!

  11. Happy Anniversary! Oh yes, your son looks genuinely happy!

  12. Happy Anniversary!! Yeah...we were let down with Prime Day too. We were all set to get a Fire Stick but they sold out so fast!!

  13. What a beautiful group of pictures. Happy Anniversary to you!
    And yes to the Terro. I love that stuff!

  14. Happy Anniversary to you and your family! Boo to the ants though. I do not like ants, especially when there are a ton of them!

  15. Happy belated anniversary and love Ian's smile so contagious.
