Monday, July 13, 2015

Salmon Sandwich

Happy Bastille Day!!  In honor of this French National Day, I'm sharing something I was introduced to at a little French restaurant in Caesar's Palace in Vegas -- Payard Patisserie & Bistro.  Eric and I took Kayla and Ian to Las Vegas to celebrate their 21st birthdays a few years ago and we stumbled upon this eatery when searching for a place to get a little snack and I fell in love with this sandwich.

Luckily for me, it didn't have any "secret ingredients" and I could easily mimic it when I got home.  It's the perfect go-to sandwich on a hot summer day when turning on the oven just doesn't sound appealing.  Hot summer days have definitely returned to St. Louis.  Like today, my car thermometer read 101.  That's hot!  The last thing I want to do when I get home from work is turn on the oven to bring more heat into the house.  So I look for meals that can be assembled, not necessarily cooked.  This salmon sandwich is a superb choice.  Pair it with a salad and some fruit -- perfection!

WARNING -- my pictures definitely have a novice (even more than my normal novice) look to them.  I was hungry and just didn't have it in me to stage some photos.  This sandwich was made, photographed and eaten in record time!

Here's what you need:
Package of smoked salmon
Whipped cream cheese
Pretzels buns

This is seriously so easy to assembly.  I feel kind of silly even taking you through it step by step.

Cut the pretzel bun in half.

Spread on the cream cheese.

Dot with capers.  Capers are one of my favorite things, so I usually "dot" pretty heavily.

Lay on the smoke salmon.

Put the top on and enjoy!

smoked salmon recipe

This little sandwich is great to take on picnics or slice into smaller pieces and have as a finger food with friends.  So yummy!!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen


  1. My mom would love this!

  2. YUM! Love that this incorporates cream cheese :-D

  3. Haha, the worst part about food blogging is having to take the pictures BEFORE you eat it. I just want to eat it! This sandwich looks perfect!!
    Thanks for linking up at Try a Bite Tuesday!! Hope to see you back next week again!

  4. Salmon and cream cheese are perfect together! I just saw a recipe on Pinterest for a salmon melt (using a filet of salmon) that looked amazing!

  5. My husband loves salmon, he would devour this!!! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! This post has been pinned on the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! I love having you and can't wait to see you next week!
