Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekending - Suzy Married Jordan

Oh my -- where do I begin telling you about this weekend!  It was the wedding weekend I had been working towards for the last couple of months.  Suzy married Jordan in the most heartfelt ceremony I have ever witnessed.  But let me start with the bridal luncheon held on Thursday.

We met at La Patisserie Chouquette for high tea.  Suzy gave each of her bridemaids their gifts - a strand of pearls with matching earrings and a bracelet from 3Strands.  I really need to fill you in more on 3Strands.  Suzy did a mission trip to Cambodia to work with this organization which fights sex trafficking around the world.  With the sale of every 3Strands handmade bracelet and gift box, money is raised to help empower, teach and employ young women who have been rescued from sex trafficking.   The bracelets were a marvelous way to bring Suzy's mission work into her wedding.

Cambodia sex trafficking

Debbie, Suzy's mom, had Chouquette make a special coconut cake with mango/passionfruit buttercream frosting for Suzy.  Talk about melt in your mouth delicious!!  It was perfectly decorated to match the birdcage theme and purple color of the wedding.

Friday was wedding prep day.  Thank goodness for my friend Carol who did all the florals.  She worked her magic and turned the wedding venue into a gorgeous masterpiece.

Eric and I had a wonderful time at the rehearsal dinner getting to know both families better and relaxing after getting the church ready for Suzy and Jordan's big day.

Saturday began early.  Hair and makeup began at 6:30 am!  Everyone was in great spirits and excited to be sharing in the couples wedding day.  Small mishap - one of the bridesmaid's father ran to Starbucks to get coffees and the barista heard "Brian" instead of "Bride".  Good thing Suzy has a great sense of humor -- she thought it was hilarious.

Mid morning we loaded up to head for the first look and pictures on Main Street in St. Charles.  The clouds were lurking, but we were all hopeful that we could get the pictures in before, or even if, it actually rained.

Doesn't first look pictures make you cry?!?  This one sure got me.  This couple is in love.  Like, REALLY in love.  And every time they looked at each other there's no denying their love for each other.

It rained a tad bit, but we had the wedding party tucked under the gazebo so no harm was done.  The rain did allow us this cute photo op with the ring bearer and flower girl!

Wedding picture taking is hard work so we had to refuel our adorable little flower girl with some ice cream.  Luckily, no spills on her fancy white dress.

Then it was on to the church for the ceremony.  Oh, the ceremony!  Suzy's sister, Julie sang La Vie En Rose while Suzy was being escorted down the aisle by her father to her awaiting groom.  Dan, the bride's brother, officiated the ceremony.  He brought such a personal touch to the ceremony that at times had every guest in tears and laughter.  So, so special.  I can't wait to see the video just so I can relive the union of these two again.

Debbie and Julie - Mom and sister to the bride
I have tons of detail pictures to share with you and I'll be doing that on Wednesday.  Can't wait to show you all the little touches we had!

Sunday was spent relaxing.  I mean like laying in bed until noon relaxing.  When flipping channels the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love caught my attention and I was transfixed.  Laid right there in bed and watched it.  If you have never seen this 2011 romantic comedy starring Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore and Emma Stone, I highly recommend you get it on your to watch list.  (I might have actually watched it again Sunday night.)

romantic comedy

Welcome Monday.  I'm having a little get together to watch the Bachelorette finale tonight.  Shawn or Nick - Nick or Shawn.  Who will get to take Kaitlyn home for a couple weeks keeps?!?  Then the rest of the week I'm working on a shower I'll be hosting on Sunday.  Fun week ahead!!  Stay tuned for all the recaps.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. I felt like I was in a fairy tale storybook. Your pictures came out so good. I can see why you stayed in bed till noon. I can't wait for the next chapter on the details.

  2. what a cute bride and groom! best of luck to them :)
    trish - tales from trish

  3. The ceremony looks beautiful!!

  4. Congratulation guys! Loved your all wedding pictures! I am sure your guests liked the place and had enjoyed the party and food too. Amazing wedding venue in Los Angeles and beautifully decorated with white flowers. Overall it’s a perfect wedding!

    1. This wedding was actually in St. Charles, MO - not LA.
