Thursday, August 27, 2015

Five on Friday - August 28, 2015

Welcome to Friday!  If you read my post from yesterday (HERE), you know what I'm up to this weekend -- I'm going on a float trip!  I'm so excited to be spending the weekend with friends and just a wee bit nervous about being in a raft floating down a river.

Before I head out this afternoon, here's my Five on Friday for this week.

1.  Adult Gummie Bears
For the last five days, I have been soaking a big bag of gummi bears in vodka.  I thought this would be the perfect snack for the above mentioned float trip.  Have you ever had these?  Here's the recipe I'm following:

3 lb. bag of Haribo Gold Bear gummi candies (I hear this brand is the best for holding its shape)
1 bottle of marshmallow vodka (I used Smirnoff Fluffed)
Some of another bottle of Pearl regular vodka (after day 2 the liquid was a little low)
2 cups of fruit punch

Put the candy in a glass container.  Make sure you break them up before adding the liquid.  Cover with vodka and slip it in the frig.  Stir a couple times a day and make sure the liquid stays over the candy.  On day 4, I added 2 cups of fruit punch.  I'll let you know if they're a hit next week, but from the sample I tasted I believe everyone will love them.

2.  Dr. Cool Kits
Have you ever really wanted to make a volcano at home?  Well apparently you don't have to be a real scientist to do it.  You just need one of these Dr. Cool Kits!  Made for people 6 years and older, this kit would be great for anyone interested in volcanoes, earth science or geology.  I'm thinking it would make a great birthday gift for that niece or nephew in your life.  If volcanoes aren't your thing, Dr. Cool Kits come in a variety of other subjects that kids would love.  Wish I would have known about these when Ian was little.  They would have made an awesome gift for him to give his friends at birthday parties.

Discover with Dr. Cool Ultimate Volcano Science Kit (Make a Volcano Erupt!)
Click HERE to purchase

3.  Duncan Hines Perfect Size Cake 
Now that we're a household of two, I'm so glad to become aware of these little babies -- Duncan Hines Perfect Size Cakes!  They come in 5 different flavors:  Chocolate Lovers, Red Velvet Dream, Lemon Bliss, Strawberries and Cream and Golden Fudge.  The pan and frosting are included.  If you have kids at home, these would also be the perfect size to scarf down before they get off the bus.
4. Roscato Rosso Dolce
Last weekend when Kayla and Ian came over to dinner, they brought a bottle of Italia Roscato with them.  Loved it!  Here's what Winery Notes has to say about it:  "Northern Italy provides a spectacular backdrop for Roscato, a violet-hued red with aromatic notes of cherry, blackberry and red raspberry. A touch of sweetness and bright acidity underlies the appeal of this charming wine."   Thanks for introducing us to this sparkling blush.

5.  Parenting Technique

I have a bonus item today.  If you are in the St. Louis area and want to do something fun this weekend, check out the Midwest Salute to the Arts.  This event is located in a beautiful park setting and has something for the entire family.  It's organized by a great group of very dedicated volunteers and my hat's off to them for consistently putting together a wonderful show.  Sorry I'm going to miss it this year.

Fairview Heights, Illinois

Have a truly fabulous weekend everyone!  Hope I survive the float trip to see you back here on Monday with my weekend recap.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The New Mrs. Adventure
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. With those gummi bears you certainly will be floating down the river!! Enjoy! You should post that wine and its notes to our Wino Wednesday this coming Wednesday. Always looking for new faces on it.

  2. Soo many fairs, etc going on this weekend. We are headed to the Waterloo homecoming tonight. Have a great float!

  3. We just stayed at Fairview Heights for our St Louis vacation this year. So fun. We could have used some of that wine and gummy bears to get us thru!

  4. I have never heard of vodka soaked gummy bears! They sound like a fun snack to have for a party or get together. I think both of my kids would love the volcano kit! And Italian wines are the best! Hope you have a wonderful time floating down the river this weekend!

  5. Vodka soaked gummy bears are DELICIOUS! I hope you enjoy them!!

  6. Haha, I am so one of those moms that is guilty of scarfing down sweets in secret so those cakes would be perfect! Oftentimes I'm guilty of having ice cream sundaes during naptime. Shhh! Have a great time on your float trip!

  7. OMG we could totally be besties in real life!!!I LOVe ALL of these!

  8. OHH man that is extra evil to let the kids play with a dying battery, I LOVE IT! Totally doing that. You know how to treat yourself. I need to try that gummy bear vodka!

  9. I love the Duncan Hines cakes. YUM! I hope you have a great weekend :) - Seri from

  10. I love the charger punishment for the kids that is great! I think I might have to go buy some gummy bears this weekend! Thanks for all the ideas.

  11. Never had adult gummy bears but that sounds like a great way to have drinks :)

    I have to check out those cakes, perfect for a dessert instead of baking the entire cake and eating it. Something I could easily do.

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  12. So Penny, I feel like we need to hang out. I love absolutely everything you have featured here--from the gummies to the cake to the Illinois event (even though I'm way up North in Chicago).

  13. Definitely taking away the charger! Plus I am filling my purse with those gummi bears!

  14. The adult gummy bears would be perfect for a float trip! I get they will be delicious!

  15. A float trip sounds so fun! I've never made those gummy bears, but I've wanted to for a long time! I would think Haribo would hold up the best too since they're not as squishy.

  16. The Duncan Hines cake looks fantastic. I rarely end up making cake mixes - even though I love them - because I end up with way too much cake. Have a great weekend!

  17. Adult gummy bears sound awesome! Definitely going to have to try that for our next party.

  18. Oh my gosh! I saw a video on Facebook of someone with a giant glass of gummy bears and all sorts of alcohol. They,are a big alcoholic punch bowl with it. It looked fun!

  19. I love the Gummy Bear recipe idea! It seems really easy and I know it would be a hit at my next grown-up get-together!

  20. We just picked up our Duncan Hines cake mix for a party we have coming up. My son picked the chocolate too. :)

  21. Gummies and vodka can be a good mix. It's perfect for friends parties and gatherings.

  22. Love your post idea! Hope you are having a great weekend. Kaz

  23. At the risk of being high every night I probably would stay away from the adult gummy bears lol but that cake yes please

  24. I don't even like alcohol, but those adult gummi bears look good!haha As does that cake kit. And I would totally love to make a volcano myself, although Kane would probably find it cool too. #kidatheart

    Thanks for linking up with us!!!
