Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - The Float Trip

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with X-tremely V and me!  So glad you stopped by!  If you're a blogger, please link up one (or more) of your posts below.  We would love to hear what you're thinking out loud about today.

Today I'm thinking about the trip I'm taking this weekend with my friends.  We're doing a float trip in southern Missouri.  This trip has been on the calendar since February.  You can click here to see a post I wrote way back in the beginning about the planning of this adventure.  

As stated in that post, I'm scared to death a little nervous about floating.  You see, I'm scared of water.  WHAT?!? Yes, scared of water.  And I don't know how to swim very well.  Several years back my friend Tracy challenged all of us to make a list of things we wanted to get done.  She asks that at least one thing on the list be something outside our comfort zone.  I signed up for the YMCA's Adult TOW class.  TOW stands for "terrified of water".  Age range 18 to 99.  I met the criteria.  Paid my money and showed up at the pool for six weeks.  Six weeks of pure un-fun.  

When I arrived for my first lesson, the pool was full of women.  Some were older, some were my age and some were even younger.  I breathed a sign of relief to see so many other people in my same situation.  Then I realized all those women were there for the water aerobics class.  No - I needed to go over to the far end of the pool where they had 3 swimming lanes roped off.  Me and two teenagers made up this session of TOW.  The two other people stopped coming after week two and that left me and the instructor (a male who had just finished his first year of college) for four looooooonnnnnnnggggggg weeks.  

Bless his heart -- he tried so hard.  I actually kept thinking I need to leave a really big tip for him at the end of the six weeks.  He worked harder trying to teach me to swim than any waiter had ever tried keeping my water glass full.   He deserved, and had EARNED, a tip.

At this point, you might be asking yourself why on earth would I agree to go on a float trip.  Well, I just can't imagine not being there to share in all the fun.  I want to be a part of the stories we'll be telling for years that start with, "Remember on the float trip.....".  I'm the person that answers yes when your parents would question if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you jump too?  Yes, yes I would jump if it meant having a bunch of laughs later.  I'm more than willing to try to push my fear aside to hang out with this great group of friends.

I like to think I could save myself if ever confronted with that situation, but honestly, I'm not really that sure I could.  So friends going with me this weekend -- I really love you and I'm putting my life in your hands.  (And let's try to get a better picture of all of us together with Debora in it!)

Now it's your turn -- what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and add your favorite post(s) below.  Super easy!  Tell all your friends to link up too.  The more the merrier.  We'd love for you to follow us too!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at
The Deliberate Mom
This is How We Roll

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. You must be ahead of schedule in packing for your trip. Your link is up earlier than usual. Wow, I am so proud of you for conquering your fear and heading out on this amazing adventure. I'm sure your friends will have your back. Not sure exactly what a float trip through your other post so I'm assuming you are on some type of boat? Anyways, here's to wishing you lots of luck, a great time, lots of laughter and looking forward to hearing and seeing all about it next week, or whenever you have the energy to post after such a trip. Have a great time.

  2. Where are you floating? This weekend is the big Bull float trip and I pray that you aren't on the waters they will be on (Huzzah) because then you'll be freaking out even more. But don't worry, you will have fun, I promise. Its all really safe to do and as long as the rivers aren't high, you'll be more than fine!

  3. You're going to have fun, I know it! Honestly I'm wondering how my weekend is already half over. It goes by WAY too fast!

  4. Love that you took the TOW class!! Good for you Penny!! You are going to have the time of your life this weekend!! Enjoy every minute...Can't wait to read all about it!!

  5. Linked up with a post about my little girl's daddy :) thanks for hosting Penny :)
