Monday, August 31, 2015

Guacamole -- Yes Please!

This past weekend on my epic floating trip (you can read about it HERE), my good friend TW whipped up a batch of his famous guacamole.  Anytime this group of friends get together, having TW's guacamole is on everyone's wish list.  He didn't let us down!

While he was working his magic, I decided to click a few pictures and share his recipe on my blog so all you good people could try it too.  If you're a big fan of this green stuff like I am, you must give this a try!

Here's What You Need

4 or 5 avocados
1 tomato
2 limes
1 sweet onion
small container of sour cream
small jar of your favorite salsa (one without mangos, corn or beans)

Here's What You Do
First thing - get ready to do some chopping.  Cut up the avocados, tomato, and onion and place all the pieces in a large bowl.   Please forgive the lack of beauty of my bowl.  Remember -- we were making this in our cabin in the woods and this was the prettiest bowl we could find in the cabinets.

Pour in about 3/4 the jar of salsa. 

Rub the limes on the counter to loosen up the juices, cut, and squeeze over the bowl.

Add in the sour cream.  Sprinkle with cumin and salt.  Mix up really well.

Serve with your favorite chips!

So, see that empty bowl there on the right?  The recipe is so good!  We scarfed it down like it was the only food we had to eat all weekend long.  Delish!!

Want to check out more recipes?  Click on some of the links below and see what other are cooking up today.

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen


  1. I love a good guac! Thanks for stopping by and sharing with us at #TryaBiteTuesday! Pinning and sharing - hope to see you next week!

  2. I never thought of using sour cream! I always add a bit of pablano peppers for some added heat ( i love it spicy) Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to try this recipe!

  3. I love guacamole! This is making me hungry for some :)

  4. Love guacamole!! Wish I was at home to make some!

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  5. OMG, I love guacamole and could easily eat it all day, ever day :) Never thought to add sour cream either--I'll give that a whirl next time. Thanks! XOXO

  6. Oh Yum! This looks so good!!! I want some guac now!

  7. Yum! I love guacamole. And I love how the lime picture looks like God is looking down and approving the lime in that recipe...I'm the only one? Darn...hehe :)

  8. Always love guacamole with a little pica de gallo.

  9. That looks amazing! I love a good guac recipe!

  10. Yum! Your guacamole looks so good! Now I want to make some :)

  11. My daughter loves guacamole and will whip out an avocado in a second! Thanks for this recipe!

  12. Guacamole is a weakness of mine and this one looks incredible! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! This post has been pinned on the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! I love having you and can't wait to see you next week!
