Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Want To Go Float

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with X-tremely V and me!  So glad you stopped by!  If you're a blogger, please link up one (or more) of your posts below.  We would love to hear what you're thinking out loud about today.

Today I'm recapping the logistics of my wonderful weekend with nine of my friends when we took to the Niangua river and floated seven miles downstream.  Just thinking out loud about what a great trip it was and if any of you would like to do something like this, I'd share our information.  

It took us about 3 hours from St. Louis to get there.  The drive itself was 98% straight down highway 44.  Three hours zoomed past as Nick, TW and I chatted the hours away.  

Mother Nature was really on our side and awarded us wonderful weather.  Even though we had a little scare of rain in the morning, it quickly cleared to a beautiful sunny day that was just right in the temperature department.  Literally, we could not have asked for anything better.  

We rented our cabin, rafts and shuttle from Riverfront Rental Cabins.  Our cabin was deep in the woods and secluded from everything.  It was a two bedroom abode with a loft housing four additional beds.  The bedrooms were spacious and we were easily able to put a queen size blow up bed in one of the bedrooms.

The living space had more than enough space for us to hang out.  The table was large enough for all of us to pile around to eat and play cards.  There was a cabinet full of games, movies and cards that we didn't find until we were packing up to leave.  Note to self:  Check out every cabinet when renting a house.

We left our thoughts in the journal in the cabin.  Many of the entries had the same great impressions of the accommodations that we did.

The view out the front was magnificent.  I can only imagine how beautiful it will be when the leaves start turning this fall.

Bennett Spring's State Park is so, so close.  We actually had to drive through the state park to get to the road to the cabin.  Sunday on our way out, TW was kind enough to stop and let me snap a few pictures.

Bennett Springs is a big trout fishing area.  I personally don't know why they were using poles to catch the fish when you could have just reached out and grabbed them.  See the fish just sitting there in the water in this picture?

If you're thinking of a float trip for your family and you have smaller children, I would suggest going during the week.  The river was full the Saturday we floated -- and full of some things you may not necessarily want around your small children.  Nothing super horrible, just some less mature adults having adult fun.  We floated right past that kind of action, but you know how kids have magnetic eyes and ears for things they could probably go without seeing or hearing.

Overall -- great trip!  So much fun in fact, I hope to do it again soon.  

Have you ever been on a float trip?  Where do you float?

Now it's your turn -- what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and add your favorite post(s) below.  Super easy!  Tell all your friends to link up too.  The more the merrier.  We'd love for you to follow us too!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. That cabin is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  2. We are absolutely blessed to live in a state that is famous for its rivers and float trips. I've floated all over Missouri and just love a day on the river, even if its not a float. Soo glad you had a blast :)

  3. Oh I so want to do this!! It would be a fun road trip for us since we are in northern Wisconsin. Hmm.. I may have to tag this so I remember to book something for next summer. :)

  4. This trip looks amazing, my husband and I would like to do something like this together.

  5. FUN! I love getting away to the cabin! We always go up to Duluth, MN and it is so nice to get away. And cabin living is the best.
