Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekending - Spent Totally At Home

This was the first weekend in I can't even remember when that we did no activities outside our house -- and it felt pretty good!  Not that I would want to do this every weekend, but every now and then it fits.

On my way home from work on Friday, I stopped by Michael's to grab some materials I needed to make the bridal shower touches I was doing for my friend.  All day I had been thinking about the things I wanted to get done when I got home.  Eric was working late so I knew I would have time to myself to really concentrate on projects I wanted to do at the house.  Well, that didn't happen!  I plopped myself in front of the TV with my bowl of Captain Crunch I was going to have for dinner, a magazine that came in the mail and started watching The Affair on Showtime.

I had heard some rumblings about this show in blogland and decided to give it a try.  Yes, season one was complete by Saturday morning.  #bingewatching  The show was different than I thought it was going to be.  There's a lot going on that is way against my moral values, but it was very intriguing.  Besides the affair happening, there's an underlying mystery of a murder.  At first you don't know who was killed or by whom.  At the end you still don't know who did it, but you do know who's dead.  Season two is scheduled to air October 4 on Showtime so if you want to jump on the bandwagon of watchers, you have a little time to catch up with season 1 if you haven't seen it.

Saturday we were going to head to a festival in the area, but woke to VERY cloudy skies, which in a short while turned into rain.  With plenty to do around the house, we decided to hang out and just get some stuff done.  While going through all the mail that was stacked up with things "I would get to later", I decided to give our cable provider a call to see if we could lower our bill.  Turns out after talking to the retention department we could get everything we needed for about $30 less a month.  Cha Ching!  Definitely worth the 10 minute wait time to talk to someone!

We invited our son and daughter-in-law, Ian and Kayla, over to dinner and were so happy they accepted.  Eric and I have a tendency to eat in front of the television in the family room.  Anyone else do this?  Well, Saturday night seemed like a good time to actually eat at the kitchen table.

I fixed one of those recipes that I hadn't fixed in years - Chicken Enchiladas.  They were as good as I remembered them being.  Recipe coming on Tuesday.


Sunday Eric had to work.  I honestly don't know what I did all day, but the time sure did go by fast.  I tried sitting outside in the morning to read a bit but that got cut short by the rain and cool temperatures.  When I came in I read some blogs and caught up with some emails.

One tangible thing I did get accomplished on Sunday was making these adorable baseballs to go on the paper placemats my friend will be using for a bridal shower she is hosting.  It was an easy project thanks to my Silhouette.


When Eric got off, we decided to be low key for dinner and he picked up Panda Express.  After a walk around the neighborhood, we curled up on the couch to watch Bachelor in Paradise.  Oh the drama!!  How many proposals do you see coming out of this season?

See -- I told you it was a very quiet few days!  What were you up to over the weekend?

Hope you guys have a great week and stop back by tomorrow to see the recipe I'll be sharing on the Chicken Enchiladas.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. Great minds think alike about festivals - we were going to head to the Festival of the Little hills on Saturday but the skies just weren't in our favor. So we nixed it this year, which I'm semi bummed about but I got to relax instead and that's all that matters!!

  2. Yay for getting your cable bill down! I did the same thing a few months ago and totally agree the wait time on the phone is worth it haha!

  3. I love a good relaxing weekend. I had recorded that show but never watched it.

  4. I've heard some things about The Affair, too. I wonder if it's on Netflix {we don't have Showtime}?!

  5. Binge watching weekends are the best! Your enchiladas looks very yummy. Thanks for linking up today!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

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  7. I'm so looking forward to season 2 of The Affair. I didn't want to like it... but it's one of my favorite shows.

  8. What an eventful weekend...binge watching, crafts, kind of weekend. Glad you had a great weekend.
