Thursday, August 20, 2015

Five on Friday - August 21, 2015

Hello and welcome to Five on Friday!!  So excited we have a weekend coming at us in just a few short hours.  It's been a fun-filled week at our house.  Tuesday I had banana split night with a couple friends, Wednesday we enjoyed going to the Cardinals game and seeing them grab a win over the Giants, Thursday I had an open house at a downtown hotel.  Wow -- don't know how I'm going to top all that fun this weekend, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

Before the official weekend begins, let me share my Five on Friday for this week.

1.  Munch Mitt
Since I'm going to be an aunt again in hopefully less than a month, I've been more alert when I see baby products pop up.  A Facebook friend of mine (thanks Ashley) posted a picture of her adorable little guy with one of these Munch Mitts on and it looked like something every baby should have.  The Munch Mitt teether is the solution to the constant dropping of teething toys.  The textured flexible silicone provides soothing teething relief.  Sounds like it would be great to have while travelling in the stroller or car seat.  Suggested use is from 3 months - 8 months or until they are able to remove the mitt themselves.
Munch Mitt Baby Teething Mitten - Green
Click HERE to purchase
As a bonus, here is Ashley's adorable babe enjoying his Munch Mitt.  Is that not the cutest face!?!

2.  Free Book on Braids
Okay ladies with long locks, here's one for you!  Kerastase is offering a free, downloadable book on braids.  So wish I could have nice, thick flowing hair that I could braid!  For those of you that do, hope you enjoy this freebie.  Get yours here:
3. Pecan Pie M&Ms
Although Fall doesn't official start until September 23, the stores are getting prepared now.  Look what flavor M&M's are available in - pecan pie.  Think anyone will have a bowl of these on the Thanksgiving table instead of the real deal?!?  These babies are available in Walmart stores now. Anyone tried them yet?

Pecan Pie M&M’s? Yes Please!

4.  Fireflies in a Jar
I saw this on Lush Zone and had to share.  What a fun thing to do with the kids on these wonderful summer evenings.

5.  Stay positive....

Have a great weekend!  I have a project to work on for a friend who's helping host a bridal shower and I want to get some goody bags together for my float trip next weekend.  Other than that, we don't really have any definite plans.  I'm sure we'll find something to do that's fun!  Hope you do too!  See you back on Monday for a recap.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The New Mrs. Adventure
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. Those pecan pie M&Ms sound amazing! I loved the coconut flavored ones they broke out last summer. I didn't notice them in stores, so perhaps they were a one time thing. If these are good, too I hope they'll leave them out for a little while longer. Pecan pie is my favorite, and this would be a little more practical than trying to toss a slice of pie in my purse before I leave for the day...

  2. Pecan Pie M&Ms?!?!? Yes! I love all the fun fall flavors of regular things. Last year I tried the pumpkin spice ones and did a lot of baking with it ;) Stopping by from #H54F, Have a wonderful weekend!

    Alexis @

  3. I'll have to try those m&m candies. I tried the pumpkin ones last year and wasn't too impressed.

  4. Going to have to look into the braid book! I always love learning new styles!

  5. Hahaha very nice quote we definitely do not need that negativity in life, loving the cute baby picture and pecan pie m&m's HELLO!! lol

  6. That Munch Mitt is incredibly cute! I know my nephew could use those. I have not seen the Pecan Pie M&M's yet that looks interesting to say the least ! I have to try them!

  7. This is such an interesting post roundup! I especially love the book for braids. Must have that! :D

  8. Congrats on becoming an aunt again!! I became an uncle for the first time about 18 months ago and it is awesome.

  9. Oh my goodness! I've got to try those M&Ms!!

  10. A banana split night? That sounds too good to be true! Mm!

  11. I just LOVE this post. I mean, who doesn't love M and Ms, as well as salty and delicious cheese? No one!!! Wish I would have heard of that mitt when my boys were babies!

  12. No time to talk right now! I have to get to the store and buy the Pecan Pie M&M's! How did I miss seeing these yesterday? Thank you for your post!

  13. I just popped by to thank you for single-handedly destroying my diet... I will be buying up a few bags of those pecan pie M&Ms LOL!

  14. Oooooh a banana split night, what a great idea for a girls night for the future :)

  15. Ok must try those pecan pie m&ms, those jars look awesome! If only the glow stuff could be recharged by the sun or something.

  16. Looks like he's really enjoying that Munch Mitt!! Such a cute picture!

  17. These are great! The munch mitt has got to be the best ever! My kids both were fist And those M&M's! The pecan pie flavor would be awesome! Gotta get my hands on a pack.

  18. Staying positive and keeping negative things away from you excellent advice.

  19. This is truly one of the best blog posts I've seen all week (and I read a lot of blogs)!

    Betty Jahns

  20. I have not seen Pecan Pie M&Ms before!! I saw some weird new candy corns today, it's crazy how they keep changing things up!

  21. Baby is so adorable! Teething is a nightmare! Never tried those M&Ms before, need to check for it.

  22. I like your advice about negativity in your life, I agree with that. The Munch Mitt is really adorable but I don't know what it is purposes?

  23. I love the free download! Thank you for that. Also, the munch mitt is perfect for little ones.

  24. Haha you totally made me smile with that last one. Hope you're having a good weekend and thanks for linking up!

  25. Pecan Pie flavored M&M's? Heck if I see them I am going to buy and try them long before Thanksgiving!! Just as an aside--I've already started my pumpkin eating--Pumpkin bread was spotted, bought and eaten-nnow to get some more!

  26. That Munch Mitt looks great for a few new moms I know! And those M&Ms look delicious!

  27. The munch mitt looks like an incredible invention. Unfortunately, my kiddos have outgrown that stage but the firefly jar looks like loads of fun!

  28. I like the glitter jars. I've heard they will work for timeout or calm down jars too. And my hubby loves pecan pie, so I'll keep an eye out for those M&Ms.

  29. LOL, I guess my 5 yr old will stop talking to me soon as she puts way too much on her pasta. I love the fireflies jar. Maybe it will get her to sleep in her own bed.

  30. Oh wow…I think the concept of the Munch Mitt is so cool! And, green is my favorite color. I was hoping that you had tried the Pecan Pie M&Ms so I could see if I should buy them. I am very curious about these.

  31. OMG I haven't seen those M&Ms but I will try them when I do! I tried the cake batter ones and they were actually pretty good! The Munch Mitts are perfect baby shower gifts, don't ya think?!

  32. Munch mitts is so cute perfect for moms whose kids are teething. I want to try the M&M with Pecan Pie flavor.

  33. The munch mitts are genius! Oh how I wish I had some when my boys were little. But the cheese thing...yeah. Dont mess with my cheese! LOL Have a great week!

  34. Omg these m&ms sound so yummy!!!!! This much mits are also super cool! My disgusted was a chewer.... Which they would of been around for her!

  35. I'm so old school. I love plain and peanut M&Ms. Almond are ok but these other flavors are just too much for me.

  36. I can't wait to try the pecan pie M&Ms. Looks like they will be good. And please get rid of that friend, they are not your friend. Cheese please!
