Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - August 20, 2015

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with X-tremely V and me!  So glad you stopped by!  If you're a blogger, please link up one (or more) of your posts below.  We would love to hear from you.

Today I'm thinking out loud about mail.  It's no secret that I love happy mail.  I love getting home from work, walking to the mailbox (which is just a few steps down my driveway and sometimes this is the only exercise I get for the day), and pulling down the door.  My heart literally starts beating a little faster with excitement and I tend to hold my breath as I reach in and pull out what's inside.

Now most days, I exhale with a little bit of disappointment because all I'm pulling out is a bunch of junk that will be hitting the trash can on my way through the garage before I even enter the house.  But there are some days - oh my goodness, some days are so exciting!!  If I open that door and pull out something good, it literally makes my day.

What is good you may be asking yourself.  Well, there's lots of good things.  Like the time my blog friend Michelle who blogs over at Grammie Time mailed this adorable cross to me.

Due to my obsession with magazines, any day one arrives is a good mail day.  #magazineaddiction

Heck, I'm not even too proud to buy for stuff to be mailed to me.  Like, for instance, my Rocksbox.  Now this makes me literally jump up and down and do flips squeal a little when I see this package come in the mail.  Anyone else use Rocksbox?  The deal is you pay $19 a month and get a box of three pieces of jewelry sent to you.  They have an idea of what you would like by checking the things you add to your wish list.  You can keep the jewelry as long as you like.  When you would like to get three different pieces, you simply mail them back (postage paid) and they send you a new box of three items.

monthly jewerly

My first box had the following items in it:
See why I love Rocksbox!  If you would like to try it free for a month, you can use the code  pennybff15.   

What's your favorite thing to get in the mail?  All this makes me think -- I need to get some happy mail packages ready to send to some of my friends.  It would make me happy to put a smile on their face!

Now it's your turn -- what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and add your favorite post(s) below.  Super easy!  Tell all your friends to link up too.  The more the merrier.  We'd love for you to follow us too!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at
The Deliberate Mom
This is How We Roll

This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I am so glad you liked the cross. As soon as I saw it your name came to mind. That is how I know I'm suppose to act right then and there and share some love. Rocksbox, what a cool idea. I tend to wear earrings and bracelets. To answer your question, the things I like to get in the mail are handwritten notes or items I've ordered online.

  2. Mail is so fun! I subscribe to a few plans and get so excited when I come home and see a box waiting for me to dive in!

  3. what a great post! I love receiving things in the mail, even if I bought it for myself haha. Such a great gift from Michelle.

    liz jo sundays with sophie

  4. I love mail! I wish people wrote more letters. Emails aren't nearly as fun as mail.

  5. Good mail seriously can make your day! For us, lately it's RSVP's. We haven't gotten one for probably at least eight mail days now. Every time I get home and ask Michael if we got any RSVP's and he says no I feel a little sad! Also we asked that everyone RSVP by September 1st and we have a lot of people we've yet to hear from!

  6. Its amazing how anything that's not bills or ads can light up a person's day. I wish people would snail mail more, email just isn't as personal.

  7. Penny you crack me up, I mail stuff to myself too. Thank goodness for Amazon!

  8. I've never really been into mail, but it is fun when something nice comes in. :)

  9. I love fun mail! I've thought of doing rock box but I already do Ipsy and stitch fix

  10. Mail is fun I do agree! And like you I don't find the boring mundane mail fun, it's the magazines, surprise(random notes/cards) from friends you don't often see & monthly boxes(currently I get Ipsy). I dipped my toe in subscription boxes first with Birchbox for a while but all I ended up with were literally piles of brown cardboard boxes full of sample sizes of things I had no real use for, maybe a good plan for some people, just not me. So I put myself on the Ipsy waiting list, once I got that 1st month in I cancelled Birchbox. Ipsy is more makeup based rather than what Birch was & they've at least slowed down with the sending of eyeliner & dry shampoo, neither of which I personally use. And that's about enough babble outta me. Fun mail is definitely fun in the adult world, that's for sure!!

  11. Love the idea of rocksbox and hooray for mail that isn't bills!

  12. I really need to get on the RoxBoxs bandwagon!

  13. I love a surprise mail package or letter. It makes my day.

  14. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!
