Monday, August 17, 2015

Peaches For Dessert

When my nephew was visiting, we went to our favorite orchard - Eckert's - to pick some peaches.  I was dying to try this recipe I had spied on Pinterest from Grace and Good Eats.  As soon as it was peach season, I got busy finding a time we could go pick the fresh fruit so I could whip it up.

The orchard had trees full of peaches and Landon happily helped us gather a basket full.

peach picking, Eckert's peaches

This recipe has all my favorite ingredients and has some serious good flavor.  It was easy to make and looks like it came straight out of a bakery.

Here's what you'll need:

1 sheet of puff pastry
3 peaches
1 wheel of Brie
3 tablespoons brown sugar
cinnamon (optional, but I highly recommend it)

What do you do?

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Thaw the puff pastry as directed on the box.  Cut into six pieces.

puff pasty recipe

Peel the peaches, remove the pit, and cut into 1/4 inch slices.

Remove the rind from the brie and slice into thin slices.

Put your six pieces on a piece of parchment paper inside a jelly roll pan.  My first attempt I thought I would be smart and bake this on one of my baking stones.  Really bad idea and not smart AT ALL.  As the creation baked, the juices ran off the stone and into my oven.  Second attempt with the parchment paper and jelly roll pan worked soooo much better.  (Thanks neighbors for not calling the fire department when our smoke alarm was sounding.)

Top each piece of puff pastry with brie and peaches.  Generously top each square with brown sugar and cinnamon.

Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown.

Let cool for five minutes.

Drizzle with honey immediately before serving.

I road tested this recipe on Sunday when I fixed it at Sherri's lunch.  All thumbs up!  Hope you enjoy it as much as we have been. Thanks Grace and Good Eats for this outstanding formula!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen


  1. I absolutely love tarts with fruit. I wonder, have you ever made this with apples? I love both peaches and apples and peaches are coming to an end soon so I thought apples are right around the corner. I bet it is so good with fresh whipped cream on top. I'm craving now ....

  2. Wow, that looks delicious! I'm going to have to try this one. We have some people who set up a stand with South Carolina peaches in our small town every summer, so hopefully I will catch them before they leave!

  3. Yes Yes Yes! This looks amazing I'm send this to my mom to see if she'll make it for me. Yes. I'm 36 and I still ask my mom to make me treats!

  4. This looks so good! We have a ton of orchards in our area that sell peaches and they are always SO good.

  5. That's looks like it turned out fantastic!

  6. I'm not a fan of fruit, (I know, I don't know what's wrong with me either) but my husband definitely is! He'll eat pretty much anything I put in front of him, bless his heart, so I am going to try this for sure!

  7. Sounds yummy! One of my goals has always been to go to Eckerts and pick something other than apples but as long as I can get Keith to do apples, that's all that matters!!

  8. I love peaches for dessert and this looks amazing! I'm saving this recipe for later :) #authenticbloggers

  9. I bought all the ingredients today and going to make it tonight. Will email you to let you know how it came out. I'll even put it on the same plate you did!

  10. This looks so good! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! This post has been pinned on the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! I love having you and can't wait to see you next week!
