Monday, August 17, 2015

Where Did The Weekend Go?

Ever have one of those weekends where you wake up on Monday morning and you swear you just got home from work Friday night?  Well, that's me today.  Here we are at Monday morning and I'm thinking I could really use some more weekend.

We had a whirlwind beginning to last week with our nephew, Landon, visiting.  On Monday we went to a local orchard and picked peaches.  Then we headed to the zoo and capped off the day by going to the drive in Monday night.  Tuesday we visited Grant's Farm and then met up with my brother to hand Landon back over to him.  Fun, fun, fun few days!  Here's a picture we took while paddle boating at Grant's Farm.

When Friday got here, Eric and I were ready for the weekend.  Our final Muny performance of the season was Friday night and the weather was magnificent.  We settled into our outdoor seats to see Oklahoma and was entertained for the next three hours.  This was one of our favorites from the entire season.  I felt bad for Eric because he had to go to work at 6:00 am the next day and we didn't get home until around midnight.  Luckily, he loved the show too and thought staying to watch the whole performance was well worth it.

Saturday came and I had a great morning.  Caught up on some blogs, answered some emails and read a book.  By the way -- I started reading All The Light We Cannot See over and can hardly put it down!  Love it!  I had started reading it a few weeks ago before a couple large projects I was working on (wedding and baby shower) and was having a hard time getting into it.  I completed started it over and that was the right decision.

Click HERE to purchase
The sun was shining and it was going to be another beautiful day so I wanted to spend some time outside.  Washing the car seemed like a great idea so that's how I spent the rest of my Saturday morning.  Then I puttered around in the flowers and garden.  We are starting to get a slew of tomatoes and zucchini.  Love eating fresh vegetables straight from the garden!!

Eric got home and he was beat.  Who could blame him?  We had been out late on Friday and he had to get up at the crack of dawn for work.  So we decided to take it easy Saturday night.  We ordered pizza and watched our beloved Cardinals beat Miami. After the game we were flipped channels and got stuck on the movie The Judge.  Have you seen it?  We've seen it before, but I just love that movie.

Sunday Eric had to work again.  I had lunch plans with my friends Sherri, Carol and Tracy.  Unfortunately Tracy had a family issue and ended up not being able to make it, but Sherri remembered her at the table.  We missed you Tracy!

Sherri's table looked amazing and we devoured her Mediterranean wraps.  They were so good!  I definitely want to make them again in my near future.

I brought dessert.  Well, I actually brought it and then baked it there so it could be served warm.  I'll be sharing the recipe for these peach tarts on Tuesday.

Sunday night Eric and I grilled out.  I fixed zucchini and corn salad as sides.  Yum!!

And that brings us to Monday.  Really, so soon!  This week holds lots of fun things so I'm sure it will speed by and then I'll have another chance to capture a weekend.  Already looking forward to it.  Have a great Monday!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. All that fresh food ... yum! So happy for you to spend time with your nephew. What a beautiful table indeed and the fact you remembered your friend-great girlfriends do those little things! Have a great Monday!

  2. Fun weekend! Oklahoma is such a great music! I remember seeing it with my grandparents when I was a kid. Love The Judge too. We watched it not to long ago! Thanks for linking up today!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. Looks like you had a busy weekend! No wonder it went by so quickly!
    -Lacey of

  4. Sounds like a great week and weekend. So busy too. Looking forward to reading more on your blog.

  5. Sounds like a great week and weekend. So busy too. Looking forward to reading more on your blog.

  6. Every single weekend is too short :( Glad you're liking that book! It's on my reading list, so hopefully I'll get to it soon! Have a great week!

  7. What a beautiful table set up! The food looks delish! The weekends go by way to fast. It should be 3 days at least. Especially when our guys have to work on the weekend.

  8. Oooh yay for picking fresh peaches, that sounds heavenly. :) I really want to read that book, I have it on my TBR shelf. Glad you had a great weekend!

  9. I totally agree the weekend went so fast. your dessert looks delish, can't wait for the recipe!
