Thursday, September 10, 2015

Five on Friday - September 11, 2015

Oh Friday - I'm so glad you're here!  This has been a short work week for me, but I'm still ecstatic that Friday has arrived.  I've been out of town the last two weekends and I'm looking forward to doing a big bunch of nothing for a couple of days.  Don't get me wrong, I have a to-do list that fills a page of thin-lined paper listing things that need to get accomplished around the house.  We'll just see how much actually gets done.

Before I head off to tackle that list, here's my five for you to check out.

1.  9/11 Tribute
This is one of those days where most of us will always remember exactly where we were that Tuesday morning when news broke of a plane crashing into the side of the World Trade Center.  What followed was heart-wrenching.  Budweiser played this commercial, which aired only once so they wouldn't benefit financially from it, at the beginning of the Super Bowl.  I thought it would be fitting to share it today.

2.  Teavana Pumpkin Spice Brulee
Last weekend when Debbie and I were in the Dallas airport, our gate was right next to a Teavana store.  Luckily for us, we had just enough time to sample the teas they had on display before boarding.  The Pumpkin Spice Brulee was magnificent!  With Fall right around the corner, I need this in my life.  Here's the tasting notes from Teavana: "Richly sweet + creamy white + dark chocolate meets sweet pumpkin and toffee flavors, an undertone of sweet spice + mocha."  See why I thought it was so good.

3.  Toms' Ankle Booties
Just look at these beauties!!  How cute would these be with a fun fall outfit?!?  I'm in love.  The little tassel in the back just adds to my love.  Wonder if I can wait for my birthday in November or do I need them now?  That's a tough question.  Thoughts?

Click HERE to purchase
4.  Mr. McDreamy
Looks like Patrick Dempsey has landed a job after the tear-jerking exit from Grey's Anatomy.  He'll be working with Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth on the Bridget Jones's Baby movie.  Man, I sure am going to miss seeing him weekly.  If you're a Grey's fan, get ready -- Season 12 will be starting in just two more weeks.  September 24 to be exact.

Patrick Dempsey's First Post-'Grey's Anatomy' Role Is Set

5.  Forgiveness

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!  We are expecting lower temperatures in the St. Louis region and I have this vision of being able to sleep with the windows open and snuggle under some blankets.  I'll be back on Monday to let you know how that works out.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The New Mrs. Adventure
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I love that post about forgiveness, it really makes an excellent point! Also, I'll HAVE to check out that Teavana blend. it sounds absolutely heavenly.

  2. I love everything on this post. But I love the forgiveness quote the most.

  3. I'm already missing McSteamy. I can't wait for that show to come back, as well as How To Get Away With Murder. Viola Davis is such a great actress.

    I hope you have a great weekend Penny. Thanks for linking up. :)

  4. Does he not get any hotter as he ages? Seriously, is it just me?

  5. I love the Pumpkin Spice Brulee tea from Teavana. I'm actually not the biggest fan of pumpkin spice drinks, but that tea is one that I always drink during the fall. :)

    And that quote on forgiveness! Such a good one. That's how I've always felt.

  6. Those ankle booties have my name all over them!! Happy weekending!!

  7. I haven't gotten a pumpkin spice anything :( I'm feeling behind lol!

  8. I remember on 9/11 I was driving to school, I was in college. I remember getting there and everyone on campus was crowded around one TV and it was just horrifying.

  9. If you like the Teavana Pumpkin Tea, you have to try an online company called Plum Deluxe's Pumpkin Spice. It is the best!

  10. What a lovely roundup! I am going to have to try that tea!!

  11. I've never seen that Budweiser commercial before. I had no idea they only aired it once. That was the right thing to do. I love it when big corporations show that kind of class & compassion. It gave me goosebumps. I had to share it on my fb fan page- thanks for sharing it here. This is a great list!

  12. this Budweiser commercial might be simple but it touches my heart... ;(

    great blog,

  13. That last one. I needed that. I need to forgive someone badly, not for him but for me. Thank you for that reminder.

  14. Penny, you better get those ankle boots asap!!! Great post, loved everything about it!
