Sunday, September 13, 2015

Exciting Week Ahead

Welcome to Monday!  Hope you had a great weekend.  We had a taste of fall here in St. Louis this weekend as the temperatures dipped into the lower 70s during the day and even lower at night.  It made for some great sleeping weather with the cool breezes blowing in the open windows.  The milder temps will be short lived because it's supposed to be back in the 90s this week.

I'm going to start my weekend review with Thursday.  Me and two friends from work went to see A Walk in the Woods after putting in our time at the office and guess what - we were the only three in the entire movie!  We were in a theater that served food so we ate and chatted during the whole flick without having to worry about disturbing anybody.  We might have even snapped a picture with my selfie stick.  Seriously, if I ever win the lottery and have tons of extra money, I'm adding a theater to my house mansion.  Oh, and the movie -- it was pretty good.  Anyone else see it this weekend?

Friday night I was in my happy place.  Eric met me at one of our favorite sushi restaurants, Wasabi Sushi Bar, for a quick dinner.   Yum!

When we were finished, Eric headed home to start a fire in the firepit and move the TV outside (thank you AT&T U-verse) while I ran into Dillard's to collect the Clinique Bonus Days loot.  Love me some free Clinique products!!

Once home, we wrapped up in some blankets, sat by the firepit and watched the Cardinals game.  I love doing this!!  Too bad the Cards didn't play a bit better, but sitting outside by the fire was still a great ending to the week.

Saturday, well Saturday was a total bust.  I did nothing super productive.  I didn't even take a shower!!  The day started with me catching up with a few of my favorite blogs and someone mentioned the book Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson.  I bought it and immediately started reading.  Currently I'm at 50% complete.  I'm having a hard time putting it down.

I should have spent the day cleaning the house.  I "tidied" a bit, but I really wouldn't call it "cleaning".  I have company visiting in two weeks so hopefully I'll find it somewhere deep down inside me to get the "cleaning" done.

Sunday I headed to the Rams game with Ian, Kayla and Ian's friend John.  What a pleasant surprise that turned out to be!!  First, Kayla and Ian gave me the Teavana tea I mentioned in my Five on Friday blog - YEAH!!  Then the Rams actually showed up and played the entire game (they don't always do that).  As a matter of fact, they won in overtime!!  Fun times!  Let's hope this wasn't the last opening day for the Rams in St. Louis.

Now it's the end of the weekend and Eric and I are so excited about this coming week.  Our new nephew will be joining our family on Thursday (if not before) and we are giddy with excitement to meet him!  New babies are the best and I can't wait to snuggle that little bundle of joy!

Hope you have something great going on this week.  I'm going to try to tackle that "cleaning" I referred to earlier. Wish me luck on that one!

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Ours included a chuerch picnic and a pancake breakfast :)

  2. That sushi looks delicoius! I always love getting the free clinique samples1

  3. You have such a fun life! Seriously, I love how every post is so happy and upbeat, fun things happening, it's really a nice treat to read on a Monday, for sure!

  4. It looks like you really had a blast. You are lucky you can move your tv outside. That fire looked so nice.

  5. I grew up in St. Louis! It's always fun to find other St. Louisans... is that a word? Anyway, I just noticed that a Walk in the Woods is playing at our local theater (it's the cutest... they still have an organ player before each show). Maybe we'll check it out this weekend!

  6. Yay! It looks and sounds like you had a fun time!

  7. We had a bonfire Friday night too - stl's weather was perfect for it. I'm going to post about it tomorrow, if you need a laugh read it because some of the questions the host was asking me about hosting a bonfire were funny!

  8. I really want it to get cooler here, & some free time, so I can sit out by a fire pit. Looks like a great weekend!

  9. Sounds like you had fun this weekend! Our temps have dipped as well, but we're getting our last hurrah of Summer the rest of this week, then it'll be chilling off again. Boo.

  10. Looks like you had a great time 😊😊 I love these outdoorsy type picnics.. Lots of fun 😊

  11. I love those theaters that serve food. One of the best inventions ever. Loooove Clinique bonus days! Do you know when it ends? Thanks for thinking up again this week!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
