Monday, September 14, 2015

Baked Salmon

One of the many things I love about getting together with a group of friends is the conversations that always ensue.  When we were on our float trip, we were swapping recipe ideas and TW brought up a salmon recipe that Nick's mom makes.  TW said it was "the best salmon he's ever eaten", so naturally all our ears perked up and we wanted the recipe.

TW wasn't 100% certain of all the details, so Nick texted his mom and soon we were all enlightened on exactly how to make this wonderful fish dish.  A few days after I got home, I gave it a try and totally understood where TW was coming from.  Great salmon recipe!  So, like any good friend would do, I'd like to share it with you today.

Here's What You Need

Salmon Filets
Olive Garden Italian Dressing
Salt and Pepper

Here's What You Do

Season your salmon fillets with salt and pepper.

Lay the salmon in a foil packet that has been sprayed with oil and cover with a layer of thinly sliced onions.

Pour Olive Garden Italian Dressing over the salmon and seal up the packets.

Bake for 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

When done baking, carefully open packets and move to your plates.

This dish is great for work nights.  It assemblies easily and then while it's baking you have time to change your clothes, go through the mail and get the rest of your meal ready.  I served the salmon with steamed asparagus.  It would also pair nicely with a side salad and rice.  And don't let the nutritional value be forgotten -- salmon is a great source of high quality protein and the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids we all need.  You can pat yourself on the back for serving this great dish to your family.

Another thing I love about this recipe is the fact that you can make it for one person or an entire neighborhood.  Just buy and prepare however many salmon fillets you need.  I fixed an extra one just to take for lunch the next day.  Hope you try and love it as much as we did!

Handmade Tuesday's with Kristen


  1. Oh my! This sounds really, really good!

  2. That looks so yummy!! I have to get that dressing!

  3. This looks divine! I will be trying this for sure! Thanks Penny! I also share healthy recipes on my blog :)

  4. I love salmon and Olive Garden salad dressing. I have never thought about combining the two together. I actually made salmon for dinner last night, and thought the butter and lemon was getting a little strong and wanted to do something different. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This looks delicious! I don't like to eat onions so I'd probably throw them away after cooking with them!

  6. My mom would love this!

  7. I love the idea of placing the onion right on top!!! I will have to try this. You and I were on the same wave length with cooking salmon this week!

  8. I haven't had salmon in a while but I need to give it more of a chance. This looks good. :)

  9. I actually have some of that dressing in the fridge!! Gotta try this.

  10. I've never been a big fan of salmon however maybe when adding that dressing, it would be delicious!

  11. Yum! I have that dressing at home. Can't wait to try this!

  12. Great for a weeknight dinner! Thanks for sharing!

  13. So easy too! I haven't had salmon in forever. I'm going to pick up some just to make this recipe.

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  14. Yum, yum, yum, salmon is my fav! Pinned & shared and thanks for sharing with us on #TryaBiteTuesday. See you next week!

  15. YUM! I'm always looking for new salmon recipes since it's one of the only seafoods I can eat. LOVE the dressing you incorporated :)

    Green Fashionista

  16. Such a wonderful fish recipe, thank you for sharing! My hubs will love this!!

  17. I love salmon and always looking for different recipes for it. So happy to see yours and I will definitely try this in the next few days. Thank you!

  18. Looks easy enough. Anything with onions is jut that much better!

  19. I have to make this for my husband asap! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! This post has been pinned on the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! I love having you and can't wait to see you next week!

  20. I havent made this recipe in so long, I had to come to the Blog to remember the temp and time. LOL, making this tonight! So glad you shared this recipe!
