Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hey -- It's a Giveaway!

Hey guys!  I'm helping my friend Krysten over at Why Girls Are Weird celebrate her 32nd birthday!  Come join the fun and enter to win two great prizes!!

Here's Krysten letting us know what you could be lucky enough to win:

First up for grabs in a mystery bag from yours truly! This bag is valued at $100 and holds some of my favorite things, including nail polish, candles, and maybe even something from Sephora. Who knows but you’re going to want to win this!

And the second thing? My friends and I put our money together and another lucky winner is going to score $250! How exciting is that?
Good luck!!  And if you win the $250 and want to invite me out to dinner, I'll probably say yes!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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