Thursday, October 1, 2015

Welcome October!

Thanks for stopping by Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  We're so glad you're here and hope you link up.  Thanks to everyone who linked up last week and welcome back.

Today I'm thinking out loud about October - and what a magical month it is.  I have this thing for watching the leaves turn.  Thank goodness we live in a state where about mid month something magical can happen with the trees.

Actually I fall for the blues and greens first, but you can't deny what October does. Always stuns me.:

If you pay attention, you will notice that slowly the leaves will start to turn from the green they have been all summer to these rich tones of red, orange and yellow.  When the wind blows, they gently leave the branch and meander to the ground in this enchanting way.  I love it!

This year I've planned a family vacation in southern Missouri.  We've rented a cabin that sits on the Niangua River and is surrounded by trees.  Every day I say a little prayer that our timing is just right for seeing the leaves at the height of their fall glory.

Autumn forest river nature fall leaves flow HD Wallpaper

The Martha Stewart in me wants the weekend to be perfect.  But even if the weather doesn't cooperate 100 percent and the leaves aren't at their peak, it will still be wonderful to have my parents, husband, son and daughter-in-law together for the weekend.  

Want to hear a random fun fact about October that has nothing to do with the leaves?  Well, there are more US Presidents that have been born in the month of October than in any other month.  Six former presidents blow out their birthday candles in October:  John Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Chester A. Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter.  As a matter of fact, today (October 1) is Jimmy Carter's birthday.  Happy birthday, Jimmy!

So what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday with me and Vanessa at X-tremely Vanessa . The rules are simple.  Link back to me and Vanessa in your post and add your favorite post(s) below.  Super easy!  Tell all your friends to link up too.  The more the merrier.  We'd love for you to follow us too!  #ThinkingOutLoudThursdays

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at


  1. This is such a pretty post this morning. I love what you said, your favorite color is October." So fitting with your photos. It sounds like so much fun a cabin in the woods with family. My favorite way to spend a weekend too. Have a great day Penny.

  2. Oh that will be a fun little getaway for the family. I love weekends like that, esp in Missouri :)

  3. Love fall! I can't wait for all the apple cider and pumpkin goodies!!!

  4. I am ready for scary movies, hot apple cider, and pumpkin EVERYTHING!

  5. I'm a total Fall Fanatic too. I used to love Summer more but the older I get, summer is taking a backseat to Fall.

  6. I love it when the leaves change. That's the thing I miss most about living on the east coast

  7. I love october!! It just happens to be my birthday month and Kyle's :)

    liz jo @ sundays with sophie

  8. I love the changing of the leaves as well! The colors are breath taking. Coming from the West Coast, the East Coast Fall was such a surprise!

  9. October is my favorite month— I love everything about it!
    — DT | Here I Scribble

  10. I love and miss Fall SO MUCH! We REALLY don't get the full experience here in FL. I get super bummed down here every fall! -Amanda Rinehart

  11. An October vacation sounds amazing. Have a great time at the river!
