Thursday, October 1, 2015

Five on Friday - October 2, 2015

Hello Friday!  October is here and I'm looking forward to busting out the Halloween decorations this weekend.  I know I'm a bit weird when it comes to stuff like this, but I don't like to put out my Halloween stuff until we're in October.  I'll be sharing my decorations next week on Thursday so stop by and take a look.

But I'm jumping ahead ~ today is Friday so let's take a look at this week's five:

1.  Jamberry Nails
A few weeks ago (actually it was a month ago, but that just doesn't seem possible) I went on a trip to Dallas to see Ed Sheeran in concert.  I blogged about it HERE.  A very cool Jamberry Nails Rep, Ellen, had sent me a sample set of nails to see if I liked them.  I thought that weekend away would be the perfect time to try them out because I didn't want to risk having chipped nails just in case Ed wanted to hold my hand.  Well, the nails worked out great!  Unfortunately, no hand holding by Ed took place.  Have you ever tried the Jamberry Nails?  There are SOOOO many cool designs!!  I'm in love with the Halloween ones.  Think I might have to get me some.  If you're interested in checking out all the styles or purchasing some, click HERE.  They were really easy to apply and lasted until I took them off.  Which one is your Halloween favorite?

2.  The Martian
The Martian opens today and it looks like a movie Eric and I both can enjoy.  Here's how Rotten Tomatoes summarizes it:  "During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Millions of miles away, NASA and a team of international scientists work tirelessly to bring "the Martian" home, while his crewmates concurrently plot a daring, if not impossible rescue mission. As these stories of incredible bravery unfold, the world comes together to root for Watney's safe return. Based on a best-selling novel, and helmed by master director Ridley Scott, THE MARTIAN features a star studded cast that includes Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara, Michael Peña, Jeff Daniels, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Donald Glover. "  Really hoping we can squeeze this movie into the weekend plans!

Martian movie

3.  Say Cheese -- It's World Smile Day
Go ahead -- give everyone your best smile today because it's World Smile Day.  I imagine everyone will wonder what you're up to if you walk around with a big smile on your face, but that's okay.  Let them wonder.  It's been proven that smiling relieves stress, boosts your immune system and lowers your blood pressure.  Sounds like some pretty good reasons to show that grin!

4.  After You:  A Novel
If you read Me Before You, then I'm sure you are as excited as I am that After You came out this week.  Jojo Moyes wrote a true gem in Me Before You.  Basically it's a very unique love story between Louisa and Will, two people that couldn't be more different.  It made me laugh and cry.   Read it stat if you haven't then you'll be all set to read this sequel.

Jojo Moyes
Click HERE to purchase
5.  Ummmm.....

Got big plans for the weekend?  The weather is supposed to be a bit on the cool side here in St. Louis so I'm thinking I might try to change out my closet to my fall/winter stuff.  My friend Mary is coming next weekend to help me with my closet and I don't want it to be a total mess when she arrives.  I know, it's kind of like cleaning your house before the cleaning lady comes but that's just me.  We have a brand new IKEA store that just opened so I definitely want to swing by there this weekend.  Stop back by on Monday to see what else I managed to do (or not do!).  Have a great one!

Linking up with:
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday 
The Jenny Evolution
The New Mrs. Adventure
The Evolution of Mom
Why Girls Are Weird
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks!


  1. I love the white nails with the pumpkin. I've never tried Jamberry but might pick up some. I love the Halloween designs!

    I love cleaning closets, isn't that weird LOL

  2. I just posted today on titled book worm, saying how I love Me Before You, and yet I had no idea there was a sequel you have made my day! #10thingsthatmademehappy

  3. I absolutely love Me Before You. Like Mackenzie said above, I had no idea there was a sequel! Wow! have to go get it right now.

  4. Those nails are adorable! And I love the quote!! Someone told me to dress for the job I wanted when I came into work in jeans and converse shoes (I'm a graphic designer - totally acceptable) and I responded that I wanted a creative job where I could wear jeans and converses! Shut them up ha

  5. I had no idea about World Smile Day and I am so looking forward to seeing the Martian. Those Jamberry Nail designs are cute but I can never get them on myself properly. :)

  6. Ive never tried Jamberry nails but those are adorable. I may have to try them out.

  7. I LOVED Me Before You!! I need to get After You now! I love all of her books!

  8. We are waiting for Joaquin to skip NY/ NJ so plans are kind of on hold.

  9. I love that Batman meme!! Those nails are adorable, my girls would love the halloween decorations on them.

  10. I'm hoping to get to the new IKEA this weekend too...along with lots of other stuff I want to get done, ha! Here's hoping we both make it :)

    I saw the Martian on Tuesday night, I highly recommend it!

  11. Doesn't the Martian look fantastic? I've been tired of the titles that have been in theatres lately, everything is boring or the same story lines just different actors. But this looks good.

    I hope you have a great weekend Penny. :)

  12. we want to see the Martian so bad! P.s. those nail designs are super adorable!

  13. I'm headed out on a semi-spontaneous date night tonight, and I'm thinking I might see if The Martian is playing near us. Thanks for the idea!

  14. I feel the same way about getting out Halloween decor. We have date night plans to watch the Martian!

  15. I'm starting to get excited for the Martian too. I keep hearing that it was an awesome book. Ridley Scott is great at Scifi too.

  16. I have Me before You in my collection and plan to start reading it soon. We are going to see the Martian tonight! I was interested in seeing it at all but my husband is excited about it. Love

  17. Visiting from the link up. I can't wait to read that book - I loved Me Before You!

  18. I just saw myself in a video that I didn't know was being recorded. After I watched it I realized that I need to smile more. Thank you for telling me that it relieves stress and lowers your blood pressure. That will help me accomplish my goal.

  19. It looks like you had a really great time these last few days. I really should check out the jamberry nails trend. I'm a single mom and havent gotten a mani or pedi in 8 months! It's terrible.

  20. I can't wait to see that movie either - looks good! I have to also try Jamberry nails, been meaning to! Glad to hear you had a good experience.

  21. I can't wait to see that movie either - looks good! I have to also try Jamberry nails, been meaning to! Glad to hear you had a good experience.

  22. The nail designs looks really cool. I love the quote on dressing for the job you want instead of what you have.

  23. I love those nail designs! I'm all about the nail polish lately. I love the pumpkin one the best!

  24. I've tried Jamberry nails before and really liked them. I love the new designs for October!

  25. I absolutely love the your last 5, the batman reference. :D

  26. If you can pick only one nail design, I say definitely go with the pumpkins. They're the best. But why limit yourself? Get them all! :)

  27. I have heard so much about Jamberry but haven't taken the plunge yet!

  28. Jamberry nails are great. My teen uses them and she gets some really cute looks.

  29. Wow I am loving the halloween designs from Jamberry nails! I have heard great things about their products!

  30. I really want to see The Martian! That looks like such a great movie.
    Morgan |
