Monday, October 12, 2015

Easy Apple Bites

If you are anything like me, around 8:00 pm I'm craving something to snack on before I wind down for the night.  Well, these little apple bites are just the thing to whip up.  Tonight I really needed them to drown my sorrows from my beloved Cardinals losing to the Cubs.

The recipe for these babies has been making its way around cyberspace, so you might have seen a version someplace.  I think I first saw it on someone's facebook feed and locked it in my memory bank to make the next time I wanted an impromptu dessert.

Here's What You Need
1 Apple
1 Can Crescent Rolls
Brown Sugar
Apple Pie Spice
Nuts (optional)

It doesn't take many ingredients to produce this recipe.  As a matter of fact, you probably wouldn't even have to get a cart at the grocery store to gather them up.  

Here's What You Do

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Cut your apple into eight pieces.  Most apple cutters core your apple and cut in into eight pieces all in one firm push.

Separate your crescent rolls into their eight perforated pieces.

Sprinkle brown sugar over each piece.  I don't even measure it -- just sprinkle it on.

If you like nuts, go ahead and add those to your crescents.

Lay a piece of apple on each crescent slice.

Roll the crescent around the apple.  Mine are not fancy.  I'm a realist.  These things are going in my mouth as soon as they are ready so no need to pretty them up.  If I were having company over, I probably would have taken a little more time with the rolling process so they would have looked better.  If you are using a jelly roll pan, cover it with parchment paper.  I used my baking stone so I didn't put parchment paper down.  Sprinkle a little apple pie spice on top.

Bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes.  Let cool for 5 minutes before you devour enjoy eating them.  Hope you like them as much as we do!


  1. Yum!! My mum always gives me apples from her tree, i'll have to try this!

  2. I hate to be a non believer but I think the cardinals are done :(

  3. Mmmm....those would probably be good with a dollop of pumpkin or something like that instead of the apple, as well!

  4. Oh I think I'm stopping for crescent rolls later, ha!

  5. OMG these look heavenly. And easy to make (which is always a bonus here). Thanks for sharing (I'm glad to have all of these ingredients on hand, whoo!)

  6. I love those crescent rolls! They are so versatile! :) And nothing says fall like apples and cinnamon, yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Whaaaaat? I need some crescent rolls. That looks simple and delicious.

  8. These are the perfect fall snack! I'll definitely have to try them out soon :)

  9. this will be part for a big party!

  10. yummy! I'm so glad apples are in season now!!
