Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekending - October 9, 2015

Oh my goodness -- this was one action packed weekend!  My friend Mary came to town for a visit.  We blended a lot of fun exploring places around St. Louis with a lot of work getting my closet in shape.  Here's a play by play recap.

Friday afternoon Mary rolled into town around 5.  We uncorked a bottle of wine and sat down to do a little catching up before heading to dinner.  Peel in O'Fallon, Illinois, was our destination for dinner and it did not disappoint.  They are known for their wood fired pizzas, but don't underestimate their salads.  We each had one and shared a pizza.  Just love that place!

After dinner, we headed to Hemingway's Zen Garden for a night cap before heading home to rest up for our big day on Saturday.

Saturday morning Eric, Mary and I met up with Kayla and Ian for some breakfast action at Blondie's downtown.  They have a yummy breakfast menu.  I had a delicious bagel with salmon.  Oh so good!

After breakfast, Eric, Mary, and I journeyed out to Chesterfield for the St. Louis Vintage Market Days.  Kayla was able to also join us for a bit.  The show had been mentioned in Country Living magazine as one of the seven fleas markets and barn sales not to miss in 2015.

Tons of people took their advise because it was packed!  But we were able to enjoy ourselves and delighted in being outside on a beautiful Fall day.  I was making notes like crazy on things I thought I could make myself and items I wanted to get people for Christmas.  Very productive day!  The festival was cool and I'll definitely be watching for its' return.

When we left Vintage Market Days, we headed to LaBonne Bouchee restaurant to sample their menu.  You might remember I blogged about their strawberry Mousseline cake HERE and I was anxious to try out other items on their menu.  Look at their beautiful pastry case!

After enjoying entree items from their menu, we each ordered a different dessert.  We all dug right in to them before I even had a chance to snap pictures!  Here's pics of our half eaten sweets.  Yes, they tasted as good as they looked.

After doing a bit of shopping after our late lunch and watching our Cardinals lose game 2, we finally did start on my closet.  Guys, it was pretty messy atrocious!  We worked some Saturday night and did some more on Sunday morning.  Mary needed to head back home early afternoon so the closet work stopped.  My goal is to wrap it up by Tuesday.  I'll give you a complete summary of that project later on.

Sunday afternoon I made a string of Halloween garland to go across the mantle.  I had seen garland like this at several of the booths on Saturday and really wanted some of my own.  This is really easy to make and I love the finished project.  More on my Halloween decoration will be coming soon.  

Eric and I also watched some Sunday afternoon football.  The highlights of the week, though, were shown in this video.  Lesson learned:  Don't play Whip Nae Nae during pee wee football!  I wish I could adopt #57!  

And that, my friends, is my weekend recap!  My goodness this weekend went by fast.  As I sit here typing this, I'm feeling pretty good about what I got accomplished this weekend.  Don't you just love that feeling!?!  It kind of makes me excited to start the week tomorrow.  There's a good chance traffic will be light tomorrow morning due to the Columbus Day holiday.  Light traffic always makes me happy!! Hope you have a great week and stop back by soon.

Check out what others were up to this weekend.


  1. That market looks really fun. The cakes look really fresh and delicious!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  2. That looks like such a fun weekend! And the food all looks so delicious!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE Flea Markets. We have a great one in Cleveland called the Cleveland Flea and I usually go every month when its on! And that cake. Yum... Looks like a great time!
    xx, Karen
    Glam Karen

  4. Those salads look amazing! Wish ihad one for lunch today!

  5. That market and desserts (and the apple salad!) looked awesome. I made a fabric banner this weekend too and love it!

  6. Such a fun action packed fall weekend. Those salads, and the market and those deserts? What more can you ask for an amazing weekend. Now I'm definitely craving cake!! Happy Monday (:

  7. I heard pros and cons about the vintage market, I'm glad you were able to find some items.

    And double major BOO to all our teams this weekend, they majorly let me down :(

  8. I would have loved that vintage market!!! And that cake!

  9. Oh those cakes...I want one of each please :)


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